
Christmas at Carriage Hill by Carla Neggers

beyondevak's review

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This book was a tough one for me. I had a difficult time getting into it and found myself looking repeatedly at my page count to see just how much more I had to go in order to be finished with it. I thought that it had a romantic element of sorts, but it just never seemed to pull me in enough. I wish I could say more, but there it is.

I loved the cover of this book!

Rating: 2.25/5
Recommend: Unable to do so

I was provided with a complimentary copy of this novella by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

hongim's review

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I just like longer books better. But it was good other than that.

ssejig's review

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Designer Alexandra Rankin Hunt is going to Knights Bridge, Massachusetts to bring Olivia Frost her wedding gown. The fact that she gets to simultaneously avoid Ian Mabry is just a bonus. The handsome RAF pilot was nothing more than a fling, no matter what her heart says.
Except... Ian is in Knights Bridge when she gets there. And he seems
pretty serious about making sure that her heart wins out over her head...
A lovely addition to the Swift River Valley series.

katherineep's review

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Pro: One of my favorite premises with romance novellas is when the main characters have a history. The whole watching them get to know each other is already done and instead we get a little peek into a story that's already taking place. It was wonderful to see Dylan and Olivia's wedding and worked as a great plot device to get all the characters together. I also really enjoyed seeing a little resolution to Grace and the story of Alexandria and Dylan's family. Watching Ian and Alexandria work through their issues was really sweet and it felt like this was a relationship that worked.

Con: I need a family tree for Dylan and Alexandria's family. It was kept fairly simple by referring to people mostly by their relationships (like Alexandria's grandmother, Dylan's father) but if you're new to the series you're going to be really confused. I also would've liked for Alexandria and Ian's problems laid out a little clearer. I was never exactly sure why they broke up and then there were some comments that were made toward the end that seemed a little out of left field.

Overall:If you're a fan of this series this is definitely not one to miss. We see the wedding for the couple from book 1, get a little more development in a pretty important story arc and see a romance develop that's sweet in it's own right. It's not perfect but it's a fun Christmas-y read and I'm completely with Loretta about the not loving snow!

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shell74's review

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“We overcomplicated things and got cold feet not because we were falling out of love but because we were falling deeply in love. It’s true, isn’t it, Alex?”
“It is,” she whispered.

Christmas at Carriage Hill is a sweet holiday romance novella set in the charming town of Knights Bridge, Massachusetts. In a story where the past and present collide, Alexandra and Ian find themselves swept away by passion while contemplating their individual futures.

If you’re new to the Swift River Valley series, it may be a bit confusing jumping in with this short story. There are a lot of characters and quite a backstory that draws them all together which might be difficult to understand here.

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missanniewhimsy's review

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A bit of an abrupt ending, but still sweet. I'll also note that it relies pretty heavily on the previous books in the series.

thefox22's review

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I adore this series so much, and I was excited that Carla Neggers released a Christmas novella. I actually thought it was going to be about Dylan and Olivia, which I would have known had I bothered to read the synopsis. And so I was pleasantly surprised with how this one went. I really enjoyed Alexandra's story, and her chemistry with Ian. However, because of how it was set up, there was no buildup in their relationship. I was missing that, but it didn't ruin the romance. They were cute together, and this only made me want a full story with them as the main characters. One problem I had with this, though, were the info-dumps throughout. They were nice, because I'd forgotten some of what had happened in the last three books, but it was a lot of information being tossed out (so that if someone read this first before the other books, they would be thoroughly confused). They also didn't fit sometimes, and I was even confused once or twice because of all the details. But overall, I loved Christmas at Carriage Hill and it was something nice to tide me over until the next Swift River Valley book is released. :)