
Windrunner's Daughter by Bryony Pearce

brokebybooks's review

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When I received the email from YA Bound Tours for this tour, the cover immediately grabbed my eye. My only hesitate was being run down on post-apocalyptic dystopians with the last several being less than stellar. After reading the blurb, I decided to test myself. If I still thought about the Windrunner’s Daughter days later, I’d sign up to review it.

Good news, this system worked!

The Windrunner’s Daughter starts with a rapid fire prologue that tells the story of the founding trip to Mars. Earth is lost irrevocably, the exact reason matters not but of course, we destroyed it.

However, I’ve had a couple more questions since reading because it doesn’t give details on who started their sexist set up. Was it the Originals, humans agreed to this before coming over, or was it sabotaged along with the physical set up? How far back does this conspiracy go? How deep does the bigotry run?

Ultimately, it’s neither here nor there but it’s another avenue I wish was explored more. The world building is kept tight around what’s relevant for Wren’s journey and bucks the trend of dystopian trilogies. It’s refreshing along with the uniqueness of the setting. Yet…those very things make me want more.

The Good:
+Loved Wren
+Character progression
+Important and intriguing prologue that lays the ground work
+Action & twists I didn’t see
+Personal character conclusion is sweet
+Atmospheric with the wind descriptions and weather.
+Love the world building and setting
+Different and stands out from the pack of other dystopians
+Cover love

The Bad & The Other:
-Slow start
-Didn’t like Raw at first & his beginning actions still sour me a bit…
-Likable romance while reading but remain doubtful afterwards
-Open ending, Don’t find out answers behind the sabotage or how Mars will turn out

We meet Wren after the prologue and how she lives in her Mars colony. It’s a screeching halt after the space action in the prologue. It builds the politics, oppression, environment, and characters until Wren finally takes flight. It’s good. I enjoyed it and it’s necessary but for some reason I wasn’t ensnared yet. Maybe it’s just another world where women are oppressed and that’s depressing? IDK. It was easily put down but wasn’t forgotten, so I stuck around. Then the rush hit and I couldn’t walk away.

Wren isn’t the typical dystopian heroine. She isn’t the chosen one and she doesn’t initially set out to change the world. She’s afraid. She worries and second guesses herself. I love how she’s dependent on her mask and terrified of the creatures. She’s not unique, except she’s the only daughter of a runner we met. I’m sure there’s more, breeding wouldn’t work any other way. She’s not the next Katniss and stronger for it.

“I'm not a broken pot," Wren cried. "You can't just give me away. I’d rather join the damned baby exchange.”

One of the foundations of the story is Raw. He’s an asshole and I don’t mean that in the “oooohh, bad boy” kind of way. I fucking hated him. He’s every douche nozzle boy bully on the playground. He’s legitimately terrifying and I worried for Wren. However, he ends up revealed, developed, and useful. I eventually enjoyed his part of Windrunner’s Daughter.

Even after discovering his backstory and progression, I’m still not sweet on him though. I was swept up while reading but it was soured by the “oh, he’s doing that because he likes you” undertones. I loathed hearing that growing up and even if it is true he’s interested in you, that’s no excuse. The good news is his behavior is corrected instead of condoned. I just have a hard time letting go.

I like how they grew as people and adapted to each other during their adventure. It’s sweet how they started to look at each other differently. While it’s true people bond over experiences and misattribution of arousal leads to stronger couples, I wish they had more in common. They clearly disagree about religion, politics, come from different subpopulations, and we don’t even know about the popular culture of the Dome to know what else they could agree or split on. How will Rawren live together and get along?

While I still appreciate what they’ve been through and think they can work it out, I’m left wondering about their future; their OTP status is up in the air along with the future of humanity on Mars.

But I LOVED the flying and exploring they did. It’s gorgeous with better wind/air descriptions that I’ve run across, even in wind nymph/mage books. The feeling, the freedom of flight is so pure and prominent it elevates the setting and creates atmosphere to sweep you away.

“Light played over silver graphene and the fluttering material sang alongside Wren’s laughter.”

For a long while it’s only these two kids on a dangerous topsy-turvy path. We only learn about Wren’s family through flashbacks until much later. I love how it includes the naturally skewed way we view people close to us and how everyone has different sides.

It was a welcome change to meet more runners and grounders. Their religious fever and witch trial parallels are apparent and it fits their evolution. My only question is how did runners end up immune? Was it just separation or a deliberate decision by the establishment? Fascinating. I love thinking all these things through. It’s not a spoon-fed blue print of failure and preaching, but a snap shot of possibilities while remaining clear in its stand.

“I write these acknowledgements with my own message - never give up on your dreams, dear reader. Because somebody, somewhere is waiting for you to get it right.”

The dystopian craze may be over but The Windrunner’s Daughter shows there’s still plenty to enjoy and explore, even if it doesn’t break all the molds.

For dystopian fans that want a different setting and a different type of heroine. If you’re burnt out on the oppression of women or want a diverse cast, you might want to skip it. If you love hate-love relationships and redemption, you’ll love Rawren.

katellis's review

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What an incredible, rollercoaster ride of a novel! I absolutely loved the feisty heroine, and her adventure across the partly-terraformed Martian landscape was breathtaking. I was on the edge of my seat until the last page!

novelbloglover's review

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I loved the Windrunner's daughter! Despite the novel starting a little slow it soon picks up at an astounding pace. One thing I instantly loved is that this book is set on Mars, we get some background early on like the characters live on Mars after an incomplete colonization due to a sabotage although the reasons for leaving Earth or the sabotage aren't really explained. The society is divided into two casts; runners and grounders. The runners are male and the grounders female and this plays a huge part in the overall novel. The role of the women is very patriarchal they are expected to produce children and do housework, although it should be noted that they can be elected in the Grounders' councils.Travelling around Mars would be hard enough challenge on its own. So traveling around Mars in mid-air, using wings that don’t belong to you, with a man who has never flown before, is near impossible. Wren our protagonist takes on the impossible task of flying across Mars to find her brothers and her father, who haven’t returned from their last flight yet. The only problem is girls aren’t allowed to fly. So after stealing her brother's training wings, she leaps off the platform and into the wind to begin her journey. I ended up loving this book, the characters, the romance, the setting. Even though the beginning was a bit slow, it picked up in terms of intrigue and plot. I really enjoyed Wren's character and her motivations. She is noble, yet makes mistakes while Raw surprisingly is a very emotional character. Wren and Raw were by far my favorite characters and I hope to read more from this author soon. Highly recommended!

utopiastateofmind's review

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I ended up loving this. The characters, the romance, the setting. All of it. Even though the beginning was a bit slow, it picked up in terms of intrigue and plot. I really enjoyed Wren's character and her motivations. She is noble, yet makes mistakes. Raw is a surprisingly emotional character. Additionally, the whole society is a very interesting, if not disconcerting, mix. The author's note at the end is both illuminating, and speaks exactly to why we need this book.

full review:
Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley.

sof's review

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Netgalley copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book took a little time to grow on me, but once I was good, I was good! This SF YA novel was incredibly rich in its setting (original and creative), its world-building (incredible) and its characters (layered and fascinating). All of this was carefully packed with dynamic and vibrant dialogues, a poetic style filled with wonderful descriptions that set the tone and scene right away. Wren was a great main character, interesting and unsettling but always oh so very brave and strong.

I found that there was music in the words chosen by the author, and I liked that a lot. Still, the story was filled with action as two completely different worlds collided. I really liked Wren and Raw together. Great novel, I recommend it.