
Small Blue Thing by S.C. Ransom

holly_marie's review

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This is the second time I've read this book and I don't know whether it is because I've already read this book or because I'm older than I was when I first read this book but for some reason I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first time around. When I read SBT for the first time I absolutely loved it but on my second reading it doesn't seem quite so brilliant.

Parts of the story are incredibly cheesy and would never happen in real life (I know that it is fiction and you would never find a bracelet that could let you talk to the dead but still some of the romance was just too much for me). Alex and Callum were declaring their love for each other when they had only just met a few days ago, that just wouldn't happen in real life.

However I love the characters and the chemistry between them, you can tell that S C Ransom put a lot of throughout into them, even the minor characters. While I'm not a big fan of some of the cheesier scenes I still love the book and the story, and the cover is absolutely gorgeous.

alanawheat's review

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14th February 2013.

I loved this book and I can't wait to read the other books!

10th March 2013.

I have now read all the books, Ahhh... they were GREAT! It was such a cute, tragic, romantic story between a girl with a bracelet and a ghostly handsome dirge boy. It had me on the edge of my seat, will the ever properly be together????? I was continuously asking myself. Sometimes I thought:
"Naaa... there's no chance. Catherine, the idiot who she is has lost it for them..." but then I thought "Oh my god! It could work Callum and Alex could be together forever!...
Some nights I couldn't go to sleep for I was continuously debating whether the will finally will be together or not. It caused stress to my poor brain...


I thought it was ever so cute where they finally touched and kissed each other properly. So cute.

beansie's review

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This was a book I first read back in primary school, although more than 10 years on I did not remember much of it. I picked this up from my shelf because I had no power and all of my electronics had died, so my kindle wasn't an option.

I can see why 11/12 year old me bought this book - it was the kind of easy read that I have no trouble reading. I found the storyline to be quite predictable once I started reading and getting into the meat of things, however I still really enjoyed it.

Is it the best book I've read? No. But it was a nice morning read over a cup of coffee and I'm really interested in finishing the series.

kba76's review

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The front cover shows us clearly the focus the amulet will have. When Alex, about to celebrate her exams finishing, discovers this amulet in The Thames it sets forth a very unusual turn of events.
The concept behind this novel is fascinating. The idea that the amulets draw people together from different times but allow them to communicate with each other sets up, potentially, a great story. Unfortunately, it didn't really work out that way for me.
Alex is a bit hasty in her determination to fall for Callum, and the appearance of his sister is brought in so abruptly that her role as villain in thus novel seems rather pantomime. Where it got interesting was in what seems to be set up for the second in the series. There's clearly more to the amulet and Callum than we've been told, but I'm not sure this has enough to make me want to try and find out what it is.

ink_of_books's review against another edition

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2.5 Sterne....ganz knapp an der Grenze zu einem guten Buch vorbeigerutscht...vielleicht einfach ein bisschen zu 2010 :D

bookworldwanderer's review against another edition

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Die Story Idee fand ich echt gut, leider hat mir aber der Schreibstil und die love story nicht so ganz gefallen. 3/5