
Cost of Repairs by A.M. Arthur

linda_1410's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Nice little story with some pretty dramatic plot lines (which could have teetered over to melodrama but thankfully didn't) and sympathetic characters. Then it just kind of ends with an epilogue, leaving some dangling plots but nothing major.

cavityfila's review

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A sweet somewhat vanilla book for me. It had a very small town feel and moved a little slowly. But the connection between Sam and Rey was amazing. It was electric yet tentative, hot yet loving. It really pulled through and made the book enjoyable despite the turtle pace of the background story. And the oh so steamy sexy doesn't hurt either.

javalenciaph's review

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"Cost of Repairs" is the first book in the M/M romance series of the same title by author A.M. Arthur. It tells the tale of Samuel and Rey, two men trying to get on with their respective lives after enduring unbelievable hardships in their pasts. They're not interested in forever after but something just clicks between the two of them, possibly setting them on the very path they didn't plan for...unless the painful secrets they keep get in their way to happiness.

Samuel Briggs is a police officer who has recently moved from New Mexico to Stratton, Pennsylvania, a quaint but not-so-sleepy town. After suffering the loss of his life partner to a heinous crime, Samuel desperately needs to get away from the life he once had, if only for his own peace of mind. He's not looking for another relationship and would rather focus on remodeling his house.

Rey King has lived in Stratton for some time now, and while he holds down several jobs in order to pay off his debts, he's most known as the short order cook at Dixie's Cup, the local diner. He can't afford to be distracted by getting into a relationship he has no time for. He's not the type to stir up trouble but he's also very protective of those closest to him, putting himself on the line when necessary.

When Sam and Rey meet, there really isn't much of a spark, or so you would think. They don't exchange too many words and their interactions are limited, but a chance meeting at an out of the way supermarket leads to an afternoon neither of them are bound to forget. Both are hesitant to acknowledge that they want more than just that one time and it takes Rey being badly hurt while protecting the young waitress he works with for Sam to recognize he cares more than he lets on.

As they try to maneuver their way through what appears to be the beginnings of a relationship, they find the need to adjust to one another. Rey has never really had anyone take care of him the way Sam wants to, so offers for him to live with Sam and work on the house so that he'll have a place to stay and some money in his pocket aren't all that easy for him to accept. Sam, on the other hand, is still refusing to truly acknowledge that he feels something for Rey, distancing himself time and again.

As time passes, the secrets that they're carrying are darker than either of them can imagine. The ghosts of their pasts are still there, only Sam's is closer than he thinks, putting both their lives in danger. Will they be willing to fight for what they have together or only realize what they've missed out on if one of them loses their life in the process?

I've been on somewhat of an M/M kick the past few weeks and I'm happy to say that "Cost of Repairs" was a truly worthy read. It had a touching story, sometimes painful but always hopeful, and two lead characters that were so lost but seeming to wait to be found by the other without knowing it. The supporting characters were also great, introducing them in a way that will make you want to learn more about certain people if (WHEN!) they have their own installment in the series. ^.^

I'm really glad I discovered "Cost of Repairs" and I made sure I read all the available books in the series soon after finishing this first one. My reviews for those will be posted in the days to follow. ^.^ For now, let me end this particular review by giving "Cost of Repairs" 4.5 stars (rounded off to five stars for Goodreads) and noting that, after having read several of her books now, A.M. Arthur is one of my go-to M/M authors. ♥

j_bookaholic's review

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This book started off super strong for me. I really enjoyed the first 50% or so and I adore the characters in this story. Unfortunately by the second half of the story there was just too much going on and things were not being resolved in a way that was satisfying.
SpoilerI did not understand the loan clearing up, I kept thinking one of the townsfolk or Sam had something to do with it, but no..

I'm thinking maybe part of their story continues in book 2, so I am going to read that and see.

The romance portions of this story were strong though and I really liked these characters together.

geeknb's review

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4.25 stars

I love a broken man finding love and here we have two of them. The story never seems to lag, taking you on a ride right up to the final chapter. Might have lost half a star for the face fucking incident because, despite what I've just said about broken men, I did have an eye roll moment at that point and wondered how many more bad things could (a) happen to stop these two guys from being happy, and (b) have happened in one man's past.

I would be demanding Sky's story next, but having already read the blurb for the next book, I know that it is coming *happy sigh*

charms1976's review

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Cost of Repairs is the first book in the Cost of Repairs series by author A.M. Arthur. It is a M/M Romance with the main characters being Sam Briggs and Rey King. As the warning above mentions, there is angst and hot man-on-man action aplenty in this book.

Sam Briggs has just moved to Stratton, PA. He left New Mexico after a tragedy had him needing to get away from the painful memories. Rey King has also had some hard times and is barely making it day by day. When they both meet, the sparks fly and they both find something they weren't looking for. What starts out as a fling, ends up being just what they both needed in the love department.

If you are thinking this is just a book about falling in love between the two, you are wrong. This book is full of angst and the happy times are few. With that being said, the angst made this book actually work. I found I was curious about the dark pasts of both characters. I wanted to learn their dirty little secrets. I wanted them both to be able to work past those things and just be good together. While the book did slow down in parts and get a little repetitive, I found myself not really minding too much because the characters carried the story for me. I was already curious about the two men that I didn't mind reading about the unimportant things that were thrown in.

Overall, I am pleased that I heard about this book. I now have a new author in the M/M world to follow and to enjoy.

nicola949's review

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Sam and Rey have both suffered tragedy in their lives and this story gives them their happy ever after.

Rey is a hardworking cook at the diner and well-respected by the community. He has spent the last 6 years struggling due to a number of circumstances. "In some small ways, Sam also made him want to work harder. Not at paying work - Reign already worked hard enough for three people at those. No, it was at being a better, more alive person. At doing more than just existing, like he'd done for the last six years." Sam doesn't judge Rey for his actions, he understands running from the past and making a new life.

Both these men have demons to face and things don't go smoothly. The characters are likeable, Sam for his strength and understanding and Rey for his resilience and the love he shows for
Spoilerhis daughter
. The story is well-paced and has some good hero moments.

bibliophile24's review

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They had a few too many bad things happen to them, but I liked it anyway! I was rooting for them all through the book!

karlijnmerle's review

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This book was on my to read list for a long time. Like really long. And I'm so happy that I have read it now. It was an amazing story.

A story about healing, caring and loving.
Both Samuel and Reign had pretty heavy pasts. They weren't dealing with it right and they weren't really living life. They were just doing what was needed.

But from their first meet, they changed. They didn't see it, but they were healing. The fact that there was another one who cared about them, who would do everything to keep the other safe, slowly helped them.

They opened up to each other and that was emotional and beautiful to see. They love they have for each other was something I hope to feel myself one day.

suze_1624's review

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A fairly fast paced read that generally flowed very well.
The story is of Sam and Rey, how they meet, discover each other and discover the stories of their lives to date. They have both had traumatic pasts that tug at the heartstrings but are dealt with at a distance in retelling.
I really felt for both characters and you could see why both were gun shy about relationships.
Whilst being too good to be true, I liked that some of Rey's troubles were easily resolved and I' thought that the issue of the child was just forgotten, I'd have liked more certainty on that as it seemed key to Rey.
I read it all in one go, an enjoyable story of survival and new beginnings.