
All I Never Needed by Katie Klein

bookdrgn's review

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It took me a bit to get into this. The first chapter was off in a way I can’t put my finger on. I almost gave up before I got to chapter three. But once I was in, I was hooked and couldn’t put it down.
River is a contradiction as the trust-fund, rich boy with heart, soul, and kindness in his heart. He’s caught between a rock and a hard place on many levels in this book. His mapped out future versus his dream takes a side step when Harley arrives and the drama that follows her lands in his lap. I actually really liked him as a character. He’s a teenage boy on the cusp of manhood, but he’s mature and responsible, a family-oriented guy. His twin, Lake, was more difficult to like for most of the book. But, for all her snarkiness and standoffishness, she’s loyal to those she likes and doesn’t pretend to be someone she’s not, or like someone she doesn’t. I warmed up to her toward the end when she stood by her brother.
Harley Belle is a stark contrast to the people of Aurora. Raw and way too laid back and hip for the upper echelon country club family she finds herself thrust into. She’s a filmmaker, thrift shopper, and has her own goals. She pushes against the ties that bind for her protection, angry that she needs protection but understanding why. Far more vulnerable than she lets on, but confident and blasé about people liking her or not.
Jean-Luke is a seriously cute character. Far too wise for his six-tears of age, he adores his cousin River and watches everything around him. His twin Gia is a little less friendly, much like Lake.
We don’t see much of River’s parents because most of his time is spent at his Aunts, babysitting the little twins with his twin. His Aunt is a good character who manages things to the best of her ability while running for office in the public eye. Harley’s father seems like a solid guy, protective to a fault and not from the family money so more laid back like his daughter.
The step-cousin thing took a bit for me to wrap my head around, but Harley and River hadn’t even met before, so the close relationship isn’t there.
The ending was perfect. The culmination of Harley running from her ex was necessary to facilitate her flourishing into the life she was meant to have. I really appreciated how the ending was about Harley, not Harley and River.
I received a free copy of this via BookSirens in exchange for a voluntary, honest review. All opinions are my own.

veronicanrcatanese's review

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I received an advance review copy for free (thank you, Book Sirens), and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Let me start by saying that I could not put this book down. I stayed up until 5 AM to read it knowing I had to be at work at 9 AM. But wow, was it worth it. I was completely encapsulated by the world of Harley Belle Thorpp. From her life in Portland with her mom and the Otters, to her father's new family in Aurora.

Harley Belle Thorpp was in a toxic relationship with a man with socio-pathethic tendencies. Katie Klein got the writing of the manipulative boyfriend pretty perfectly, it's impressive. Anyway, because of him, Harley is forced to move across the United States to live with her dad and his new family she has never met. Along the way she meets River and Lake--more importantly, River. Throughout the various awful events that occur while in Aurora and the setbacks Harley and her family are constantly dealing with because of the ex-boyfriend, a beautiful friendship/relationship grows between Harley and River.

I loved how Katie Klein wrote so organically about the friendship between Harley and River. For all intents and purposes, River and Harley are an unlikely match, but it works. And it works well--but I refuse to spoil it.

There are other characters to love in this book besides our two main characters (River and Harley who the story is told through). There are the Otters--Zain, Oliver, Adam Ford, SlimJim and Frankie--Darla and Graham, Jean-Luke and Gia. I'm not exaggerating but Jean-Luke, Harley's six-year old step-brother, may be my favorite literary character of all time. He is so pure and sweet and funny. I could not get enough of him. I know this is a stand alone, but I would read a second book just for Jean-Luke (although if I'm being honest, I just really want more).

The only thing I can say that I did not necessarily like was the ending. And I will not spoil anything. I loved the last chapter and how everything played out, however, I was expecting more. All of a sudden it was the epilogue and over a year and a half had gone by. I am dying to know what happened in that year and a half---it's all I can think about right now.

All in all, Katie Klein wrote a very beautiful, very intriguing, and very good story. The characters were great. The writing was phenomenal. It was the perfect combination of romance and thriller--it was exactly what I needed at this point in time.