
My Life Next Door, by Huntley Fitzpatrick

renacuajo's review

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Read for the first time in November 2015

pixelski's review

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The perfect summer read! I loved everything about this book. Despite the serious issues it dealt with concerning family and the much more controversial, morality, I still found it to be a really relaxing, chill and refreshing read.

When I first picked up this book, I thought it would be a light read about summer love - first crushes and small differences in family but this turned out to be something so much bigger. And it was perfect.

Sam's life looks easy and perfect at first - her mother, being a senator, has given Sam and her sister Tracy quite a luxurious life with their immaculate house and private schooling. Sam has good grades, she's pretty and doesn't seem deprived in anyway. I thought I'd get annoyed at her character because she seemed so perfect but I really liked her. Sam has so much strength and it really comes through near the end and I admire her so much for that. From the beginning it's seen she secretly wishes she was one of the Garrett's next door and who can blame her? They're like a real family - where her mother is always away doing campaigns, Mr and Mrs Garrett are always at home for their kids. There's warmth, affection, attention and liveliness the Reeds lack.

Along comes Jase Garrett, the sweet boy next door who pulls Sam into his world. He's not the bad boy I've been accustomed to reading about and fallen in love with lately. Rather, he's kind, caring, the "fixer" of the Garretts and this sweet, honest six foot two of amazing just swept me off my feet. I loved the solidarity of his character; the way him and the rest of the Garretts are raised just ooze this air of goodness! I loved the moment he first appeared:'"Hey," he says again, sitting down next to me as though he knows me well. "Need rescuing?"' Any other boy and it would seem cocky and over-confident the way he just comes up her trellis and plops down next to her, but the way Jase does it, I don't know, it felt so sincere.

And the rest of the Garretts! Love them love them love them. There's something unique about each of them but put them together and there's really this sense of family that comes through when times are hard. Joel with the bad boy image and motorcycle becomes responsible when required; Alice with her ever-changing hair colour and constant flings can turn on her nurse training and mothering on a whim. I really liked that about the older kids - being able to put everything aside for their family as they'd been raised with so much love. And ah the sweet younger kids. My favourite from the moment I met him was 4 year old George. WHAT 4 YEAR OLD TALKS LIKE THIS: "Did you know that in space it's very, very cold? And there's no oxygen? And if an astronaut fell out of a shuttle without his suit he'd die right?" While sucking on a popsicle right after having wet the bed because he dreamed about black holes. YES A 4 YEAR OLD DREAMING ABOUT BLACK HOLES. I thought black holes was something from a kid show but nope, this kid is a walking and talking National Geographic magazine. How adorable is that? -Gushes- I want a kid a like that omg. But yes all the Garretts have something so lovable about them!

Anyway, as I'm reading away assuming this is a chill summer read and thinking I really need a glass of Grace Reed's home made lemonade with lemon zest and mint ice cubes... shit gets real. And I'm like scrambling around going WOAH WHAT DID THAT JUST HAPPEN OHSHIT. I thought I knew right from wrong, left from right, up from down. But not after what happens. And poor Sam is left wondering which choice will leave the most and least impact. Fitzpatrick uses another incident that deals with morals earlier on to foreshadow and ease the reader into this bigger issue which I loved. I could totally understand the seriousness of the issue and how Sam was so confused about the RIGHT thing to do (I mean we think it's right... but heck). I put myself in her shoes and really, my own family versus the family of the boy I loved? It's betrayal either way. The way this was written really conveyed the turmoil Sam faces.

Now, the way this was written. I haven't seen a writing style like this since The Fault in Our Stars. This a lot lighter, but the wit and humour interwoven into serious matters at hand made me fall in love this book from the first page.
Things characters say like "Have you ever wondered what the hair on your toe serves?" or "Where's the baby? In the toolbox?" Had me cracking up throughout the whole book. The little bits of sarcasm made this such an enjoyable read and unparalleled with any book I've ever read.

Everything about this book was perfect - the pace of the romance, the tone/wit/humour/sarcasm and the amazing plot! It really made me question my morals. When we're not the ones facing the issue, we think it's so easy to pick the "right" side. I loved how this book made me feel, laugh, but most of all THINK.

What I didn't like about this book: that it had to end... but all summers end aye?

kishelreads's review

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What happened in this book? Reading this gave me an awkward feeling, like getting lost in a sea of people wearing skimpy bikinis and I'm wearing a tux. This isn't the book for me, that for sure.
I just thought that this book have that potential to become wee bit more interesting, bit more tugging and all. What with the 4+ rating it has.
But damn am I not disappointed. The plot is so simple and the climax part is not a climax in any way in my POV. It didn't have that: OMG-What-the-hell reaction or the Shit-this-isn't-supposed-to-happen. It was just, Ah-Ok.
It took so much patience and hoping on my side for me to finish this book. I kept on convincing my self to wait for it all to make sense, which sadly didn't happen.
Pfft.. puny rating.

charmaineac's review

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I loved this. It was such a nice summer read.

I got frustrated with Samantha though, while dealing with conflict. I thought she should've gone to Tim for his view on the situation, knowing he wouldn't judge (rather than breaking up with Jase). Or I thought she should've given Clay the ultimatum, saying she would reveal all unless they did something for the Garretts.

artsymusings's review against another edition

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My Life Next Door is one-of-a-kind read of 2013 for me. No, not because it's outstanding or extraordinary but because I went through the phase commonly known as everyone-loves-the-book-I-just-can't-see-why. There were just too many factors at play and I was irked by almost all of them. I went into My Life Next Door thinking that I'd be awed by the characters, their story and of course, the Garretts. I wanted to admire Samantha and swoon over Jase. But as it turned out, for me, the story lacked the punch to blow my mind away.

Samantha Reed is a not-so-typical girl living in a not-so-typical neighborhood which could only be because of the loud and large family of Garretts. Having always been lived in a small family consisting of a mother who's too busy trying to advance her career in politics and an elder sister Tracy, who's too busy with her life. Samantha feels alone. Yes, she had Tim as a best friend once but his habit and an uncaring attitude towards her drowned that friendship. Samantha did almost nothing to save it despite feeling as if she should have at least tried. Then she found a best friend in Tim's sister, Nana. Nana the ambitious one. It always comes back to bite you, doesn't it?

Samantha's summer days are going to be more dull than ever because of her mother's constant lectures on how to fill her days working, Tracy leaving for her last-summer-before-college experience, Nana being too busy with her boyfriend and finally, the new man in her mother's life, Clay Tucker. The name begs for some attention and instant suspicions sprout in her mind. Samantha accepts all this because she lacks courage to stand up and speak for herself to the point of being a pushover. Sometimes it seemed that she used to watch the Garretts just to spite her mother secretly. There had to be some solid issues than a parent just driving you to work harder for her to actually speak up on the said issues. So she continues her habit of watching the Garretts from the trellis outside her bedroom window. But this is the summer everything changes.

Jase Garrett is literally the boy next door; he's gorgeous, caring and loving. But I wasn't blown away by his words and I couldn't figure out why he was interested in 'a girl with a trust fund.' You know there's going to be some serious complications. I was honestly more interested in the eldest Garrett, biker Joel. What I did like about Jase though, was the way he really cared for his family. Alice always found a reason to whine about babysitting and what not but Jase's feelings about his siblings are genuine. The guy really has no flaws and I admired the way Huntley Fitzpatrick portrayed the budding relationship of Jase and Samantha.

Out of the Garretts, George Garrett is the best part of My Life Next Door. His curious questions is what made me enjoy this book as much as I did. Honestly, he'd be the sole reason for me reading the sequel. But there is another reason: Tim. He's raw and actually tries to improve himself. These two are the reason I liked My Life Next Door as much as I did. Nana seemed like a bad news to me early on and I hated how that dealt with. Alice had quite a spunky attitude which I liked a lot. Mrs. Garrett is another character that I admired.

However, the involvement of her mother and Clay Tucker with the Garretts just seemed fake to me. The whole thing could be realistic but the way they were handled is most certainly not. It bothered me to see how Samantha reacted to a very grave situation, I so wanted to shake some sense into her. Yeah, I understand her desire for love and attention which were so easily attained when the Garretts were around. She clearly suffered under her disguise of being the responsible and sensible child and I could see the appeal of living life the Garretts way. They didn't stop their children from pursuing whatever they wanted to, they gave their children the freedom. So yes, she belonged more in the Garretts household than she ever did in her home. I liked that part, it's the drama that really put me off. In the end, all the characters made up for the conveniently dramatic storyline in the book. Sometimes it's just hard to genuinely connect with a book and sadly, this was one of those times.

taracos's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness.
This book was wonderful.

I don't know if I've ever read a more enviable relationship. I loved it loved it loved it. It also wasn't just a cute love story but so much more. Gosh.

They characters were all wonderful. I loved Jase. I loved the whole Garrett family. I loved Tim. I loved everything.

restlessarcher4's review

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There are several things I loved about this book.
1. George....his questions and inquisitive ways
2. The raw emotions...going through teenage love, angst, fear, addiction, loss
3. The love....for 17 the characters are very mature and they are almost like a modern Romeo and Juliet who won't let anything stand in their way of true love
4. The twist of a mystery...sorta...a tragic accident

it's definitely not my norm but I enjoyed it.

adayinjune's review against another edition

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cristina0194's review

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I had high hopes from this book. But it was so childish and boring... And that ending: really? That's it?

bookgoonie's review

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It couldn't just be a sweet romance next door kind if book.