
Tigers for Dinner: Tall Tales by Jim Corbett's Khansama by Ruskin Bond

reviews_musings's review

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I have been on a Ruskin Bond spree in the holidays, and am so happy to open up this year's reviews with one of my favorite author. His books always make me feel nostalgic, books we have read when we were young and now fortunate enough to read them out to our children.

Tigers for Dinner is primarily meant for children, but adults will love it as much. It is about the author's childhood memories when he recounts the tall tales of his khansama Mehmoud. Mehmoud earlier served as a cook to the famous hunter Jim Corbett, whom he addresses as 'Carpet-Sahib'. Mehmoud had been with his 'Carpet-Sahib' in his various hunting expeditions and has also camped out with him in the nights in the fearsome jungle full of ferocious animals. Later when he joined the household of Ruskin Bond as his khansama, he found a perfect audience in a young innocent boy to narrate his tall tales in which he encounters fearsome beasts and man-eaters of the jungle and boasts about being a hero. They were all extraordinary feats of bravery; be it wrestling a king-cobra barehanded or saving a Maharaja from a wild boar. The boy listens to Khansama's stories wide-eyed and was in awe of his cook's courage. He, in turn, narrates all his stories to his classmates who over a period of time become jealous of him for having a super-hero cook. Only later does he realize that those were tall tales made up and told to him, but still such wonderful stories, that he decides to write a book on it.

Ruskin Bond always keeps it simple, yet beautiful. The same applies to this book as well. The stories are narrated in such simple language but are so vividly described that you wish you were sitting with him and the khansama in the kitchen as their companion and eat the delicacies and drink the seasonal mango milkshakes.

My six year old loved this book. He was listening to the stories wide-eyed and was in awe of Mehmoud who is now his new super-hero along with Jim Corbett. And I have enjoyed reading it along with him, diving into the world of hunters and the hunted, narrated in a lighter vein. Do not miss this book, especially boys under 10 will cherish it for years to come. Let them read and remember Ruskin Bond, as we do, to this day.

krishmys's review

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Well you know Ruskin, short and sweet stories.

dhw_ani's review

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We read Tigers For Dinner by Ruskin Bond as @ruskinbondbookclub 's September pick and gosh it was a good one!

The cook, Mehmoud had served Corbett Sa'ab before little Ruskin's family. Our little Ruskin devours tasty food and all sorts of stories. This collection brings out the tales Mehmoud served little Ruskin through his time. They are a tad bit over the top but they are hilarious and heroic. This is a book that's more of a recollection of all the tales Mehmoud had told Ruskin. That adds a personal touch to the book and Ruskin's innocence in the book is very cute. Also, Sunaina Coelho has done a stunning job with the illustrations

monikasatote's review

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This is an adventuresome book for kids and adults. It has a bunch of short stories about the experiences of Jim Corbett and his family cook Mehmoud who narrates these tales to the author. Mehmoud served as cook to the popular hunter Jim Corbett and later joined the kitchen at Ruskin Bond's house. Ruskin Bond, as a child used to gobble up the tasty food made by the cook while listening to the fun stories by the cook. Through the stories, Mehmoud talks about Jim Corbett's hunting rounds and his own ventures from the jungle with man-eating tigers, cobras, man-hunting crocodiles, Maharajas, frightful pillows and how he saved himself. This exaggerated version of the stories feed the curiosity of little Ruskin and he makes his friends jealous by telling the stories of his brave cook.

Exaggerated or not, I loved these stories filled with humor, captivating illustrations and simple narration. This book hits nostalgia, not in the terms of adventures because I haven't wrestled with tigers or cobras, but the love for stories, especially as a child was something I could relate to. Can't wait to read this book once again with my niece and nephew.

Definitely recommended for the fun stories and gorgeous illustrations.