
Peaceful Genocide by J.A. Reynolds

mlboyd20's review

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I would like to thank the author for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Having just finished this book and everything is still fresh in my mind; I can honestly say that I feel that I’ve been put through the wringer and amazingly came back in one piece. I can’t say the same for the characters in this book though. This book starts off running and just keeps on going from there. Do not let the cover detract you from this book; there is a smart and equally strong story beyond that.

First off, I just want to add that even though the synopsis gives you two characters, there are so many more that are involved in this storyline. There are more like Mitzi and Deuce and there is the other side too. Mystery for those brought into the program where the true purpose of the program isn’t known until near the very end. But the end is not even close for a couple of the characters involved.

During this book, you slowly get some answers, but even then there are more questions that pop up. Not just in the story but questions the reader will start wondering about after the last page has been read. Luckily, this isn’t the last of the story, but like many books out there today, it’s just the beginning. A thriller for the YA crowd that will have them thinking and not wanting to put this book down for a moment. As an adult myself, I also recommend this to readers of any age who like a good suspenseful thriller.

What I didn’t like about this book is that it brought up things about characters, but didn’t expand on them. How were they found by the OWR? What exactly happened to Mitzi growing up? Why did these things happen to her? Did any of their families know what they were being signed up to do? Those that had done other studies, where they done by the OWR too? Something tells me that Mitzi’s life could be a supporting novella to this series. She’s hot headed, quick to lash out, abused in the past by those close to her but that girl just keeps on pushing through and leaving you wanting her to come out on top.

I look forward to at least a sequel of this book and will be checking back regularly.

ctorretta's review

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So, all I could think while reading this was that I was going to have to look at synonyms for INTENSE because I’m going to be over using that word if I don’t. And nothing else fits. Intense perfectly describes this book to a T!

The intensity is ratcheted way up even at the beginning. Literally the start of the book is so intense that I was quite curious how the rest of the book was going to be able to keep up, but it does, oh my, it so does. There is so much WRONG with this book but it is horrific at it’s best and holy cow horrific at its worst!

Basically four teenagers are thrown into this messed up situation and one of the gals, Mitzi, winds up not trusting anything or anyone. As she’s asking questions I started to wonder if the scientists really did have something to hide because let me tell you they act really freaking strange when she asks too many questions. And then Mitzi runs out of the room (she does this multiple times) and comes back all dazed and confused but no longer angry. Messed up yet? Yes, yes I do think so…

I didn’t know what the heck to think of the plot. I mean the beginning was intense (there I go again but I can’t help it!), the middle was intense, hell at 20% it was so intense that I felt like I had to be at 80% and maybe this was actually a short story. There is that much to this! So much happens and as a reader I had to try to sit back and put the pieces together while the characters did as well.

And the characters were quite interesting. I sort of wish that Mitzi wasn’t as crazy sounded but I think she needed to be to show why she does the extraordinary things that she does. It seems like she’s asking for trouble but really all she wants is answers. Oh and for people to not touch her, seriously! Then, we have Deuce. I really liked this guy. He’s kind of this smart guy but he’s also sort of a block head (I think J.A. Reynolds must have spoken to my husband for this role!!) but there’s just something likeable about him. And the more I read about him the more I enjoyed reading about him.

The only downside and honestly it wasn’t that much, was the end. I wish there was just a bit more there! But then again if this is going to be a trilogy, maybe, just MAYBE, I’ll forgive J.A. Reynolds for this horrendous breach in trust with that cliff-hanger!

And just to add… I normally don’t like thrillers but this one had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Definitely had my heart rate up quite a bit as well. I found a new exercise where all I have to do is sit on the couch, and it’s called Read Thrillers!


asreadbyallie's review

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Actual reating: 3.5 out of 5 stars! Review will be posted on my blog 3/6/14! Enter to win an ebook copy of this book as well!

There were a lot of intense moments in this book, right from the beginning. It throws you lots of curves, and learning the truth about the facility is shocking!

I liked this book, but I didn't like the loose endings. And even though I loved Mitzi, a part of me wasn't expecting such a dramatic change in character. But this book is great overall, and I recommend it for anyone who enjoys the dystopian/sci-fi genre!

And also, I really hope there is a sequel to this book!