
Moonlight Prince, by Karpov Kinrade

missyansell's review

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It is loud, all consuming, layered like a chorus. It is soft and hard at the same time. It is gentle and furious. Not female or male. Something else. It surrounds me. It embraces and engulfs me.

Endings are always bittersweet. Ari must find a way to defeat King Lucian and stop the war between the Fae and Vampires.

I liked how it ended, especially the final battle. It did feel rushed in some parts, and I felt like it could have easily have been longer. I liked the first two the most, but still really like this one. I believe [a:Karpov Kinrade|7235297|Karpov Kinrade|] will only get better with their writing as the years go by. Overall I recommend this series!

mjluckett's review

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Book 4 and the final book in the Vampire Girl series.....

This book was hard for me... I was looking forward to a long series, and the announcement that this would be the last had me very sad....

That being said, I LOVED the book, LOVED the ending... and I see the reason to cut the series short... it would have been overkill to drag it out....

However I really hope that some of these character make there way into other books, or maybe get a series of their own....

I can dream anyway.... Great Job, I can't wait to see what you guys write next.

amanda95624's review

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This series is very captivating! When you think you have it figured out just wait you really don't. Very well written!

erinljones24_'s review

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This book was amazing! It was action packed and filled with so much change in emotion, from pain to sadness to joy. I cannot wait to meet the new characters in the next part of these series and see more of the characters I love so much đź’™ The only criticism I have is the length of the book, some parts jumped around and it could have flowed more easily but that's all. This series has my heart.

branpender12's review

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For those of you who have been devouring the Vampire Girl series from the beginning, you'll definitely want to finish the series with The Moonlight Prince! I fell in love with the Vampire Girl series as well as Fen and Asher, from the very first book. While I'm sad to see such an amazing series end, I could not ask for a better ending with Ari and Fen together and all the remaining Princes of Hell happy as well! (Oh yes, you read that correctly – REMAINING PRINCES!)
As Ari’s story continues, we are left to wonder who is this Moonlight Prince and how can he help end this series? This installment, like the other books in the Vampire Girl series, is action packed and does not lack in the battle scenes or in the defeats that ensue heartbreak and disappointments. The King of Hell is still seeking to claim all the spirts and their power for himself and the poor peoples of the land are the ones who are paying the heavy price that his latest war has brought on.
We are introduced to new characters in this book as well the continued progression of development for the rest of the gang. Poor Ash is enslaved under the castle by his thought dead father, the King of Hell, who is also masquerading as the Prince of Pride. I was relieved when Asher was relieved of duty bound oaths to his father as well as helping Ari get out of hers! There was no amount of disappointment when stepping back into the world of the Princes of Hell! Does Fen an Ace find Ari? Can Kayla control her Fire Druid abilities? As King Lucian's agenda revealed, how can the mysterious Moonlight Prince put an end to the endless slaughter of innocents? For all answers and more you haven’t asked yourself -YET- you need to read this book...

I did feel as though the ending was a bit rushed though. Ari is finally trained but gets her booty handed to her. All her determination and focus to get her to the end and BAM! Butt kicked and needing to be rescued. I know the leading role must face hardship, but Ari got her butt handed to her from the onset without chance to redeem herself. With that being said, it was still a good ending to a great series because honestly Ari had been training for what a few months? So in hindsight I guess it’s more like reality and not like the run of the mill book heroine who magically defeats everything that comes her way.

hannahbooth34's review

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Fantastic ending

I have thoroughly enjoyed the vampire girl books. This had the ending I was hoping for. I read all stories within a week very gripping.

shelovestoread81's review

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I was a little disappointed in the ending of this series. There was too ,I h going on and then things just seemed to happen all at once. I like the author just wasn't so sure about this ending.

glimpses_of_my_books's review

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Tears of joy

This was the best of all 4 books!
I returned from work at 4 in the afternoon and did not move from the couch till the book was over.
The story was captivating from beginning to end. There was always something happening.
Arianna is so brave! Her inner strength was admirable. She went through so much, and never ever gave up hope.
Dean... Dean is my favorite Prince. He is funny, loyal, lovable, charming...I dare you not to love him.
I was starting to get bored of Fen at one point. And than...than the authors threw a curve ball! There is so much to Fen that you don't know... what I'm saying is: go read and find out!!!
Brilliant perfect charming ending too!!! I LOVED how the authors made a point of mentioning characters that were only important for a few chapters. It was sweet and perfect!

lenoreo's review

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3.5 stars — I devoured this one in less than a day as well, it’s just an easy and enticing read. And overall, I found the series very entertaining. I’m not sure if I’ll read the next 3 books about future generations…I kind of like where I ended up.

Throughout this whole series I’ve experienced bouts of confusion, and I will admit I had hoped this last book would clear things up. But I was still confused on a few things…and other things just didn’t feel fully explained. Heck, I thought we’d learned who the Moonlight Prince was before the final battle, so then I was confused in the final battle.

Now saying all that, I did get answers to a lot of my questions, and some things were tied up more neatly. But there were still things that left me wanting answers, or at least more thorough answers if that makes sense (like what exactly happened to Kayla when she was tortured? Why mention it at all if it doesn’t play in the story and we don’t learn about it?).

There was still a LOT of death and carnage and destruction. I’m not used to reading a story where so many people die in such gruesome manners. It’s…hard on the heart. I may not know them, but decimation is still decimation.

All in all, I was pretty satisfied with how the overarching plot played out though, and the reasons we were given for certain behaviors. It was fun when I would start to see how things that happened in previous books tied in to the finale. There’s a part of me that wanted to know a bit more about some things, but not enough to severely impact my enjoyment.

I still maintain that the blurbs on these books are just super lackluster and uninformative. And that the uses of “vampire”, “fae”, “hell, and “demons” is kind of misleading. It was really just a whole new world with strange characters and creatures, that only vaguely resembled what they were named after. So *very* nontraditional. But it was a fairly rich world that they created, with interesting mythology and history and all that. I could picture it very easily.

So despite being fussy about explanations, this series was definitely a fun ride for me, and I’m so glad I took a chance on it!

ashleysue14's review

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Love it

Amazing book a perfect ending to the series I love it. These books are definitely my favorite series. It has a great story line and plot and characters I recommend it to anyone