
The Akashic Throne by Stephen L. Nowland

johnhcarroll's review

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This is the final book in the Aielund Saga, one of my favorite fantasy series of all time. I don't get a lot of time to read much anymore because I spend most of my free time writing, but I still love reading books. Actually, it's working to support my needy family and sleeping that really interfere.

Epic. That is the best word to describe the book and the series. Our heroic adventurers have already saved the world, but in the way of worlds, it refuses to stay saved. Worlds are very inconsiderate that way.

Aiden, the main character in all the books has become a bit scaly and draconic in appearance in nature. He's no longer a pawn of kings. He's now graduated to become a pawn of a wizard. This is important because he wants to get married at some point and needs practice to be a pawn to his wife. ;) He's matured a great deal throughout his journeys though and is not quite so foolish as he has been in the past. There is a constant internal struggle within him that parallels the external struggle the group faces.

Throughout the saga, women have played an equal importance in the story. This has matured into women who just as confident and empowered as the men, and in some instances, they have their stuff together more than the men do. Criosa is more than just your typical pretty princess. She is clever and takes her position as a leader seriously. Nellise has exuded confidence and leadership throughout the saga, and if not for Aiden, I think she would have been the leader of the band of misfits. Syana is my favorite in this story. The strides she makes in understanding herself and those around her is one of the most extraordinary journeys I've read.

Terinus the wizard is an excellent addition to the story. He is complex and fascinating. It's difficult to tell what his true nature is going to be though. Terinus becomes the driving force of this book.

As always, the battles are intense. It's always a question as to who, if anyone will survive each encounter. The group gets cool new toys to play with, one of the fun aspects of fantasy. There are new people for the characters to interact with along the way and new dynamics for the characters' personalities.

Mr. Nowland does an excellent job of wrapping up most the details in this book. There are a couple of characters that just disappeared, but I have reason to believe they may show up in future series. We shall see! The ending is very intense. Non-stop action for the last few chapters. I won't tell you what happens, but I will let you know that it's not entirely fair. In my current mood, that fits perfectly because life hasn't been too fair to me lately. With my attitude right now, if I had had control of the ending I probably would have taken out the world. Mr. Nowland's ending is good and right. :)

As with all of Mr. Nowland's books, the dialogue has humor scattered throughout, the battle scenes are vivid and intense. If you enjoy rousing, epic adventures, this is an excellent series for you.