
Touch by Jennifer Snyder

clgaston31's review

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This was the first book in the Reaper Series and it was a great starter book. This was a quick and easy read. I actually listened to the book while working and it kept me intrigued.

Rowan is just a teenager who has already been through so much from her mother committing suicide to her father blocking her out after her mothers death. Long behold, since her mothers destiny was to become a reaper, she would need to take the place.

Jet is a reaper. He became a reaper differently from Rowan. He was given a choice since he was not supposed to die the moment that it happened. He has never been happy, but that seems to change once he meets Rowan.

Great quick and easy read. Recommend to anyone looking for a quick YA paranormal romance story. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

linzthebookworm's review

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I thought this was a nice quick read about reapers. It's well developed and entertaining. I'm excited to get a start on Hereafter. I enjoyed the short story about Jet as well. It gave a lot more insight to him.

cancourtneyread's review

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Holy shit this cover is the EXACT same as [b:Forbidden|13010376|Forbidden (The Arotas Trilogy, #1)|Amy Miles||18172041]. Whoever was in charge of doing these covers is a giant A hole if he/she didn't inform the authors...the only difference is the birds on Touch's cover...

ravenlynne's review

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I enjoyed this story. I would have liked to have seen it made into a longer book to stretch out more of the story as it was very rushed. I'd definitely read another if it became a series.

veeorwhatever's review

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It was too short! I was so captivated by the story and was so mad that it wasn't longer ( like a book series. GOD i'd love a book series out of this). It was breath-taking. I read it five times already!

hannahsophialin's review

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Snyder takes Reapers into an interesting spin with Touch, but I feel a novella didn't go too well with me. The characters aren't really as fleshed out and developed as it would with a longer novella or even a full length novel. All I have is Rowan seeing crows following her lately, gets into a car crash and sees something the living can't see, aspires to find out what the nonliving thing the living can't see is, and finds out why she sees crows.

The plot feels primarily unoriginal – girl gets into an accident that triggers supernatural sight, girl falls in love with said person she sees and learns from, girl dies from attempted noble heroics (not original with the death either) in order to fix the "balance of the supernatural and real world" (as I so like to put it). The whole aspect of having Links, people who can see Reapers and will ultimately become Reapers when they die, is pretty much the only thing original.

Oh, and the fact Reapers aren't exactly scary looking but dress formally, which may or may not be true because the book is really, really short.

Basically, Touch feels a little too fast and would probably be a lot more enjoyable if it were longer, where everything would be more fully developed that the novella gives me.

This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts

kayleigh_kbooks's review

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Touch Review on K-Books

I really don't know what to say about this book. It is a short story and I ended up reading it all in one sitting. It definitely wasn't what I expected.

Rowan is having a hard-time right now, her schizophrenic mother committed suicide and Rowan's life changed drastically. She suddenly starts seeing spirits and discovers maybe her mother wasn't so crazy afterall. What she doesn't know is her mother's suicide put in motion steps that will change her life forever.

I thought that the storyline for Touch is very good. It's a great storyline and Jennifer's narration had me hooked from the first chapter. I was very intrigued as to what was going to happen.
The downfall of this book is that a lot of it I didn't really get. Rowan meets Jet, a 'spirit' and after only seeing him three times, speaking to him twice, claims she has fallen in love with him. Really? They literally met like 2 minutes ago. I get all the love at first sight stuff you get in novels but I didn't really get that feeling with this book so I was very surprised at the turn of events and I didn't find it very realistic.
Another thing that really got me was after something happened to Rowan the rest of her life was forgotten about. What happened to her father, her best friend from school? They were never mentioned again and I didn't really like that.

Overall, I think it's a good storyline and I really enjoyed Jennifer's writing style. I am looking forward to reading a full length novel by her and hopefully I will enjoy it significantly more.
Now for the rating. I am so torn between 2 and 3 Stars/Roses. Parts of the books I didn't find realistic which makes me want to give it 2 stars but I really liked the premiss of the story and I really liked Jennifer's writing style so that for me gives it an extra star.

missstarlamae's review

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This was really interesting. I love reading about different theories on Reapers; what they do, how they do it, why they do it, how they become Reapers. I think this was a pretty cool take on it.

sagek's review

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I really like this book.

What I like:
-fast paced, but still feels realistic as all Snyder's books do
-all the supernatural stuff, like reapers and souls, are well written and effortlessly merged with the real-world in the story. Especially all the ghost situations of them not realizing they're dead or begging Rowan to help them. I also like how reapers don't feel. It was expressed very well.
-great characters as I never bored of them and quickly grew attached
-the reaper world-building was great
-descriptions were on point
-twists were good

What was ok but could use some work:
-more development of the romance (too instant for my liking, and not much reason for their feelings)
-I would've liked to see how they (reapers) trained. I'm intrigued to know how a reaper is taught and what exactly it is they need to know.

Overall, I really like this book, and I'm sure the rest of the series will be great!

(Short review, I know sorry, but I'm trying something new)

thefox22's review

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"Every Link becomes a Reaper."
This novella didn't waste any time at all when it introduced its readers to the story and the main character, Rowan. After an accident, she finds out what the crows mean and why she can see a gorgeous, albeit dead, boy. She also learns her fate. I enjoyed this glimpse into what's going on with Rowan, although a lot happened in a small number of pages that I ended up wanting more of the story. I'm excited for what's to come in Hereafter!