
All He Ever Needed by Shannon Stacey

leasummer's review

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I loved this one! This is such a fun series, that doesn't really have to be read in order, so far (I read 1,3,big break,2,4).
The heroine is so great - she never gives up her independence like so many do. She is understandably slow to come around to Mitch's advances but once she does the fireworks (one time literally) are explosive! They're HEA is sweet and it develops. Mitch is a great hero. One of my favorites.

kbranfield's review

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4.5 stars. All He Ever Needed is a fantastic addition to the Kowalski Family series. The characters are appealing and well-developed. The conflict between Mitch and Paige is realistic and they solve their problems with very little angst or drama. To read my review in its entirety, please click HERE.

elliefufu's review

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I really liked this book but it got old after awhile. The hero took forever to get over his crap and then it was too much at once. Loved the heroine

dtrumps's review

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loved it

alwaysreadingreview's review

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Spoiler Alert!!

From my blog:

For this Reading Challenge, I chose All He Ever Needed by Shannon Stacey. This is book #4 of the Kowalski series. I loved this series. I am not sure when I read the first book, Exclusively Yours. This was a library e-book.

I wish I read the earlier 3 books so I could get them refresh in my head, but that did not stop me from reading it. There was a few details I could not remember, but at a later date I will read them all. I love the Kowalski family. The mom of the Kowalski's kids is Sarah & you need to read the book to find out about Sarah, which I do not remember in the earlier books. This is the reason I need to re-read them again. I love Rose Davis. She is so sweet, caring, & would do anything for her Kowalski kids. Rosie wants the best for them. She wants grandkids! Josh stayed to run Norther Star Lodge. Liz, Ryan, & Mitch all left. Sean joined the Army. Mitch has his own company called Northern Star Demolition. Ryan makes custom homes. Liz is married to someone that everyone does not like. Sean is married to Emma. Katie is Rosie's daughter & she stayed.

So, back to All He Ever Needed. It is center around Mitch Kowalski. The oldest of the Kowalski clan. Mitch went to the Lodge that the 6 kids own & ran by Josh. He needed help. He fell & hurt his leg. Mitch was going up there to help & get the place in better shape. Their great grandfather had built the lodge as a family getaway. The Kowalski's Kids' Grandfather "reinvented the vacation home as an exclusive gentleman's hunting club, and the Northern Star Lodge was born." (Kindle Page 23).

What is it with men when they are told "Every single men in Whitford's taken a shot with her and, I'm telling you, she ain't interested. She's lived here like two years and hasn't gone on a single date that anybody knows about. And in this town, somebody would know." (Josh says to Mitch when he is interested in Paige Kindle Page 27). Of course Mitch is thinking "they could have a little fun while he got the Northern Star in order and then he'd kiss her goodbye and go on to the next job with no regrets and no hard feelings." (Kindle Page 27).

I really like Paige. She was driving through Whitford & her car broke down. She stayed & brought the diner. She isn't close to her mom. I have learned in the last 4 years that family is important. You need to put all the bad things that family has done or you have done behind you & move on. They will always be your family & that is important. If you have not spoken to them in awhile, you can always pick up the phone or email them. A few years ago I did stop talking to someone in my family. I think it was the best thing for me because now we are all closer than ever. I do not know what others say. I live my life for me & my family only.

My favorite quote of this book is this one:
(Paige) She desperately wished she did."What is it you want?"
(Mitch) "You. I want you and I don't you want to be a luxury. I want you to need me. I want you to not be able to concentrate because you're thinking about me. I want you to reach your phone because you thought have to share with me. I want you to not even be able to breathe at the thought of never seeing me again, because that's how I feel about, Paige. I want to be a necessity." (Kindle Page 334).

I really enjoyed this book, but I love this series by Shannon Stacey. If you are looking for a good book or series, then this is a good book/series. I think Mitch grew up in this book. He realize what he wanted. Maybe Mitch did not find the right woman until he met Paige or maybe one that did not turn his head enough!

Happy Reading!!

Some questions for you:

What was it about Paige that has Mitch so interested in her? What would you do if you were Drew or if you were Mal?

andreaphoenix26's review

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Pero que tiernos, por Dios del cielo, que tiernos, aunque no estuvo a rebosar de azĂșcar este definitivamente, realmente, me ha gustado

tlandrews's review

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This series is very hit or miss. It seems like every other book is good. Unfortunatley this book was one of the ehh books. Not a bad read, but nothing special.

I hated that everything was talked about and wrapped up in the last few pages of the book. Too rushed for my taste.

steph01924's review

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This one was pretty good. I liked Paige, Mitch was alright. Anything is better than #2's Beth, so...yeah.

anabelsbrother's review

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2.5 - 3 stars

Mehhh I was expecting more.

sydlor93's review

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I have to say, I sort of loved the chase of it all, but in a few spots I wanted it to stop. all in all, good read. full review to cone on the blog