
Shades of Grey by Michael Cargill

see_sadie_read's review

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3,5, round up

Shades of Grey consists of three short pieces, two of which I would classify as vignettes as opposed to actual stories since they seem to simply relay the events of a segment of time rather than possess any sort of beginning, middle and end. Having said that, I rather enjoyed them all, the first most of all.

I’ll admit that the writing occasionally felt a little stiff and there was a certain juvenile (or maybe just male) preoccupation with excrement jokes and sexual/masturbatory references. I would be hard pressed to call this highbrow reading material, but I never got the impression it was trying to be. I enjoyed more than I grimaced at. What more could I really ask for?

jrbee's review

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I have to say it took me a longer to get around to reading this than I would have liked, but it was well worth the wait.
It’s not often I will sit a read a book in one go. I couldn’t even put it down between stories. There are three of them.
This book is not for the faint hearted. The tales are disturbing, dark and absolutely gripping. The stories suck you in, spin you around in a deliciously dark world and spit you out before you know what’s happened.
Michael really makes use of all five senses, which makes each story more three dimensional.
Each story is gritty and enthralling in a different way. All three are completely different from each other and it does credit to the authors versatility.
I hope he does write a novel as I would love to read it.

avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

This anthology contains three fictional tales of suspense and nail-biting. Each is very different from the other, but they all kept me on the edge of my seat. Should you pick up this book be prepared for tension build-up.

Shades of Grey ~
John is some kind of British secret agent who gets caught and is tortured.

I was a bit confused at the beginning of this one, but it soon came together. Pretty good read and it left me wondering, but in a good way.

There and Back Again~
James is a British soldier in WWII and this story has nothing to do with Hobbits, Dwarves or a certain adventure.

This was my least favorite story of the three. It’s well-written, but history isn’t really my thing. It is interesting though.

Down the Rabbit Hole ~
This is about a boy named Tom and his stuffed rabbit named Borger, who does not carry a watch or proclaim he’s late.

Poor Tom! I hate his dad and I have to say he got what was coming to him though the school counselor got a bad deal. That stuffed rabbit of his is way creepy. What the hell?