
O Amante by Jodi Ellen Malpas

cokdramatic's review against another edition

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2.5 stars

rockchickchickyrock's review against another edition

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Not as good as fifty shades or the crossfire series but still intriguing and I have to go straight onto the 2nd book because I want to know what happens. Not really sure about Jesse. He is overbearing and there is no hint as to why unlike the aforementioned fifty and crossfire, which meant I kept thinking the whole way thought the first book why is she even bothering with that dick! Hopefully he will improve I t he next book or I might not bother with reading the third book.

aschae's review against another edition

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LOVE LOVE LOVE this series!! Incredible story from an incredible author! A must-read!!

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookworms
What did you think about the first meeting between Ava and Jesse?

The sexual tension and chemistry was palpable, wasn't it? Wowza! It was there from the very beginning and never seemed to wane. That Ava was dumbstruck when she walked into Jesse's office almost had me giggling. But I also felt for her because she'd never experienced anything like it before and she certainly didn't know what to do with those feelings. 

I actually really enjoyed the sexual tension that was totally there from the get-go. It was a bit mysterious, and it was so strong I could feel it very strongly myself!

What about how he kind of tricked her when she went back to The Manor?

That was a bit underhanded but honestly I wasn't surprised. He'd told her he'd trample anyone or anything that tried to stand in between them. Yes, he was extremely controlling - and at times scary - but the more Ava was around him, the more I understood him. I think, as a reader looking from the outside, I could see all the things she was missing.

He was playing it cool, in my opinion, however, not for long. And while I understand chemistry and attraction, I just couldn't understand Ava. I would have taken a vacation and left London behind for a while, I think. Jesse was way too controlling and a bit scary in my opinion.

WTF is up with Jesse ‘making friends’ with Ava all the time? I find him to be a bit creepy, to be honest…

The terminology he used - 'making friends', 'reminder fuck', 'sense fuck' - bothered me but I tried to read between his lines and just go with it. He did use their chemistry to his advantage quite often, and Ava knew what he was doing but seemed incapable of stopping him...because she really didn't want to, in my opinion.

He used sex and their attraction to manipulate Ava from the beginning, I think. And he didn't really care about what she truly wanted. He never answered her questions, and then he was 'making friends' or having 'sense sex' with her. It was really weird.

What did you think of the ending?

That ending! Man! If I could crawl into my kindle and throttle him, I would have. I get his devastation but Ava was devastated too. I understood his keeping The Manor a secret - it would have been difficult to find a way to tell her about it AND he really was terrified of giving her a reason to leave him. *Did you have a bonus chapter at the end from Jesse's POV? Reading it gave me more insight into him and I understood his actions all the more. I'm not saying I approve of them or that I would put up with them, mind you. I'm just saying that as I said before, I could see things about his words and actions that Ava couldn't seem to and that chapter from his POV served to solidify my thinking.* I'm not sure he's redeemable but I *WANT* him to be. So I'll be reading the next book. Will you read it with me?

The way Jesse acted towards the end made me really mad at him! He steamrolled his way into Ava's life, and when the consequences of his secrecy happened, it was somehow her fault? Like, really? I'm not sure if he's redeemable to me... But at the same time, I do kind of want to know what will happen next.

Oh, I think there was a bonus chapter - I didn't read it *grins* I will now, though!

What did you think of Kate? How accepting she was of Jesse and his controlling ways?

I did find Kate interesting - she was accepting of Jesse and Sam, too, for that matter. But maybe she was seeing these things in Jesse that I saw and understood him better than Ava. Matt is a douche and obviously didn't care a whit about Ava so I get Kate hating on him. Not only was he a cheat but I'm sure it was apparent to all but Ava that he didn't care. So maybe Kate is just more intuitive? Look at me giving her the benefit of the doubt. *grins*

I didn't get Kate at all! She was all upset about Ava's ex, Matt. And she hated him - had no qualms about saying that, either. But with Jesse, she just let him take over everything. Why would she do that? I don't think she's a very good friend to Ava. 

So am I just more gullible or more forgiving or more naive than you, darling, seeing as I always want to believe that there's good in people? I think I ended up liking This Man more than you did. I understand your frustration with Ava but at the same time, I understood her hesitancy and 'wishy-washy' behavior. She was attempting to protect her heart even if she'd handed it over the minute she and Jesse touched. And while I find Jesse's behavior boorish and overbearing and would never put up with it in real life, I kind of understood where he was coming from. He'd finally found the thing to give his life meaning and he feared losing her. <--See? Always giving the benefit of the doubt because I *WANT* to believe he's decent and redeemable. I'm actually looking forward to Beneath This Man.

See, yeah, I agree about wanting to find good in people. And I definitely want to continue reading! The writing was really good, and the story - even if I didn't love it as much as you did - was rather addictive;) Jesse was afraid to lose her... then, when he really thought he did, he went ballistic - and he didn't listen to her. EVER! Wanna buddy read Beneath This Man as well? I love chatting with you about the books we read ;) 

geo_ix's review against another edition

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Okay, so if this book wasn’t a billion pages long (Close to 500) I would have rated it 5 stars! The actual plot, left me itching for more, but I was also left itching for more due to the lack of answers! Basically, this book is so long because the sex scenes take up a great deal of the book.

Basically, we have no clue how old Jesse really is, as he plays some little game telling her every time she asks that he is one years older from the original 21 answer he gave (he seems to think she will run if she finds out his age) but in the end it’s not his age, its his profession that makes her run. The entire book you can tell he owns some gentleman’s club where they go to get their rocks off not a fucking hotel. Seriously, she’s the most oblivious bitch I’ve ever encountered. Basically, she’s obvious to the fact he’s an alcoholic, and hates when she drinks and refuses to drink with her, but he is nice enough to always give her a glass or two of wine whenever they’re social, which I think is super nice considering how controlling he is. But no, she likes to get sloshed in his presence, thinking its just him being an ass that he gets so angry.

He also, from the moment he has sex with her, claims her as his and she doesn’t really realise what that means and stupidly says yes, then wonders why he won’t leave her alone. She also doesn’t realise, thinking because he’s hot its impossible, but he doesn’t date or do the relationship thing, he roots and boots and keeps it that way. How he finds that many women is beyond me. But when you got the goods and the money I guess anything is possible!

So her main issue is Sarah, who is his business partner. She’s always trying to weasel her way into Jesse’s day, get between them because of her clear jealousy that he’d be with someone more than once.

Anyway, by the time she figures out what The Manor actually is, she loses her shit at Jesse for purposefully deceiving her, which is mega stupid. Wouldn’t you not want her to work at a place if you were worried she would find out. She gave him the option when she tried not to work for him, and he perused her to make it happen. He brings it on himself. However, Jesse seems to have a major issue with people abandoning him, maybe because his parents disowned him? I’m unsure so far, but basically once she leaves, he drinks himself into oblivion, which is where we are left, with Ava scared for the person he has become, and him blaming her for his drinking because she left him. I’m sorry Jesse, I love you immensely, but you should have been through counselling for the alcoholism, and we both know only you can be held accountable for your actions, not because someone else did something that made you feel a certain way.

Basically, they both rely on each other for happiness, and then it’s gone because of a lie. If that wasn’t reason enough for Jesse to stop hiding things, he’s a fucking twat. Because dude, you love her, yet she knows literally only your name. Sigh. No matter the length, I will continue this series, as the characters and plot intrigue me, but a fellow Goodreads friend informed me my answers don’t come until the last book, so I’m in for a wait.

aimxxgarcia's review against another edition

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No. Just, no.

daniiellexk's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved this book! With that being said it was one of the most frustrating books I have ever read. While Jesse is a compelling character, we don't know much about him. He is very closed off and in turn hides so much of his past. What's most upsetting for me was how fast they fell in love, nothing happens like that in real life.
I know it sounds like I'm bashing the book but I'm not. I really did love it there's just a lot of things I can't get over.
I recommend this book to anyone that loves sappy love stories with a lot of drama!!

amyreadstoomuch10's review against another edition

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I'd rather read Fifty Shades than this. Christian Grey and Gideon Cross actually have some level depth compared to this debauchery.

The H is waaaaay too creepy and controlling, bordering on psychotic if you ask me, and the h is just plain stupid. No matter what this creep does, she just mindlessly melts into him with the proposition of sex. I have never been this annoyed by a main character.

There isn't even a plot really, just endless sex and the h trying to run away, but caving immediately at the offer of sex.

Really disappointed, I will not bother even finishing the whole series.

booklover_29's review against another edition

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Goodreads need to add an option of zero stars.
I don't know why these psychological thrillers are being marketed as "romance".There are just so many

digitlchic's review against another edition

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DNF @ 28% (beginning of ch 13)

Would u pick this up again later? Maybe. It just wasn't grabbing me and I got tired of trying to make it.