
The Sky Queen by Mamang Dai

architha_thebookishdweeb's review

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"Her sweat and tears are running water and rain. Her voice sings out in the sweet songs of the birds and humming insects"

I love reading children's books! Takes me back to the time when my mom used to narrate stories from Vanitha Magazine in Malayalam with my brother and I lying on her lap. Good times indeed!

'The Sky Queen' is a folktale set in Arunachal Pradesh describing the story behind worshipping Nyanyi Mente, lady of the Kojum family, who came gliding from the skies.
There's no particular morals set in it (since it's a normal folktale) but the story is legendary! We've been giving enough attention to mainstream gods that their stories have become boring. Let's give other deities a chance; you'll be surprised.

The images depicted the tribal art (not sure which tribe) in Arunachal Pradesh, and it was a completely new experience!