
Six Degrees of Lust by Taylor V. Donovan

blessedwannab's review

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Another book that got better the further along I read. I'm looking forward to the next book.

For my full review, visit Birdie Bookworm.

bitchie's review

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Holy crap, why did I wait so long to read this? Fuh-ricking awesome!

There were a LOT of characters in this story, a lot of different things going on, which, usually, I don't like. In this one though, they all fit together (even if they don't KNOW they fit together), and I just kept wanting to read more. The chemistry between Mac and Sam is off the charts hot, and I know some people don't like Sam's assholeish attitude, but I totally do. I get that it's just a way to protect himself from getting too close, even if I rage at the unfairness to Mac at times. Bravo to Mac for totally figuring out how to play him though.

There are a bunch of side characters involved, and while ordinarily, I'd have a tough time keeping them all straight (haha, is anyone straight in this book?? Oh yeah, I think the women are), they are different enough that it's not bothering me at all. I'm really intrigued by Logan, Christian and Remy, Braxton, and even 15 year old Sasha has me wanting to know more!

Yes, it expects a bit too much to have the reader believe that ALL these wonderful gay and bisexual men just so happen to come together at the same time and have all sorts of things in common, but that's the whole six degrees thing coming into play, and how people can be connected but have no idea.

The murder mystery is also keeping me engaged. I keep thinking I know who it is, and then second guessing myself, and then turning back around to my original theory again. I'm dying to know what the heck happened with Sam, his ex, and their baby and why Sam gets the blame for it all, as well as the full details of Mac's bargain with his family and his bitch of a friend, Amy. (who I hope falls off a cliff in book two. A very high cliff, into shark infested waters.)

Needless to say, I immediately fired up book 2 on my tablet, hope it doesn't have quite the cliffhanger, but thankfully, book 3 is due out soon.

Does anyone have any idea how many installments this series is supposed to have?

liza5326's review

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There are some stories and authors I can read a million times and NEVER get sick of. This is one of them. It feels brand new, even though I have read it before. Sam and Mac are one of my absolute favorite couples and I love reading about them. Just the evolution from fuck-buddies, to FWB, to that chance of something more that you hope is coming in the future. And then the ensemble of characters and how they all fit together while you also have a serial killer running around . . . I just love this series!!!

marlobo's review

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Love it, Sam is an asshole, but cute, and Mac is my Hero (for now). I love Logan and Chris too, and the complexity of the cast rocks.

I already am reading Southern Winterland, but I yearn to see how the history of this group of characters follows. I'm looking forward the release of Six Degreees of Separation!

jacqueleenthereadingqueen's review

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This book had a lot going on, but I really really enjoyed it. I'm more a dual POV girl, but this book had multiple POVs and story lines going on. Not only do we get both Mac and Sam's thoughts, but we ALSO get the killers and a few other peeps. It could get a bit confusing at times who was speaking and I had to go back and re read, but other than that niggle I was a happy girl. We have two alpha males who decide to get down and dirty no strings, a serial killer on the loose killing men for being gay and a group of interesting characters who are all interconnected, yet most of them have no idea. (hence the title)

It was fun trying to figure out who the killer was. Donovan kept leaving little tid bits about multiple people which kept me second guessing myself. Fair warning: we still do not know who the killer is at the end of this book. We have theories, as in multiple.

Like I said before there is a lot going on besides the romance aspect. Multiple sub plots chug along with the main plot which I actually didn't mind too much. When I finished the book I actually needed more of not only Mac and Sam, but of Logan and a few other people involved in the sub plots.

I'm late to the game with this book as it came out YEARS ago, but it recently made its debut in Kindle Unlimited so it made its way onto my reading list and seemingly jumped it based on the blurb. I'd give this one about 4.25 stars

missawn's review

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Second half of the book is much better than the first. It took a while for the chemistry and the momentum to establish. There are a boatload of characters in this book and they are all connected to each other in an extremely (unlikely and) complicated web of relationships. I was not a huge fan of the homophobia SL and portions of this book dragged. Characterization is also a little inconsistent (particularly in the beginning) but this book ended with some fantastic chemistry (so it somehow worked in the end). It was a toss up between 3 and 4 stars because by the end of this book I was fully engaged and definitely hooked! However, it took a while to really get there and then there is was the massive cliffhanger ending (not a fan). Overall, this series may get a 4 star rating depending on how the next book reads ...

kbranfield's review

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While I enjoyed Six Degrees of Lust, there were a few things that were really annoying:

1. There's a huge character dump in the beginning of the book, and it's really hard to keep up with who is who.
2. The characters have the annoying habit of referring to one another as the Texan & the Yankee. Other characters are referred to as the blond and the brunet. Absolutely drives me nuts when authors do this.
3. Some things become repetitive after a while.

The relationship between Sam and Mac was fabulously played out, and I absolutely cannot wait until the next book in the series!

eb00kie's review

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This is not a mystery, as much as a gay romance. The criminal barely makes an appearance, in the beginning and two thirds of the book later and at the end. Also, let's face it, we all know who it is.

On the other hand, it offers people of different ages and orientations, along with characters you grow to love disliking. Points for that.

PS, Is the gay community so interlinked, usually? Because every character gets to know one or two otherwise unrelated character. It is quite funny.

papercranestitches's review

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*** 4.5 Stars ***

leelah's review

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This is review for both books in series,[b:Six Degrees of Lust|11757362|Six Degrees of Lust (By Degrees, #1)|Taylor V. Donovan||16707740] and [b:Six Degrees of Separation|17791950|Six Degrees of Separation (By Degrees, #2)|Taylor V. Donovan||24885423].
Second book is direct continuation of events happened in book #1, so if you start reading SDoL, be sure you have SDoS right next to you.

I have only one word to describe this series: Crackastic. This series is crackastic! It's one of those books you plan to read just three or four chapters of in the evening and before you know you read the whole book and sun is peeking through your curtains.

Both books are following two ongoing stories. One story is mystery: hunt for serial killer who targets gay men. The other one is relationship between Sam and Mac. Sam Shaughnessy is FBI agent who is in charge of task unit for Leviticus case. There is a great term Japanese use in manga that describe Sam perfectly. He is tsundere. Tsundere is like a person who is all prickly and sarcastic on the outside, but when you crack their shell you'll find they are really sweet and loving on the inside. Do I need to tell you that Sam was the drama queen in main relationship? Of course not. The thing with Sam and this novels is that as much as he was source of drama he was also a comedy relief. I'll be the first to tell you that I am not a fan of characters who have long internal struggle with their feelings toward another person,but I had so much fun reading Sam. He was so perfectly flawed and cute clinging desperately to safety of casual sex and not admitting he was a goner from the start.Mac O'Bannon is the perfect person to confuse the hell out of Sam. Mac is this gorgeous, Texan heir turned firefighter turned bar owner who is very easy going, perceptive and most importantly, has patience of a saint. The way he handled Sam was priceless. At the beginning I felt sorry for him,'cause Sam was such an asshole sometimes, but I'm glad author never made a pushover of Mac. Sex scenes were plenty, hot and enjoyable, so fear not. There is something for everybody.
As much as their relationship was entertaining to read, what really give this story crack-feel for me are supporting characters. There is so many of them: Logan, Duncan, Zane, Christian, Braxton... we got a glimpse of every one of them and naturally I'm interested to find out what's going to happen next.In that part this series reminded me so much of [b:A Matter of Time|7090484|A Matter of Time (A Matter of Time #1)|Mary Calmes||7346614] series by Mary Calmes. They weren't just there to for the sake of Sam and Mac. There were in the story to spice everything up and open some new questions that promise to be interesting stories we'll hopefully get to read in the future. I am especially intrigued by Logan...
Half of star reduction is for mystery part of story. Author made a point of presenting Sam and his team (especially Logan and Duncan) as the best in their field, highly capable investigators and experienced professionals. That's why, I was frustrated when they seemed to stumble on evidences or not see what was right in front of them. There were clues a mile worth. The thing is, you just have to turn your brain off and enjoy the ride.
I saw that there was a year and a half part between books. That makes me extremely happy for I got to read both books at once... I would be insufferable otherwise.
Great read!

*(Thanks to Michele for rec!)