
Pack and Coven by Jody Wallace

jennyy2's review

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I really liked this book. It's a lovely, light read.

Review to come

lynseyisreading's review

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Dirty Harry.

I read my first book from this author, The Whole Truth, last month and loved it. I fell in love with the unique characters and fascinating magic and was keen to try another of Jody's books. I decided on this one and am glad I did! Although, she did warn me that this would have a lot more sex in it - which I thought perfectly acceptable since this is Paranormal Romance and The Whole Truth was Urban Fantasy - but I think perhaps what she was preparing me for was not just the amount of sex, but the nature of it! This book is very erotic! Especially for a UF! I can already picture several of my Goodreads friends' ears pricking up at that statement. "What? It has smutty smut in it, you say? Where do I sign up?!" Alas, myself being the vanilla bean baby I am, I did find it a smidgen too much for me, personally - I like the mushy romantic stuff, and this was a lot more....detailed, shall we say! *still blushing to my roots* But I still enjoyed the book tremendously and think this has the makings of a very interesting series!

Pack and Coven follows lone wolf Harry Smith as he putters around the town he's made his own, working in his mechanic shop and visiting his favourite diner- and his favourite ladies that work there - in a state of contentment he has no wish to change. However, the local pack's alpha female has other ideas, and gives Harry an ultimatum to either join the pack and become her new mate at the next moon ceremony, or else. This is the very last thing Harry wants, but he doesn't want to leave town either. He feels settled for the first time in forever, and has a great relationship with octogenarian diner owner Sandie, who he considers one of his. What he doesn't know, however, is that 80-year-old Sandie, doesn't exist. She's merely the mask worn by young, blonde and bountiful June, a powerful coven witch who's been secretly in love with Harry for years. The discovery that the sweet old lady, and best damn cook Harry's ever met, whom he's known for eight years is actually a hot young thing, is at first very confusing, then very exciting for Harry. And this book follows that relationship transition, while the greater threat of the pack wolves grows ever nearer. It was an action-packed, super-sexy thrill ride from start to finish, and I highly recommend it to all readers of UF!

4 Stars ★★★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.