
Little Girl Lost by J.S. Marciano

calturner's review

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Thank you to TBC and the publisher who gave me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

'Little Girl Lost' got off to a promising start and I thought it was going to be a fantastic read. Sadly, however, it seemed to lose its momentum after the fabulous beginning and became a different book to the one I thought it was going to be.

That being said, it was well written and had a great deal of potential, but unfortunately it just didn't quite work for me. I would, however, read something else by this author as I feel the quality of writing is there.

3 stars.

btpbookclub's review

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This book started off very well the first chapter had me hooked! But then the following chapters were nothing like the first chapter and it picks up again within the last few chapters. I did enjoy this book but I expected more after the first chapter, which is why I awarded four stars. I devoured this book in two days. I found it easy to read, fast paced and it contains short chapters. The overall story is a good one and is cleverly written but personally I just needed more because of that first chapter. I've never been so hooked so quickly before. I would recommend this book to you all if you haven't read it already. I really loved the Character Ari as well within this story, what a hero. We all need a hero. Enjoy. I did.

marsetta's review

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Thank you to Endeavour Press, the author and NetGalley for the chance to read this book for an honest review.

A family is torn apart when a little girl is kidnapped while her family is on vacation.

The press immediately turn on the family, blaming the parents for the young girl’s disappearance.

Time passes and everyone begins to lose hope.

But when a girl is found wandering the streets of Portugal alone, she is returned to her family and the case closed.

Yet something is not right.

And as little Rosemary Cathcart grows up, and her parent’s divorce, that feeling never really leaves her.

Years later, after finding her boyfriend has been cheating on her, Rosemary flees to her brother’s home, where she quickly wears out her welcome.

When her mother arrives and asks her to move in with her and her new husband, Rosemary decides to go to Jersey and work at her father’s hotel.

But when she arrives she learns the hotel is close to bankruptcy and her father on his death bed with cancer.

Before he dies, he has secrets to tell that will change her world, and the world of everyone around her, forever.

And it would seem that Rosemary Cathcart, once a Little Girl Lost, is still yet to be found….

The blurb is a bit deceiving as the book starts with a young child with people other than their parents... the child witnesses a murder and is told to run. It moves on to Rosemary, who is a young woman who has lots of things happen to her. She seems to be treated quite badly. There are some pretty big, dramatic events that happen and it seems that the author moves on too quick without explaining how Rosemary felt about them.

Overall I felt like this was half a book and somebody decided that it should be split into two (don't know if there is another one coming). The ending itself felt quite rushed. It just ends. I think I would have rated it higher if there wasn't such a gap between the prologue and Chapter 1. If there is a sequel, I think the whole thing would work better as one book rather than this one just ending.

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arireavis's review

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*Received from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review*

Dnf at 10%

I feel bad because it's an arc, but I sat in confusion for most of the beginning and then when I finally figure out what's going on, everything changes and I'm reading about a girl begging her naked cheating boyfriend to give HER another chance. Oh hell no. Good-bye.