
Cold Echo by C.J. Carver

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished November 24th 2021

‘Promises can be broken,’ he warned. ‘Not necessarily intentionally, but it can happen despite the best of intentions.’

I got a copy of Cold Echo last Christmas with the Bloodhound Books promo and it has been hanging out on my kindle along with a bunch of other titles from the same publisher ever since... I thought it was about time to actually start reading them, and Cold Echo ended up being first as I was intrigued by the blurb. The main character Harry is a psychologist, which gives us a different angle in our crime thriller than the usual detective/killer perspective. Harry is very close to the investigation though, both because he is involved himself and because he is great friends with the detective in charge. But while I do like the premise of the story, I also have to state that the pace during most of the story is quite slow and I never did warm up to the main characters. On top of this, I also guessed most of the final twists quite early on... As a whole, I don't think Cold Echo is a bad thriller, but I can't say the story really stood out for me either.

syren1532's review

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Thirty years ago 9 year old Harry Hope and his two friends, Lucas Finch and Guy Bowman, were playing where they shouldn’t be and t ended in tragedy. Now Henry is a divorced, father of three with a psychotherapy practice. A detective friend calls on his expertise when body parts are discovered. Harry is shocked to learn that the victim is his childhood friend, Guy, who was an MP. The death has an impact on one of Harry’s patients, Nick, who has been working for Guy during the summer. Nick disappears into hiding and Harry finds himself pursued by a man, believed to be the killer, who is searching for Nick.

A really great read from start to finish. Well paced and with plenty of suspense. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thanks to Bloodhound Books and C J Carver for the ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

abookwormwithwine's review

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bwagner's review

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This is the second book by this author that I have read and it is my favorite. This is a sitting on the edge of your seat page turner that I read in one sitting. The twists and turns had me guessing at every page. Great characters that brought the story to life. I can't wait to see what this author will have for us next. I highly recommend this book.

vesper1931's review

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A head is discovered in a wood, that of Lib Den M.P. Guy Bowman. D.I. Theo McCannon approaches friend and psychotherapist, Harry Hope for theories. But Guy was a childhood friend along with Lucas Finch.
An enjoyable and well-written crime story and thriller.

kaz_loves_books's review

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This book is based on friendships and loyalty formed in childhood and do they hold up when tested later in a ‘them or you’ situation? This book is set around Bath and three friends who form a firm bond but then something happens when they are kids, then they cut all ties until about thirty years later when again something happens!

Harry, Guy and Lucas are playing in the barn, trying to start a fire but the old fashion way without matches. Lucas is holding the magnifying glass over the nest of dust and straw. Lucas gently blows on it, it catches alight. Lucas offers the bowl to Harry to hold. It was getting hotter so Harry said ‘I mean, really hot’, but still Lucas put more Tinder on. Harry could feel his skin tightening. Lucas told him, ‘Put it down, carefully’. He did. They soon had a miniature fire going. Lucas joked, ‘Who brought the burgers?’ They started thinking of food and decided to split to Lucas’ place for something to eat. As they tried to stamp out the fire, they heard the sound of an engine coming. They weren’t supposed to be on the farm, they were meant to be at home, playing. ‘Move it’, Lucas said, ‘you two go first, we don’t want to get caught!’ Harry and Guy ran round the side of the tractor shed but where was Lucas? Then they heard him, he was on his way but so was Mr Evans!.Lucas got caught and Mr Evans decided to phone the police this time, he had had enough. They waited ages, Harry and Guy, the barn was pouring smoke, they ran to the yard, just as Mr Evans come out with Lucas. Mr Evans yelled at Lucas ‘Dial 999! Get a fire engine.Back to the house boys.’ At the sound of the siren, Lucas told Harry and Guy to go, no point all of them getting caught. From behind the tractor shed Harry saw Carrigan grab Lucas by the arm then drag him to the back of the car. Lucas scrambled into the boot. From that day everything changed, their friendships dissolved and they made new friends.

30 years later

Harry has become a therapist, has gone through a divorce after his ex-wife ran off with his best mate and has two children. He’s now living in Batheaston. This particular evening he arrives home to find a client’s husband waiting for him but by the time he leaves after Harry avoids him, Theo has arrived as he wants to ask a favour of him. Apparently, a skinned, severed head of a man has been found. Theo just wanted an insight as to the type of person that might do this, it’s not something I’ve come across before. Harry’s had enough for one night and is really busy with stuff so turns Theo down. However, the next morning it’s somehow made the media and the body has got a name, ‘Guy Bowman.’ His friend from all those years ago….Theo has already been on the phone and Harry is curious as to why this could have happened to Guy. Could it be what they did all those years ago?.

This was a book that I got into straight away and I enjoyed reading it so much, that I read it within a day. A real roller coaster in places. I have rated this book 5 out of 5 stars and will be looking at reading more books from this author.