
The Stranded by Hugh Howey

amynbell's review

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Lately, I've come to the conclusion that there are too many writers whose friends and fan clubs don't have the cajones to tell them when their works have major problems. I very much enjoyed the novella that started this post-apocalyptic series, and I think I could have enjoyed the entire 5-book Omnibus much better if someone had bothered to tell the author some things:

1. It shouldn't take 2 days to go down 100 floors of stairs. You shouldn't need to load up canteens and stop halfway down for the night (after having taken a breather halfway to the halfway point). There are people who can race up 100 floors in under 30 minutes. I work on the 14th floor, and my elderly ex-boss with bad knees could get down 14 floors in less than 10 minutes. So don't tell me that it takes an entire day for 2 elderly law officers to get 50 floors down. Just no.
2. People who have been dead for 30 years would no longer look like "bodies" and would not be smelly anymore.
3. Emergency lights aren't going to last for 30 years, especially if they're submerged under water.
4. A random body is not going to float past you in the water after 30 years dead.
5. You cannot hide a whole passel of babies and/or children in silence for 15 years.

I found the original idea of this series to be interesting. However, when you base so much of your series on impossibilities, I just can't recommend it as serious reading material. At least all the books were short.

oedipa_maas's review

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A good dystopia. Better than most, especially in the first few books when Howey did not shy away from killing his main characters. Solid writing, but I don't know if he knew how to end this one. I know there's 3 more in a different set, so I suppose I'll put those on my list.

ellimister's review

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Great end to the series. The reader did a great job.

nataliya_x's review

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Well, I finally got to the end of this story. It was a good experience overall. An enjoyable read, great characters, well-executed premise, crisp writing, excellent pacing.

Howey is good at creating well-rounded, multifaceted, and well-developed characters. Juliette in particular is definitely one of my favorite female characters. She is level-headed, bright, practical, strong, and resourceful. Despite not being fleshed out until the 3rd installment, she is the ideal protagonist for this series. I liked that we learn quite a bit about Bernard's motivations - makes him a grayer character, and more believable and relatable as well. Good job, Mr. Howey.

My few gripes with this story are (a) Juliette's romance with Lukas and (b) the execution of the ending.
(a) Juliette's love story with Lukas seemed somewhat contrived. I understand that the opposites attract, but there was not enough development of it in the story to convince me of the reality of this attraction.
(b) Now, my problem with the ending is that it is a bit abrupt. I wish we could have seen it, instead of just being told about it. It is one of the few times when Howey does not stick to 'show, don't tell' rule. I do like the resolution of the conflict, I just think that maybe a dozen more pages could have wrapped it up neatly.

I am sure there will be more sequels, especially given the unresolved story of silo 17. I will definitely read them when they are written! Now it's time for me to check out some of the other books Hugh Howey has written - I hope they are just as good as this series.

jenniferd3's review

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I LOVE this series (with a capital LOVE). I am not one to spend money on books very often, but after reading the Wool #1 (for free), I immediately purchased the whole series. Highly recommended.

phoebegilmore's review

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Next to the first part (Wool #1) the best part! Just as it should be in a novel, really. Great plot and storyline, very believable characters and the right amount of drama, action, suspense, and excitement!

frugephoto's review

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Overall this was a great book with a very cool premise. There was a slight lull to the overall pacing but the story was good enough to keep me going. I hope that the next books will answer all of the questions that this one left me with.

bookish_ann's review

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A fantastic conclusion to one of the best dystopian novels I've ever read. Tons of tension, and a very satisfying finish.

ethoslost's review

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Great finale to the series! The Wool series is original and creates a new world ripe for countless stories of the people living within the silos. The author left the door open for more literary exploration of this frightening world.

taniabotes's review

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I thoroughly enjoyed the series, and think it would make a great movie. I will definately be reading more from this author. My only problem is that I really struggled to believe that Juliette could be in love with Lukas. I know opposites attract, but thought he was spineless