
Beautiful Torment by Gen Ryan

lzw's review

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Beautiful Torment (Thin Red Lines Book 3) by Gen Ryan is even better than the first two in the series! 5 stars all the way! Written in first person POV by the main character, Desiree, you go on an emotional rollercoaster stemming from both the past and the present. This is such a fast paced thrilling read that leaves you haunted… is both beautiful & shattering at the same time. So much suspense you will find yourself on the edge of your seat while reading! What I love most is how she weaves such a beautiful and engaging tale with such relatable characters! Also love Desiree for her strength to survive all she has been through. She is beautifully broken, yet held together with perseverance and grace. I highly recommend reading the entire series!

bookingbonkers's review

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This is another emotional and dark thriller from Gen Ryan and it is as good, if not better, than the first. I loved the main characters of Desiree and Hunter and I enjoyed catching up with some of the characters that appeared in the first book.

This can be read as a standalone book but I would recommend reading then ones before it as you are missing out on a treat. But if you choose to read them out of order you will not be confused by the story at all.

Suspense is high in this story and so it the heartbreak as it involves a disturbed and lost child. Desirees past is just as heartbreaking so she connects with the girl and provides help rather than judgement. It is a tender story enveloped in grief and destruction that is perfectly crafted from start to finish.

Having read two books be Gen Ryan and thoroughly enjoying how they gripped me and propelled the emotions of the story into my heart, I think I can safely say that you cannot lose if you choose a Gen Ryan novel. They are everything you expect from this genre and more.

becsa's review

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This was truly a beautiful story about overcoming out own past and coming out on top. The author does such a great job at linking the main character with the person they are after with having similar losses or struggles and seeing the different paths that people can take.

Desiree Garcia lost so much in El Salvador during the civil war and decided that she wanted a job as a FBI agent to help others yet she gave it up when she found herself a victim. She was still tough but at the same time she was so close to the edge that Hunter kept her up but at some point she knew she needed help.

Hunter was awesome and I loved how he took care of Desiree. He had so much guilt for getting Desiree involved in the case when she wasn't ready but part of it was because of his love for her. I loved how supportive he was of her and how he stood by her side through everything.

Desiree got so wrapped up with Sydney as she saw so much of herself in her and she hated to see anything bad. I felt so terrible for that whole thing, especially when we learn about what happened in her past and with Brian.

The ending was incredible and I absolutely loved it. I am seriously sad that this is the last book in the series as I would have loved Torres to have a story as well!

kelli513's review

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Book Review: Beautiful Torment
Author: Gen Ryan
Again Gen Ryan has written an amazing book. The Thin Red Lines series is just phenominal. The strong yet vunerable female lead characters who have all had their own personal battles and how they want to make the world a better place by taking on some of the biggest challenges that society throws at them via the FBI and local law enforcement.
How these challenges make them face their biggest fears and deal with them in a multitude of ways. In Beautiful Torment we are learning Desiree's story and what all she has dealt with in her years. Now she has gone home and is sitting behind a desk at the local police department. She is wasting all of her education and talent. It is up to her best friend Hunter to get her to come out of her shell and face her fears and get help for herself instead of just hiding everything inside.
The suspense and the horrors that occur in these books are unfortunately things that could be occuring daily all over the world. And the turmoil and aftermath of PTSD and the things it causes in people that suffer from it. It has hit me personally and I can totally understand the things going on in this book.
Excellent writing. Easy to follow and while a few spots were very predictable it was a great read. I was unable to put it down.
Kelli Harper

lisa01's review

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Beautiful Torment (The Thin Red Line #3) by Gen Ryan
Rated 4 stars

I love that one of Desiree’s favorite things about him was when he adjusted his know pushed them up on his nose. How sweet! Also her mother is so neat and very astute on Desiree and Hunters life. She is enjoyable!

This book really wasn't what I was expecting. I thought it would be like Beautiful Masterpiece. You know a psychological thriller. This one is not much of a thriller and it seems to be more what happens after a psychological event....kinda like repercussions. It was very interesting to see what happens after an event and how long it really affects people.

The foreword in Part II is so perfect for this book. I really liked it.
While this is the third book in the series (The Thin Red line) I feel that reading the second book in this series isn't necessary to understanding this one….I do think there are benefits. The main character in this book, (Desiree) had something or a couple tragic things happen in the second book. They seem to affect her in this one. Plus Madison and Avery make appearances in here and while I remember them both from Beautiful Masterpieces (Book 1) it looks like there is more of them in book two and I missed it. I did not read the second book but will be doing so with what I have found out.

To the author:
This was a good book and let me just say Brian's speech was amazing. I can't believe he "stuck" after everything that happened. Good for him!....and her!

bwagner's review

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Beautiful Torment (Thin Red Lines Book 3) by Gen Ryan is the third book in her Thin Red Lines series. This book can be read as a standalone but I would highly recommend reading this series from the beginning so that you get the full understanding of this series and characters. This story is full of suspense from the beginning to end and you will even find some romance. I enjoyed this author's writing style and her attention to detail. Her characters are connectable and true to life. They will pull you into their world of suspense and leave you sitting on the edge of your seat. The twists and turns they take you on will have you turning page after page just waiting to see what will happen next. Find out what happens when these characters take on a case that will either break or make them.

Desiree Garcia is a woman who runs from her problems but they always seem to catch up to her. She can't forget them nor can she escape them. Her last FBI case pushed her to her limits so she moved home to the comfort of her family and best friend she abandoned a long time ago.

Hunter Collins met her when she was twelve years old. He has stood by her and waited for her even when she joined the FBI, leaving him and everyone behind. Now that she is back, he is determined not to let her go again. When he presents a case to her, asking for her help, will she regret saying yes? Will it bring up old demons for her? They struggle through the case that brings up bad memories for her but will he keep her from losing it?

Desiree and Hunter's relationship is one that starts as a friendship and through the years even though she left for a while is still as strong as ever. He is the one person she can count on to keep her grounded. Their banter and sexual reference will keep you laughing and wondering why they are not together. You will love these two characters together and they really do make the story flow together. They complement each other and I can't see this story being the same without one of them. One of my favorite things about this book is how the author was able to connect Desiree with the person they were looking for. She stayed so tough throughout this story when she found a connection to that person. Hunter is a great character, he just has so many feelings for Desiree. He is not afraid to tell her, even her mother has been on his side. I just wanted to yell at them for them to finally get together instead of fighting what is right there. He does have some guilt about bring her in on the case because of her emotional struggle with her past. I did question her compassion with the killer and her determination to help the killer despite what she went through. The secondary characters are good and bad and you will have your favorite. I enjoyed how supportive her family was to her. These two will take you through some twists and turns that you won't see coming. Find out what happens to these characters as their relationship becomes stronger the closer they get to finding their killer.

This is my second book by Gen Ryan and it is my favorite of the series. She kept my attention glued to the page just wanting to see what would happen next. Gen is a teacher of forensic psychology by day and by night is frantically typing her stories on her laptop. Once again this author has created a fast story that will leave you wanting more. You will need to see what happens behind each page. I highly recommend this story as I know you will want to see what happens to Desiree and Hunter, will they find their HEA and will they put the case to rest?

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

Beautiful Torment is the third book in the Thin Red Lines series by Gen Ryan. It is full of drama, action, suspense and mystery. There is bit of a chill factor to the story, and it has some really heartbreaking situations that will really make you think.
Desiree Garcia has been through so much- far more than any person should have to endure. After her last case put her through a harrowing ordeal and tested her sanity to the point of breaking, she has left the FBI and returned home, taking up a desk job at the local police department.
There she is reunited with her best friend, Hunter Collins. They have been friend since they were 12 years old, when Desiree had moved there from El Salvador. He has wanted her for a very long time and is ready to move their relationship to the next level. He not willing to let her go again.
Hunter convinces Desiree to work on an arson case with him, which at first seems pretty straight forward, so Desiree agrees. But the case soon turns out to be far more complicated and triggering painful memories and uncovering a lot of issues for Desiree. This case hits close to home and Desiree is becoming emotionally invested in the outcome. Can Hunter keep her grounded? Will his love be enough to keep her from reaching the point of no return? Why has this case affected her so deeply? What will the future hold for Hunter and Desiree? The outcome may just surprise you….

You know an author has some serious talent when they can make the reader feel for the ‘baddie’… This really made me think and made me a little conflicted.
This story had a fantastic plot, and some really masterful character development. Desiree and Hunter were really wonderful, and I found myself really invested in them and the story.
I am really looking forward to reading more from Ms. Ryan!

Thank you, Ms. Ryan!

kirchersmiles's review

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Beautiful Torment (Thin Red Lines Book 3) by Gen Ryan

5 Stars

“That even after pain, you should reach for the sun and try to find your happiness.”
That one line says so much more than the few words it took to make it a sentence.

Im blown away...This is the first book I've read by this author and I read it in one sitting because even though I had things I had to do I could not put this book down. I can tell there is history that I missed out on by not reading the first two books first but it in no way took away anything from this story. I will be reading the first two though as soon as I can.

This author built amazing characters in this book, I fell in love with Desiree, Hunter, and Sydney and did not want the book to end. This was full of grief, sadness, tragedy, loss, love, hope, and forgiveness, and I felt every one of those feelings while reading. This book had a great flow and the style was easy yet moved at a great pace. There was a couple times in the book where it was like “oh wait, how did I miss that?” I like books that catch me off guard and this one did, and I loved it!!

I hope there's more because I would love to see where the future takes all of these characters that deal with real life issues that aren't solved in a day and aren't always pretty.

Brilliant Read!!

jennadb's review

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Gen Ryan is truly a wizard with words. Beautiful Torment is the third book in the Thin Red Lines series and it blew me away just as the other two did. This book is just like the others in that it is heartbreakingly beautiful. It is full of sadness and pain, heartbreak and sorrow and yet wonder and love. You get a glimpse into the minds of people who do terrible things and yet you can not stop reading because you have to know what is going to happen. The story evolves around three FBI agents who have each had more tragedy in their lives than anyone should have to see let alone live. These characters are trying to rebuild themselves and do their jobs at the same time. They are not only the best of friends they are family. Gen writes so well that you believe you are a part of their lives. They bleed, you bleed with them, they cry, you cry with. I can't wait to read other books by Gen Ryan because I enjoy her style of writing.

tracy_wilkin93's review

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Beautiful Torment is a story filled with tension and suspense. The title describes the feeling you get while reading this book. It was a beautiful torment. It was sometimes confronting and devastating, and also very provocative. Gen Ryan made me sit back and think,

Desiree and Hunter are best friends who share much deeper feelings than friendship, but neither would admit it. Desiree has to come to terms with her past and not run at the slightest hint of trouble. She is trying to find her way out of the dark, and Hunter is there for her every step of the way. Their story was an often painful one, with many tense moments where anything could have transpired. It was an edgy and intriguing thriller packed with not just drama, but blissful passion.

Gen Ryan had me in a trance with Beautiful Torment. This was the first time I have read her work, and now I cannot wait to read the first two books in this series. I just cannot get enough of this genre, and Gen Ryan has written one of the best I have ever read. Being able to relate to the content of the story makes the reading experience that much more special and memorable. A book that was sometimes heartbreaking, but spectacular nonetheless. I was not entirely sure this book would be for me, but boy was it incredible. My heart hurt for Desiree and Hunter, but i also felt pleasure and wonder at the talent that the author presented to me as a reader. It was an experience that I will not forget, and cannot wait to get to know more of Gen Ryan and her work. 5 very worthy stars