
Charlie, by Siobhan Davis

rotellareads's review

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4.5 star read!!!!! This novella redeemed Charlie in a big way! Such a broken, misunderstood and empty character who was completely brought back to life.

I loved Charlie in the Rydeville series until I didn’t. If you’ve read the series, you’ll understand. So I was a little apprehensive on how the author was going to try to get him into our good graces again. Boy, did Siobhan blow me away!

I absolutely loved the chemistry / battles between Demi and Charlie. They were obvious attracted to one another but were determined to make it impossible to get along with one another. I liked their battle of wills and back and forth jabbing!

This novella was full of heartbreak, unraveling secrets, grief and discovery. Charlie’s entire back story was so dark and traumatic. His mixed up feelings about Abby and the death of his father left him completely bitter and unapproachable. He kept so many walls up to protect himself, never letting anyone get too close to his heart. His obsession with Demi seemed to be misplaced in the beginning, but as their relationship developed and flourished, it became apparent that his feelings were completely genuine and real. The way he provided unwavering support for Demi through one of the hardest times in her life, proved that he was a good man who’d been forced to survive an evil upbringing.

The ONLY reasons this wasn’t a solid 5 star read for me...
- The use of the term “fucktard” really rubbed me the wrong way. It was used more than once in the story which was extremely unfortunate.
- The weeks to months worth of time jumps. It made the story feel a little rushed.
- Relatively quick and drama free “forgiveness” between characters. They were fast to let things slide and get over them which was completely uncharacteristic of the overall series style.

tlandrews's review

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Just couldn't get into the story.

babblingchatterreads's review

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Charlie Barron has made a mess of his life. He is constantly fighting his demons and to add to the mix he had feelings for a person that is already spoken for. One night an expected visitor comes into the office when he was feeling at his lowest point in his life.

Demi Alexander is Charlie's new assistant and is making her life miserable. Because of her home current situation she is determine to stick it out and deal with his attitude and behavior towards her. To add they both have something holding over each other making the work place an intense and frustrating.

As the story progresses we learn more of the life and background story of Charlie and Demi and it is one that will have your head spinning and turning into something they would least expected. However, Charlie's world is not your typical lifestyle and a battle of feelings begin to play. He will need to decide whether battle in his heart is worth fighting for.

hollyannebrady's review

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Oh Charlie! I will admit I did not like Charlie in the first three books. However in his own story I learned to love him. You got a look at his past and what he went through in the first three books. Demi is the perfect girl for him. She would fight him back when he deserved it.

I loved Demi's story as well. She quit collage to take care of her ailing father. He was her only parent growing up and she wanted to do anything she could to be there for him.

So much happened in this book and I devoured it in two days! I can't wait to see more of Charlie and Demi in the next books in the series. Charlie had never been in love before and learned what that feeling was and how to handle it.

I'm so glad Charlie got his own book!

natashareadsbooks's review

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I have been waiting for Charlie's story for months, and really enjoyed getting a look inside his head.

Demi drops out of college to get a job back home because her dad needs her. The only problem is, her new boss is Charlie who is determined to make her life a living hell. Sleeping with him on the night of his wedding might have something to do with his attitude.

Charlie can't undo the things he's done. And every day is a reminder of his failures. Especially her. It's as if Demi was put on this Earth to torture him. Because Everytime he's around her- she makes him feel things he doesn't want to feel. So he lashes out and pushes her away.

Until Charlie realizes that Demi is everything he never knew that he needed, then the battle becomes one to win over her heart.

I have wanted to get into Charlie's head since he first appeared in the Rydeville series. And this book was more than I bargained for! Grab your favorite boy you love to hate today! 5 hellish ⭐ out of 5⭐.

bookbirch1's review

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Oh Charlie! *Sigh* Where do I even begin? I despised Charlie in the last Rydeville Elite book. His betrayal and actions left me believing he could never be redeemed. I. Was. Wrong. We learn that Demi is the girl from Charlie's wedding night, and as first I didn't want to like her. Her thoughts and actions after finding out that he was married though, changed my mind pretty quickly. Demi is smart, determined, and fierce. And the perfect match for Charlie. As always their love story doesn't start off perfect. He's is his normal arrogant self from the beginning. Watching their love unfold over this short story was beautiful. Demi doesn't take an crap from Charlie and makes him work for it. There were moments when I was yelling at Charlie to get it together and moments where I was completely swooning over him. They've both through a lot. If you've read the previous books in the series than you know Charlie isn't new to heartbreak and lose. They way Charlie treated and handled things with Demi when she had to go through it completley redeemed him in my eyes. I began the journey of Charlie hating him, but in the end I absolutely love Charlie. We get glimpses of the whole gang through out the story, which I loved! It just remind me how much I miss that whole crew. Epilogue 1 and 2 at the end? EVERYTHING! The glimpse into the future brought a smile to my face. If you didn't like Charlie before, read this book now and let Siobhan Davis work her magic. Your opinion will drastically change. Now to wait for Jackson.

amez101's review

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** Review to come**

ambere_booksandmore's review

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I am so happy that Charlie got his happy ending. I have to say I was shocked but not really with where the book started. However the story was amazing! I am so glad that the story went in that direction. It was such a great love story and showed us the side of Charlie we all knew and loved even if we only saw it for a short amount of time. Great read!

fsmeurinne's review

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I'm a big fan of Siobhan Davis, I am a greater fan of her Rydeville Elite series, they have become one of my top favorite and definitely a must-read and on top favorite for this year. Charlie's story was phenomenal, I liked him from the series but his book was way more than what I thought so at the beginning making this book one of my favorites in the series. I just love bullies and their redemptions, this story dragged me through the night, I simply couldn't put it down. I hope this makes it's wat into the audiobook world to experience the story again. Fantastic more than 5 stars!

missdysfunktion's review

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Charlie is book four in the Rydeville Elite series.

We first meet Charlie in the begining of Abby and Cam's story. And honestly he was that character you can't help but despise.

But somehow Siobhan completely turned that around and actually made you want to like Charlie. With the different narrative you see his situation and issues he faced. While he doesn't excuse his poor actions I do think he deserved the redemption arc he received.