
Dobbeltspillet by A.C. Crispin, A.C. Crispin

skywalker07's review against another edition

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This felt like pure Star Wars, but I love how dark some parts of this series has been. I loved the last scene, when Han was on the other side of the door when Vader walked in to kill the Admiral, and having no idea who he was yet. That was really cool. And I'm happy they can make a full story about Han without him running into every single famous character either.

I also loved the Battle for Nar Shadda. I wasn't expecting to love that planet so much, but I do. I wonder who sent the mysterious message to the Imperials to lose on purpose though. Maybe Bria? This is definitely one of my favorite trilogies, if the third one is as good. It's so much better then the Solo film too.

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Han se aplecă pentru a ridica potul, iar femela barabel emise un răget.

— Trișorule! Are o mutabilă… sunt sigură! Nimeni nu poate fi atât de norocos!

Han se lăsă pe spate și o privi, jignit. Trișase de multe ori la sabacc, folosind mutabile – cărți care căpătau valori diferite, atunci când erau lovite ușor pe muchie – ca și în alte feluri, dar acum câștigase cinstit și pe față! Scuturând vehement din cap, spuse:

— N-am trișat! Am fost pur și simplu mai bun, surioară!

Când se întinse către ultima carte-cip, barabela mugi din nou. O mână împlătoșată și cu gheare ascuțite coborî într-o lovitură puternică ce rupse masa în două, aruncând în toate părțile tabla, creditele și cărțile-cip. Mârâind, ea avansă către Han.

— O să-ți smulg căpățâna cu dinții, trișorule!

Han îi privi o singură dată botul căscat, își dădu seama că era îndeajuns de masivă pentru a se ține de cuvânt și decise să folosească blasterul. Mâna dreaptă îi coborî spre coapsă cu iuțeala fulgerului, apoi simți prăselele uzate ale patului armei cuibărindu-i-se în palmă.

Mișcându-se cu aceeași viteză extraordinară, mâna porni să se ridice, scoțând blasterul…

… și încremeni, când arma se agăță în interiorul tocului!

birdmanseven's review against another edition

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This is a really good trilogy so far. I think I actually enjoyed book two, which is surprising. As I just experienced with Batman: War Games Part II, the middle book in a trilogy is usually the worst because nothing really begins of ends. This series works well, because while the books are obviously connected they could almost stand alone, independent of one another. There was a good mix of familiar characters and originals. I like all of the backstory with Han and the Hutts. Good series.

readerofbooks70's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


abell84's review against another edition

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adventurous lighthearted fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


disneywitch22's review against another edition

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This book is so far my favorite in this series. It introduces a lot of characters that we meet in the films. I highly recommend listening to any Star Wars books cause they have music and sounds as part of the audiobook but Be warned some are abridged.

Two of my favorite parts of this book was it first opens up to Han and Chewie at a bar and explains how they met (even though I would have loved to hear Han’s time in the navy and saving Chewie) and the other part is when Han sees the Millennium Falcon for the first time.

Pop Sugar’s Reading Challenge - A Book Set in Space

mynameisnemo's review against another edition

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Less entertaining and interesting than the first book in the series. This book covers the period when Han Solo began developing himself into a smuggler, after leaving the Imperial Military. There are some interesting concepts but all in all it was fairly boring to read and not much of an attention holder, as I evidenced by the length of time it took to read it.

seareader's review against another edition

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Contributing to my Star Wars book vice is the Han Solo Trilogy. A great origin story to one of the greates adventurers who never lived.

Crispin is up there with Tim Zahn!

peregrineace's review against another edition

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Decent, but I'm still off-put by her stinted writing style.