
Dirty Red, by Tarryn Fisher

whatcha_listening_to's review against another edition

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4 Dirty Red Stars

Holy Crap!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t know what to think.. Do I like Leah? Do I hate her? Do I root for her or not? What?!?! Hhheeeellllpppp I don’t know what to think.

Also, can this really be classified as a romance?? I have no flipping idea.

I will tell you my emotions are all over the place, I was NOT a fan of Leah at the beginning of this book, but she kind of grows on you. You understand her in a way I didn’t think I would.
I didn’t really think of her either way in book 1 she was just a part of the story. But now I am all kinds of screwed up. I like that it’s kind of the same story but not really just told in a different POV only it’s not because the story is moving forward too.

Yes that is confusing now you know my dilemma… On the book 3... Well, we get some answers... Gosh I really hope so!

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*

rramzan's review against another edition

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A window into the mind of a volatile woman.

The book is fast paced and gripping. I though it would be about perspectives during the same timeline but it is not.

carla_is_reading's review against another edition

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Dirty good!

After finishing the first of the series, I had to know what happens next. Never in my life would I have predicted this story to turn as it did.
From this character's point of view is a twisty, eye opening, guilt filled intrigue that had me on the edge of my seat.
I won't go any further than that, will just put the very last line in here.
"Olivia could hurt him, I’ll hurt him worse. I’ll keep hurting him. And if he goes after her again, I’ll rise up and do everything in my power to keep them apart. Some people never change. I guess I’m one of them."

Hmmm yeah... I'm gonna need to find out what happens next.

katrinamcginn89's review against another edition

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I honestly didn't want to read this. After the oppurtunist I loved Olivia and hated Leah. After reading Dirty Red...I still hate Leah. But now I understand her. I might even feel a little bad. It was amazing to get inside of her head and understand her motives. I loved Caleb even more after this! This is well worth reading. I can't wait for Caleb's point a view. I'm praying it gives me closure. Maybe even a happy ending. But tarryn enjoys torturing us so I won't get my hopes up :)

ash_012's review against another edition

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So I have a love-hate relationship with this book!
Tarryn kept manipulating me into loving/ hating Leah and yeah I don't know what to think anymore! This was very well written! It is like getting an insight into a man-stealing, manipulating-whore/ villain brain! Loved it!
Can't wait to see how this series end!

melissadelongcox's review against another edition

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I READ ALL 3 OF THESE IN THE LAST 24 HOURS. Tarryn’s storytelling never disappoints.

Leah’s a full on psycho.

prinsaintrecarti's review against another edition

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Romanian Review

Când am citit prima dată [b:The Opportunist|13312527|The Opportunist (Love Me with Lies, #1)|Tarryn Fisher||18518411] în 2017, unde am dat prima oară de Leah Smith, am crezut că este 95% similară Oliviei Kesper, dar în realitate între ele două este o diferență de la cer la pământ. Olivia este manipulatoare, dar sută la sută sigură pe ea, pe când cealaltă este manipulatoare, dar complet opusă în același timp. Caută iubire și atenție cu disperare, dar în același timp este și loială.

Leah, este o fată bogată, dar săracă din exterior pare că are o viață fabuloasă, dar din interior, ea este o versiune a cenușăresei oarecum, dar bogată. Este chinuită de nesiguranță, ușor de manipulat și se lasă condusă de vicii. Nu mi-a plăcut așa de mult ca prima carte. Leah, este un personaj demn de milă și ură, (slăbit emoțional), dar cumva mai mult de milă și poate că asta te face să empatizezi cu ea, cât de cât.

Ca și The Opportunist cartea este scrisă din perspectiva prezentului și a trecutului.
Este o carte necesară trilogiei, dar cele mai multe capitole din trecut mi s-au părut inutile, neinteresante și chiar dureros de plictisitoare, uneori. I-am simțit durerea lui Leah, felul cum se chinuia să respingă gândul că soțul ei este îndrăgostit de aceeași femeie de ani buni, felul cum încerca să se convingă pe sine că soțul ei o iubește. Poate mi-ar fi plăcut cartea, dacă nu mi-aș luat un spoiler major, cu ani în urmă sau dacă Olivia apărea mai mult. Atât romanul ăsta, cât și primul are mesaje importante.
The Opportunist ne învață că trebuie să profităm de fiecare șansă pe care o avem cu persoana iubită, să luptăm pentru persoana pe care o iubim cu adevărat (de fapt, asta presupun că este tema principală a întregii trilogii), dar și faptul că uneori trebuie să lăsăm persoanele iubite să își refacă viețiile și să lăsăm destinul să își facă treabă. Dacă e va fi, dacă nu, nu.

Din Dirty Red, învățăm că trebuie să ne iubim pe noi înșine pentru a fi iubiți de ceilalți.

Răufăcătoarei noastre îi lipsește cu desăvârșire stima de sine.
De abia aștept să văd ce am de învățat din [b:Thief|16090981|Thief (Love Me with Lies, #3)|Tarryn Fisher||21895518].

joannelw's review against another edition

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Gelijk door in het volgende boek! Als je zo kan schrijven dat ik de hoofdpersoon van dit (tweede)deel van de pagina's wil trekken, dan heb je het goed gedaan. How Leah became a bitch, that's what this story's about! En het gekke is, je snapt nog waarom ze is zoals ze is, bizar!

holsarmstrong's review against another edition

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Combined review for books Dirty Red & The Theif!

Well, I always hated Leah but I didn’t think she could get any worse than she did in the first book. Knowing some of her motivations behind certain actions really angered me more and despite Tarryn showing us a bit of her home life, I still hate her.
I also think (maybe because I’ve always been crazy maternal) but the way she used her daughter as a weapon against Caleb was disgusting. She is genuinely the epitome of someone who doesn’t deserve to have a child and I have never felt more frustrated reading a book in my life.
However, Tarryn writes unlikeable characters so well and I was fully immersed in the story!

Oh, so we get a book from Caleb’s POV now. After reading this one, I could really see that both Caleb and Olivia are as toxic as each other and frankly they work well together because they’re both as bad as each other.
I did like reading from his perspective and I could see he does have genuine feelings for Olivia. I also liked how he fought for his child too.

Overall, this series is great and makes you so angry and happy all at once.
I’d definitely recommend!

booksandmindysue's review against another edition

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WHAT. THE. HELL. No book should end like that!!!