
Echo of an Earth Angel by Sarah M. Ross

stacey_sassysreadingnook's review

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Review to come.

lenoreo's review

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2.5 stars -- I'm beginning to wonder if I'm just not in the right frame of mind for reading certain books. It seems like I haven't been enjoying some highly recommended books lately, and that's unusual for me...I'm pretty easy to please. Makes me fear re-reading books I loved in case I find all sorts of flaws...*sigh*

I just couldn't get into this one. I don't know if I just have too much going on right now, but I felt like I had to more make myself finish this one instead of being glued to it. But why? I liked the characters, but I guess I wasn't wowed by almost felt like certain things went too fast in the plot for me to truly get wrapped up in them, or that I couldn't get a good feel on the characters. Then a lot of the plot was spent analyzing...which usually doesn't bother me, but it felt a bit repetitive. And the bad guys were really bad, but I was left with too many questions at the end...I find I need a few of the mysteries solved so I can see where the author is going to go, and a few remaining to ensure I follow through with the next books in the series...and I was just left confused and unfulfilled in the end. And maybe I'm not in the right mood for a book where everything to do with God and Heaven and Angels seems to be so....wrong....and bad...and evil. I'm sure there are explanations coming in the next books, but I was just so turned off that I won't go for the next one. :( I'm sad now. I hate not seeing what other people see.

lifeandliterature's review

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Echo of an Earth Angel is the first book that I have read from this author. And I thank her for sending me a copy for review.

What I loved most about the book:
THE COVER: The hands are such a huge part of the story. And I love the visual of the hands being entwined. The power of touch in itself is such a wonderful thing! It evokes a whole range of emotions.
DAVID: The fallen angel. The healer. He cares so deeply!! I loved learning some of the things from his past that have made him the man that he is today.
TESSA: She is recovering from the worst year of her life when she first meets David, but what she's yet to discover is that this is not their first encounter. David has been a part of her life for the past year. Tessa is strong, caring and loyal. I loved her character and the journey of discovery that she made throughout the book.
THE SUPPORTING CHARACTERS: Morgan, who is Tessa's friend and Andre, who is David's friend, were so easy to like and Nico, the hunter was so easy to loathe!!
THE ENDING:What an ending!! The last few scenes had me sitting on the edge of my seat, dying to know what was going to happen next. And the twist with one of the characters near the end was awesome!!
THE AUTHORS WRITING: Incredibly easy to read!! The story flows really smoothly. Her writing manages to have you feeling such sympathy for the characters or laughing out loud at some of the things that they say.

I think that I would have liked some more time with David and Tessa. I really enjoyed the development of their relationship and I'm always a sucker for romance in books, so I'm hoping that we see more of that in book 2.

Echo of an Earth Angel was a really enjoyable read and I'm really looking forward to reading more of The Earth Angel trilogy!!

the_cover_contessa's review

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Finally finsihed! Review to come later.
I was given an ARC of Echo of An Earth Angel by the author, Sarah Ross, in exchange for an honest review.
Tessa barely survived a horrifying shooting which claimed the lives of her mother and father. After 9 long months in the hospital and a miraculous she finally gets to go home. Only her recovery is more miraculous than she would have ever imagined. Soon she meets David, a rogue angel, who reveals to her the truth behind her recovery and her new found abilities which make her a target for Hunters.
I love the theme behind this story. A young woman has a near death experience and is saved by an angel only to become an angel herself.
Tessa is spunky and bright, and confused about why she can suddenly heal people with the touch of her hands. You watch her come into her powers and fall in love, when she thought love was dead.
David is a sweet, well meaning angel who took things too far. He falls hard for Tessa and believes she has the brightest soul he has ever seen. He doesn't mean to change her into an angel, but he accidentally take his healing too far and transfers the powers he has to her.
I like the attraction between the two main characters. It is insta-love, but it's hard to deny that such love does exist. It's hard to deny that love can transcend knowing someone for a long time.
The supporting cast of characters is only ok, in my opinion. Those you thought were good, turn out bad. Those who are bad are really bad, and sort of crazy at the same time. Those who are good are really good, and you see the depth of their caring.
Things that I had issues with in this book were the use of British colloquialisms for characters who live and were born in America and the fact that there is very limited narrative. The paragraphs are quite long, even when there is dialogue between characters. And I found that there was a lot of repetition. I understood the need for the characters to reflect upon what was happening, but the relationships started to become unbelievable because you rarely saw the characters interacting with each other. Instead, the interactions were described in long narratives that could have been broken up with more action.
All in all the story was interesting and I can see where the characters have room for growth. The end was very abrupt, but you can see how a sequel will definitely help the reader to work out the holes that were left by the sudden ending.
I give this book 3/5 stars.
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