bfdbookblog's review

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I'm having a hard time rating this book – I typically like an HEA even if I have to go through some pain and angst to get there. This book is very dark and I suppose it could possibly be considered a pseudo happy ending although I didn’t really like the ending.

After reading the synopsis of book 2, that seems like the more logical place to start this series.

Mr. Genis’ writing and story-telling ability are very good. I would guess this was a hard story to tell and he did a good job of telling it.

Rick is obsessed with his PE teacher, Jacques Devereaux - like scary obsessed. He believes himself to be in love with him and fantasizes about them being together. He is angry jealous of Jacques wife which makes his obsession even scarier. Finding out that Rick’s previous relationship is with an older man – 37 to his 18, it seems that Rick has daddy issues that manifest into what he thinks is love because he feels he never had his father’s love.

What I didn’t like about this story was the sudden switch of Jacques from turning down Rick’s advances to suddenly agreeing to have sex with him to being in love. I don’t know if it was because we only saw him through Rick’s eyes and never really got inside his head but it was too quick a turnaround for my liking.

There is a story within the story revolving around Rick and his one-night stand from London, Jared (whom is featured in book 2). This sub-plot is almost as scary as the story between Jacques and Rick. As you read it, you understand that it is the highest of ironies but it was unsettling at best.

The ending really left me feeling unfulfilled.

kelli513's review

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Book Review: Obsession
Author: Liz Bower
In Obsession by Liz Bower we meet Jo Waters. Jo is getting her life in order as a software analyst. She is up for a promotion but she has to try to win the position since she is still new on the team. Standing up for Dan at a team meeting she inadvertantly puts herself in the hot seat where her job is concerned. Alex her boss has told her to be at a dinner to schmooze the prospective new clients and to bring her "boyfriend". However Jo doesn't have a boyfriend. She made that up so that Alex wouldn't think she was pining away for Dan.
So Jo does what every girl does. She goes home and asks her roommate/bestfriends brother Marco to stand in for her at the dinner as her boyfriend and to Jo's suprise Marco says yes without arguing.
Shortly after a successful dinner. Carol, the lady who got the position that Jo was hoping to get, receives a violent threat and they get progressively worse.
Jo's boss thinks that Jo is the obvious suspect but is she? Can Jo know who is doing this if it isn't her? What does this person want and why now?
After an out of town business meeting with the new clients to set up the software on location things get very weird. The hero of this story is suprising and so is the villian.
Enjoy this read I know I did. I especially enjoyed the love story that came through it.
Kelli Harper

katie_83's review

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5 star review

Obsession is a fantastic, gripping standalone novel by Liz Bower! This book pulled me in and didn’t let me back out until the very end! This is definitely one of those books that will still have you thinking about it after you have finished it! It is a relatively short read, less than 200 pages, but it’s packed full of romance, suspense and plot twists that you will not see coming! I could not turn the pages quick enough because I was so hooked on it! I tried so hard to work out what was going to happen and just when I thought I had worked it out – another twist came along! The author did an amazing job of concealing what was going to happen until the end!!
The story is about Jo (Josephine) who has recently split from her cheating boyfriend and although she doesn’t want a relationship at the moment she can’t help but become slightly obsessed with her sexy new colleague Dan! When Jo defends Dan in a meeting she ends up in a whole lot of trouble and when confronted by her boss about her uncharacteristic behaviour she panics and lies. Unfortunately this lie sets off an unstoppable chain of events and she finds herself needing to find herself a fake boyfriend. Her best friend and roommate offers her a solution – her brother, Marco. Trouble is for Jo, Marco has been the bane of her life since high school plus he is annoying and far too full of himself! But Marco is the least of her worries when someone starts to make threats again her colleague and boss and Jo is the obvious suspect.
I actually thought that the story was very cleverly written because although from dual POV you didn’t actually know who the other person was until the end! When we were reading from the other person’s POV there were no clues as to who it was – I absolutely loved this! It made me want to carry on so I could find out just who it was! I changed my mind so many times about who this other person was over the story – as I said before the author did really well to conceal their identity until the end!
I honestly cannot recommend this story enough, it was an amazing read! You definitely need to read it – you will not be disappointed!!

bwagner's review

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Obsession by Liz Bower is a story about wanting another person so bad that it doesn't matter what that person thinks or feels. This story has action, suspense and excitement. This story will show you sometimes love can be a dangerous thing.

Jo Waters is a young woman who feels that she finally has her life back on track after ending a bad relationship. Love is not high on her list of priorities, but that doesn't mean she can't look especially at a new work colleague. What will happen when she loses it during a meeting? When she is confronted by her boss about the situation, she lies about having a boyfriend. Now she needs to find herself a fake boyfriend. What happens when she does? When her room mate offers her a solution to her problem, will she take it? Just when she thinks her life can't get off more track and he is the least of her problems. Someone is making threats at her and her boss. Is her life in danger? Who is a suspect?

Marco is a young man just getting out of a relationship and needs to stay at his sister's place for a few weeks. When his sister offers him up to play her fake boyfriend, what will he do? Will he do it? She thinks he is annoying, full of himself and has been apart of her life since high school. How far will this situation go? Is there an attraction between them? Will he act on it?

Jo and Marco's story is one that is complicated is a way. Will their fake relationship become more? Do they want more? Will he understand when she leaves to protect everyone? Their story is one that will pull you into their world and leave you sitting on the edge of your seat. You will want to see what happens next and you will never believe what does happen.

This is my first read by Liz Bower. Liz has lived in three different counties in the past ten years. She writes about people finding their own happily ever after. When she is not writing she spends her time drinking to much coffee, walking her dog and looking for her next read. This story is a fast pager turner and you will want see what happens with this couple. You will lose yourself in their story and lose track of time. I highly suggest this story as I know you will love it as much as I have.

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

“There is a fine line between love and madness……… Obsession.”

Obsession is a wonderfully gripping standalone by Liz Bower. I read the blurb of this book and was immediately drawn to it. I HAD to read it! When I opened up to the first page, I took a deep breath and hoped that it was going to be every bit as good as I thought it would be. I dove right in and got swept along on an incredible journey, as Ms Bower skilfully wove her suspenseful tale. She didn’t let me down, this book is even better than the blurb had led me to believe. Slightly dark and intense in places, the story had me completely absorbed by it, right till the end.
Josephine Waters (Jo) works for Danver Solutions- one of the leading software providers for holiday companies in the Northwest of England. She loves her job and is happy that her life seems to be finally moving in a positive direction again; after hitting a few snags due to splitting up with her boyfriend- when she caught him cheating on her. Jo really has no interest in pursuing a new relationship, but can’t help appreciating the sexy new guy at her workplace.
When Mr. Sexy gets blamed for something he didn’t do, Jo jumps to his defence, which ends with her in the boss’s office being reprimanded. The behaviour is so out of character for her, so her boss asks for an explanation- Jo is completely caught off guard and ends up concocting a huge lie.
This lie is where the story gets intriguing and the beginning of an interesting chain of events- the first of which requires her to find someone she can pass off as her boyfriend. After discussing it with her friend, a suitable candidate is suggested and he happens to be her best friend Gabi’s brother, Marco. Jo has known him for a long time, but she doesn’t think he’s such a good idea- because he is annoying, arrogant and enjoys nothing more than antagonising her.
Then, events seem to be spiralling out of her control and someone with sinister intentions seems to have taken quite an interest in her life- endangering her colleagues and loved ones. Unfortunately, all the evidence seems to be pointing to Jo- making her the prime suspect. What exactly is happening here? Why Jo….. And can she figure it all out and protect the one’s she loves, before it’s too late?
Wow! This story really had so much going on in it. Ms. Bower wrote and orchestrated all the various elements of the plot so wonderfully well. Her writing style is vividly detailed and descriptive; bold and very gripping. She added enough tension, surprises, suspense, mystery, and darkness- to really get my heart pounding and had me sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation.
The characters were fully developed and written really well. The chemistry between the main characters was sizzling with intensity, and there were quite a few very erotic moments throughout the book.
The story is told from a duel P.O.V and I liked the way the author ended the book, wrapping everything up really well.
I had not read any of Ms. Bower’s work before, but after reading this book I have now added her to my ‘must read’ list of authors. I am really looking forward to her next book.

Thank you Ms. Bower!

rooskie87's review

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Obsession by Liz Bower
4 Stars

Obsession was the first book I've read by Liz Bowers but it won't be my last. This book had a little of everything. Told in mostly first person POV of main character Jo, but a couple times we see inside the bad guys head. The story was very well written and loved the way things were described in detail but wasn't over done.
Jo Waters works in an office and she has a slight crush on a new coworker, Dan. We meet her in a meeting where she's speaking up for Dan, who's being blamed for the setbacks, which is out of character for her as she's the quiet type. Jo finally feels as though her life is back on track and things are looking up for her future in life and work. When she is reminded by her boss of the no fraternization policy, she realizes her lusting over Dan didn't go unnoticed like she thought, she quickly lies about having a boyfriend. Jo lives with her best friend Gabi and when she tells of her lie and a dinner invitation that has to do with her application for promotion, Gabi has the perfect solution her brother Marco. While thinking over having a fake date with Marco she starts to realise she may have feelings for Marco but she feels guilty as she doesn't want to cause any upset if things go south. When threats start to come in potentially framing Jo and causing her boss and Marco to be cautious she takes matters into her own hands. Will she be making the right decision? Who is behind the threats? Why are they doing this?
This story had love, suspense, drama and a little heartache but it was all needed for this story. Great read and I can't wait to dive into more from this author.