
The Remedy by Asher Ellis

daynpitseleh's review

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I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

2 1/2 stars, rounded up to three

A mashup of horror movies like Deliverance, The Hills Have eyes, Cabin Fever, and the Ruins. With a book like this, you pretty much know exactly what you're getting into - lots of blood, violence and a(n) (un)healthy dose of backwoods families. The Remedy delivers on these promises. The majority of characters are unlikable, with our main character, Leigh, being the least unlikable of the bunch (this is overemphasized by how much she talks about her therapy -- as if making her self-aware makes us relate to her). It was a quick, entertaining read, but I found myself turned off of the book by its problematic depictions of some of the characters, especially Grizzly, a complaint I've had with other "hillbilly" entertainment. If these type of depictions (think of The Hills Have Eyes to get an idea) don't both you, you will probably enjoy this story.