
Bookhunter by Jason Shiga

nglofile's review

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2.5 stars. Liked the art more than the story, which was too insider-ish. Shiga's simple but charming illustrations win me over.

shereadsshedrinks's review

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Really fun and quick. A must read for librarians, especially. Makes me want to work for the Library Police...

finlaaaay's review

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Amazon recommended me this after I read [b:Meanwhile|7229730|Meanwhile|Jason Shiga||8075007], also by Shiga. This is a detective story that relies heavily on knowledge of 1970s library systems and book-binding techniques, and it's wonderfully geeky. It takes itself seriously while also revelling in how ridiculous its premise is, and I liked that.

deepfreezebatman's review

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When I heard about this book I just had to read it.

I love characters that squint their eyes a lot.. especially in devious librarianish ways.
Librarians are such badasses!

dajna's review

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This is so cute. A precious book is missing from the library and the library police is investigating. The novel is full of action and law&order stereotypes, and each one works. I loved the final scene with the bad guy running through the library and getting cornered by the selfless detective.

crookedtreehouse's review

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I saw a review of [a:Jason Shiga|469075|Jason Shiga|]'s [b:Demon, volume 1|34618625|Demon, volume 1|Jason Shiga||47463581] online, and decided I wanted to check out. And I loved it. It's dark, weird, and more fun than a book with its subject matter should be. A few days after reading the second volume, I was moving some books around at work and found a copy of Bookhunter.

It's certainly brighter than Demon (as are most books) but it is just as fun. It's a weird 70s crime story centered around a theft at a library. I read a few reviews that mentioned that it was the sort of book that only appealed to librarians. This is true in the same way that police procedurals are only interesting to police officers, science fiction stories are only interesting to aliens who have travelled out of their own solar system, and book reviews written by idiots are only interesting to other idiots who write book reviews.

This is a silly action book that is more humorous than funny, but did have one sequence that made me laugh out loud. And it made me laugh out loud again when I just reread it.

The art is very cartoony in a sort of early 2000s Adult Swim way but with less squigglevision. It's a black and white book, and I hope that, if it ever gets colored, it's done in a very muted orangey Barney Miller sort of way.

dawnoftheread's review

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Fun. What action adventure movies would be like if book theft was taken as seriously as espionage.

library_bookwyrm's review

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Quick, fun read - especially cool for librarians.

elisala's review

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A la limite du surréalisme, la police des bibliothèques met en oeuvre les techniques les plus pointues d'investigation pour déjouer les manigances et débusquer des voleurs de livre.
C'est tout à fait jouissif, en particulier pour une amoureuse des livres comme moi, c'est complètement exagéré, de l'humour au 72ème degré, complètement à froid.
Le dessin est également très bien, simple et efficace. La mise en scène, reprenant certains "classiques" des films policiers (ou séries), est entièrement partie prenante dans l'humour du livre.
Inattendu et excellent.

readerpants's review

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Comics noir, with a hardbitten detective from the Library Police force!