
Body of Christ by Mark Matthews

curiosityboughtthebook's review

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I just finished reading this book, and honestly I was gonna wait until tomorrow to write a review, but I have to get it out of my system. I’m not sure if Mark Matthews is religious or not, but holy cow! I have to give him kudos from having the guts to write this novella. There were at least three ( or more? I have no clue)taboo topics in it, and he sure as hell had no problem bringing them up- loudly!

Now, let me tell you, if you’re a Christian this novella will probably not be for you. I personally enjoyed it, even though it grossed me out and was really, really bizarre. I don’t know for sure what the underlying message in this book is (if there is one), but to me it portrayed the dangers of brainwashing and forcing children into religion. I might be wrong, but that’s my two cents.

To summarize it: If you’re squeamish, easily offended or disturbed you might not wanna read this one.

booklovingcatmom's review

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Matthews’ stories are dark and disturbing but they are often the ones that stay with me long after I’ve finished reading them.

The themes and depth of Matthews’ Body of Christ don’t get lost in the grotesque or uncomfortable scenes. And I’m constantly awed with how he uses religious themes without causing offense to either end of the spectrum.

laurasmash's review

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Well, this was something.

You ever have one of those dreams where things always make sense, but when you wake up, it starts to unravel?

This felt like one of those dreams.

It starts out pretty normal and then just completely veers into the weird where things don't really make sense and you have no idea where someone could have come up with this.

sralgee's review

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Bloody, violent, brilliant.

Keagan and Faith twist every basic trope of Christianity backward and sideways, searching so hard for relief from their pain that their yearnings bear living fruit, and nothing will be the same. While I'd caution particularly devout Christians to possibly avoid this book, I'll be recommending it to a lot of people. Just really well done.

jeanne25's review

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Being lucky(unlucky) enough to have lived most of my life in the bible belt, there are two subjects that I avoid in polite company. (It never ends well otherwise.) Those subjects are religion and abortion. I have some positively amazing friends on both sides of each subject and I would like it to remain that way.

I see the novella Body of Christ come up on a review feed. Normally, I would take one look at this title, say “no thank you” and pass right on by. Something made me pause instead and I purchased the audio book.

First – the audio book narrator has that generic style I associate with a Creepypasta narrator. It isn’t bad but certainly not polished either. The story? Once more I am faced with the fact that I don’t think like mainstream society. The story is extreme, gross and (lightning strike me down now) parts were hilarious as hell. (Pun not intended.) I am not sure if this novella was intended to be scary, funny or both but I give it 4 out of 5 stars because it was short (just under 2 hours) and it entertained me immensely.

My parting thought on this story? Parents can really screw a kid up.

brinocheeze's review

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What the hell did I just read?

odbookreviews's review

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This is the story of 2 disturbed children who live across the street from each other. Each of them witness a parent’s death and the trauma causes them to behaves in insane ways. Faith begins giving her menstrual pads proper burials, and Keagan combines the flesh of his deceased father with communion wafers to create the body of Christ. After a year the fruit of their labor turns into a spiritual horror show.

In Short:
This is a bizarre, quick read that will leave you grossed out and possibly confused. If you like the idea of a horror story told with Catholic themes check this one out. It has a very over the top story with a B movie sort of vibe and plenty of slasher like gore.

The story was really unusual and very creative and unique. It’s a bit unnerving, unsettling and gross. The cover is awesome and I think depicts the story well. I can honestly say I have never read anything like this and probably will never find another like it. The bizarre turn of events were really shocking and original. If you read the book’s blurb on Amazon or Goodreads you’ll get a little spoilered but otherwise you would be really surprised by the turn of events. This was definitely a wild ride. I think the author is very inventive and I would read more by him, just maybe something with less menstrual and religious elements.

I didn’t find the story or characters to be very realistic or believable so I wasn’t very invested in it. Every key plot point was telegraphed so the build-up could have been better. Although the story picked up toward the end and got way more supernatural and exciting I thought the actual ending fell flat. The menses equaling dead babies thing was a bit too dramatic for me. Without spoiling anything I’ll just say I couldn’t suspend disbelief when it came to that bit.

Parent’s Guide:
Contains child abuse, suicide, death, murder, blood, gore, violence, and swearing.

I was given a free copy of this book in return for my honest review for judgement in the Indie Horror Book Awards.