
Moorigad: Complete Age of the Hybrid Series by Debra Kristi

yogicath's review

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This collection consists of three books which tell the tale of Kyra, a Moorigad dragon shifter, born with the fire dragon abilities of her father and the water dragon abilities of her mother. She is called an abomination and told to choose which side of the family she is going to belong to, but ends up running away from a marriage she doesn’t want and a choice she wasn’t ready to make. She enters a convenience store when really hungry, looking to grab some food before her dragon comes out and causes any chaos to the humans around her. But as she runs out the shop with some bags of jerky, she is pursued by a cop, only managing to get away when she falls through a wall, decorated with the image of a carnival. She ends up being met by blond old man Zeke, the gatekeeper of the real life magical carnival she has found herself within. She settles down and starts working as a fire breather for the carnival and makes a good friend in Sebastian, a tarot reader and possible love interest. She is just about to find out what his deepest secrets may be and what he actually is, when she makes a decision that will change everything!

Sebastian has also run away from his family, his father in particular and he is also of mixed abilities from both of his parents and a father that wants him to be trained up in his line of work. Kyra is taken for a day out, back into the mundane world by Sebastian and just as he is about to open up, a man is attacked by some other men and falls from the bridge overhead and into the water. She feels a pull towards him and while Sebastian wants her to do nothing, she jumps in and saves his life. His name is Marcus and his time was supposed to be up. He has the tooth of an ancient dragon ancestor around his neck, but seems to be human to Kyra, so she can’t figure out why she feels the need to help him. But this is going to be a bad decision and one that will break apart the two friends and any chance of a relationship they were about to begin. She asks for a powerful magic to be done to keep Marcus from death and loses her dragon to him, whilst keeping him safe and ending up badly injured herself in her human only state. When she wakes, Marcus is by her bed and she can’t remember anything about herself or her past, not even about her dragon Kalrapura.

Sebastian is forced back into working for his father and doesn’t manage to see Kyra for about a month, to find she is now working, but being closely watched by a friend of Marcus, and has little control over her own life. Sebastian runs into her by accident in a café and it seems she has been remembering something about her past and thinking of him since they last met at the flat, when magic stopped him from getting in. Marcus has been gathering different dragons and holding their essences, ready to take their powers for himself, to make him the strongest dragon of all, and to take back what he believes is his. A former dragon called Davies, has his own little army fighting to keep Marcus and others from the mundane world, working in company with Sebastian’s own father to send Marcus to Purgatory to begin with. Their actions have a lot to answer for and it seems his father isn’t just reaping souls, but is happy to prematurely claim them as well! Something that deeply upsets Sebastian and causes more problems with Davies, as one was his daughter Alice. A massive battle is coming between Kyra’s father and Marcus, but Davies and Sebastian’s father are right in the mix as well. Sebastian and Kyra, as well as her dragon, are key to trying to force a peaceful outcome and the carnies all come together to protect what and who is theirs! Part of the secrets of the carnie are revealed and that of both Higgins and Zeke, in being part of the magic of the carnival. Lots more to discover and some key magic going on, with Sebastian determined to help Kyra get back to her normal self and not become someone else’s pawn. An interesting trilogy which definitely comes into full blown action and excitement in the final book. I received an ARC copy of this book from BookSprout and I have freely given my own opinion of the book above.

sparklingreader's review

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This is an amazing series. I read all three books together which worked out really well. Had I read them individually, I would probably have been upset because they are basically one (really big) book split into three. But in reading them together, I get the entire story. I would have liked a little background on the carnival – it’s intriguing. A place for paranormals that is alive itself and changes around at various times so you’re never quite sure where you are. Maybe a prequel to give us background on the carnival and the people who live there. The world building is incredibly complex. And the characters—especially Kyra and Sebastian—are well done. I loved Higgins and Zeke too, and several others as well.

What I liked: World building is amazing. Characters too. Loved the Carnival that is alive. Cried when…not giving it away… someone died. That means I was invested in the story and the author pulled me in emotionally. Having Kyra and Sebastian both be hybrids gives them something in common, and something each has to deal with on different levels. Kyra’s family doesn’t want her. Sebastian’s father wants to control him. Interesting conflicts. I found book two easier to read than one, but both (actually all three) are good.

What I didn’t like: I had trouble following at times where we were. Carnival? Earth? Purgatory? Somewhere else? Don’t get me wrong, the world building was beyond well-done. But I just had trouble following sometimes.

Recommendation: Love fantasy? Love dragons? Love all things paranormal? Then pick this series up. You won’t be disappointed.

Disclaimer: I received these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and are not influenced by anyone.

book_lover_97's review

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The Complete Morrigad Collection is filled with magic and well written characters. The world building is complex, descriptive, and easy to get lost in. Captivating with plenty of twists and turns along with an amazing storyline. Amazing read.