
Max and the Superheroes by Rocío Bonilla, Mara Lethem, Oriol Malet

ashlikesbooks's review

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Do you like this book?
Yeah because I love superheroes!

What's your favorite part of the book?
When he's chasing the kitty! And his grampa tells him about superheroes. My papi tells me about superheroes. And then his mom is supermom! You're a superhero momma! Like Harley Quinn! (Apparently I'm Harley and daddy is Joker.)

What do you think of the cover?
I like the batman!

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I would have loved to actually be able to read the actual book of this because it seems like it would be awesome in the actual format of the book. This one was hard to read on the kindle because it's meant to be like a comic and a picture book, and well. It just didn't translate well to the kindle.

Either way.
The story is cute, about a little boy obsessed with comics and superheroes (We're working on Finn loving comics and superheroes, because they're awesome and we love them as well)

My favorite part though is that his favorite superhero is a female. It talks not only about how strong and awesome she is, but also how good she is, and how intelligent she is.


You find out that his favorite superhero is actually his mom. And I'm not going to lie, that part totally made me cry and then Finn said I'm his favorite superhero and I swear I need to buy this book because it's a really great one.

librarian343's review

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I loved this book! I love that Max’s favorite super hero is a female. I love that she is physically and mentally strong. I love that she’s more impressive than the boy superheroes. And I really love that Max’s favorite super hero is his mom!