
Fairy Icepack by Emily Martha Sorensen

bookwormbunny's review

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Fairy Icepack by Emily Martha Sorenson is book 8 in her Fairy Senses series. In this book young Viola wants to be like her friends and have a fairy sense like her friends but she doesn't know how to get one. What she doesn't expect is that when she takes a nasty tumble over some of her toys in her messy room that an icepack would give her the abilities to sense fairy temperatures. The thing is the fairy temperatures get her hurt not just once but twice. Her parents think that she is playing with dangerous things that she shouldn't be playing with but can she convince them of the truth and how will she go about doing exactly that?
This is the second book by Emily Martha Sorenson that I have read and all in all I really enjoyed the story. I liked that Viola's friends each have some unique fairy sense and that not all of them are really pleasant so that keys you in to how mischievous fairies can be. They never give you exactly what it is that you want. Viola is an overindulged little girl and you really see that when she tells her mother that she's more than wiling to part with most of her toys just to have the fairy icepack.
This is a short decent read and a good YA fantasy novel. While I think that Viola complains a bit too much I still really enjoyed reading this book. Definitely a good read for young children and young adults for sure. I received a copy of this book for review.