
Black Widow #6, by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee

apageinthestacks's review

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With the talent behind the book, I thought I'd like it when it first came out. After reading the first issue, I was a bit blown away at just how much I ended up liking it, and how it exceeded my already-high expectations.

Six issues in and it's still going amazingly strong. I'm kind of on a DC high right now, but this is one Marvel book I can't stop reading.

spacestationtrustfund's review

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Samnee & Waid are an excellent creative duo most of the time. I particularly love Samnee's art. This run, however, isn't their best.

ayyymonie's review

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readingwarlock's review

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**4.5 Stars

jenlisa's review

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marisacarpico's review

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Still one of the best books on the market. I should know not to underestimate Waid and Samnee, but assumed this was going to be some big superhero battle. This was much better. No team is meshing words and images for maximum storytelling effect like these two. Like the resolution, though suspect we'll have to wait until next issue to really see where things stand going forward.

theresidentbookworm's review

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10 Things I Loved in Black Widow #6

1. Tony Stark! Yay! Familiar Avenger! I am due for a dose of Natasha/Tony brotp. The revealing of Natasha's secret may not be great for that brotp though...

2. Nice little recap of everything that's happened from Natasha. Not sure why that's included, but still... Watch out, Nat! Tony's on his way.

3. Red Room flashback! Red Room flashback! Headmistress and Ivan make an appearance! Natasha in super cool black hat with a veil kicking ass. This is all I want out of life. Also, her kicking off her heels as soon as she's done with the job.

4. "You're losing your touch , Natasha. An unencrypted pay phone? Amateur hour. "... "Yeah. An old flame just showed up to kick my ass. It's been that kind of day." Mutual Tony/Natasha sass is my lifeblood. I love their dynamic so much.

5. Tony's obvious concern when he sees how beat up Natasha is. Instead of fighting her, he offers her help and a chance to explain herself. Never say Tony Stark doesn't have a heart.

6. The fact Tony has clothes programmed to molecularly change? Also the fact his nighttime Paris look is automatically programmed to be a tuxedo? Oh, Tony...

Spoiler The fact that Tony has forgiven Nat for so many things and will admit that, but having such a hard time with this because it is about Yinsen, the man who saved him, and Nat was the one who delivered him to the terrorists. He's forgiven so much, but he doesn't know if he can forgive this. And the regret Nat is showing (even if she might be playing Tony) because she does value the Avengers. She values the people who've forgiven her, and this isn't easy for her.

8. Oh, snap!
Spoiler Nat, no! Tony is a friend. We don't play our friends. Though, that was good. I hope she makes up with Tony later. Still, she is the Black Widow, and she will do what she has to do.

9. Showdown with the Weeping Lion! Hella yes! Wait, plot twist.
Spoiler A teenage mutant who can read minds? Feels familiar... Wonder if he's ever attended the Xavier School. Still, don't think you can outsmart the Black Widow, kid, mind-reader or not.

Spoiler "No one plays me, 'Lion'. That's no secret. No one gets into my head unless I let them. And just so we understand one another... Here's the deal . You work for me now."
. What a cliffhanger! I don't want to wait until October.

suvij's review

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Чесно кажучи, від самого коміксу я в захваті. Це такий візуальний смаколик, нічим не розбавлений. Але цей епізод у серії дуже показовий. Діалог між Чорною Вдовою і Залізною Людиною можна прочитати в ключі «можна мене розрубати, кинути в бочку з лайном», і все одно виходитимуть нові й нові історії. Я подумав, як сумно бути таким персонажем, який не має спокою.