
The Hookup Hoax by Heather Thurmeier

mandy_pandy's review

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Sawyer is a workaholic who is trying to save the family company. On top of that, his grandparents decide they want to give their family cabin, Sawyers favorite place in the world, to one of their 2 grandchildren. It's between Sawyer and his cousin Tyler. To give himself the edge, Sawyer decides he needs to pretend to have a girlfriend to show the grandparents that someday he'll have a family to spend time at the cabin. Olivia is back to town after having traveled the world for the last 5 years. When she goes to dinner with her brother Aiden and his best friend Sawyer, the last thing she expects is a proposition to be his fake girlfriend. What I enjoyed most about this story was the sexual tension between Sawyer and Olivia. I really liked both characters and enjoyed the chemistry between them. This book mixes two of my favorite romance type books, a fake relationship and a brother's best friend storyline. I really enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more by this author.

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

storieswithsoul's review

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An old tale with a new spin, it is light and entertaining read. I must read for romance lovers and those who like stories about fake-turned-real relationships. I enjoyed reading this light hearted romance.
Sawyer is owner of a successful business but having difficulty keeping his company at the top. And now he learned that his grandparents plan to leave their cabin to a family member who will pass it on to next generations. He knows that it can't be him since he has never had a real relationship and never plans to marry. Now that must change or he will lose the cabin, which he has always wanted.
Olivia is his best friend's sister. She is back in USA and who can be better than her to play his fake-girlfriend. But things doesn't go the way two of them planned. They fell for each other. Will they be able to overcome their fears and give each other a chance?

P.S. I received a complimentary copy of this book, for which I'd like to thank the publisher.

tarryncurrentlyreading's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Thank you to Entangled Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book!

Last year I read two novels back to back, The Marriage Bargain and Beautiful Bastard. The Hookup Hoax reminded me of a blending of these two novels, and at time seemed to be the perfect balance of the best elements of both. It had the sweet campy 'together because of a pact' trope, as well as some satisfying work/work event sexual tension. The characters were even milder and less annoying and/or abrasive as some of the characters in the other novels.

Is The Hookup Hoax an original plotline? Absolutely not. If you're looking for something fresh and new, this isn't the story for you. But if you're looking for something fun and quick that will keep you entertained, then by all means, try this one out! Though a cliche near the end annoyed me because, though I LOVE cliches when they are fun and well done, some never add to the story, in my opinion and this is one of those cliches. Still, I enjoyed myself while reading this book and that's what I want in my fun romances. I just want to have a good time, so thank you Heather Thurmeier, for providing that!

missriki's review

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This was another great read form Entangled’s Lovestruck line. It reads like the perfect romantic comedy, with plenty of laugh out loud moments and of course, sexytimes. The book puts a delightful new spin on two of my favorite romance tropes. There’s the love interest falling in love with his best friend’s little sister trope (so cute!), as well as the pretend romance trope. Both are wonderfully executed in this novel.

I loved Sawyer as the leading man in this story. He’s a workaholic, but there’s more to his workaholic ways than just a quest to become rich. He has a persuasive backstory that compels him to be the best in all he does. Wanting the family cabin is more to him than just wanting land or property- it’s about his past and the comfort that those memories give him. He’s a confirmed bachelor, but it quickly becomes clear that it’s only because he hasn’t met his match….

Until Olivia. Olivia has also sworn off relationships for the time being, but for different reasons. After her fiancée leaves her, she escapes by travelling the world, where she picks up life experience, but not the kind that will land her a job back home. When Sawyer agrees to hire her and provide a place for her to live in exchange for being his pretend girlfriend, the opportunity is too good to pass up. What I loved the most about Olivia’s backstory was how it set her up with agency later in the book. All that travel and experience with other cultures comes in handy, and I loved that she gets the chance to show off a little and ultimately saves the day for Sawyer.

Heather Thurmeier takes familiar romance tropes up a notch by giving her hero and heroine smart, compelling backstories to go along with the obvious physical chemistry. As a reader, I actually liked these characters so much on their own that it was inevitable to love them together.

This was a great read. I’m adding Heather Thurmeier to my list of auto-buy authors. This book was so well written, I’d read whatever she writes.

jillip's review

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This contemporary romance ended up just being okay for me. It was enjoyable enough, and nothing was terribly wrong with it, but it was just kind of lackluster. I doubt it will be memorable in the long run. I actually enjoyed the first 3/4 of the book significantly more than the last 1/4, which felt so melodramatic and contrived..

poisonivy70's review

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Sawyer’s been focused almost exclusively on the family business, deciding that he doesn’t do relationships. Of course. Except his grandparents are getting ready to deed the family’s lakefront home, and the choice is between bachelor Sawyer, and his married cousin Tyler. He’s despairing he’ll never get the house….but then Olivia presents the perfect solution.

Olivia’s been traveling the world for several years after a failed engagement. When she gets home, her brother Aidan’s best friend Sawyer proposes that she pretend to be his girlfriend AND come work for him. She gets to have some professional experience and save money to get her own apartment (since she’ll live with Sawyer for a while) and Sawyer can prove that he’s the settling down type.

So what happens next? Yeah….romance, of course.

The Good, The Bad and Everything In Between

-Good Chemistry: When the story focuses on Sawyer and Olivia, there’s definite heat and chemistry. Their banter was good and I would have liked to see more of it.

-Sweet story: In general, the angst is pretty low and mostly generated by their own self-doubt.

-But would have liked more depth: While it’s a fairly simple fake relationship plotline, so much wasn’t explored. For example, these are two allegedly intelligent people, yet neither one of them ever thought about of the most basic things such as needing to touch and kiss to convince others of their relationship. Also she's barely concerned about living with her boss and yet she hasn't even thought of the ramifications of being involved with him and how it will affect her relationship with her co-workers. So much could have been established, a strong foundation for what angst there is, if they had spent some time just discussing the plan and getting to know each other, and less time spent in their own heads bemoaning the other’s alleged lack of attraction (? seriously didn’t get why either would think that). Which leads me to….

-Suffers from the repeats: The one thing I would have liked less of was the constant “I can’t be with him/her, he/she doesn’t me” refrain that Sawyer and Olivia sang in their heads. The story needed more of a balance between their actual connection and their denial of their feelings. Alot of their romance was on a fast track to justify their constant woe of being together.

The Bottom Line
I liked it, even if I had some issues with it.

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**