
But I Said Forever by Jennifer Gilby Roberts

ariellejoyjagow's review against another edition

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Review originally posted on my blog

My Thoughts in a Nutshell

But I Said Forever is an amusing romantic comedy about what comes after the ‘Happily Ever After’. It’s a story about learning to let go of a marriage that is no longer filled with love. Throughout Brittany’s journey of self-discovery, it was beautiful to see how friends can rally together to tackle issues and come out on top, successful in their attempts to make their lives better. This novel was inspirational and a good example of the notion that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams.

My Review

But I Said Forever is an amusing romantic comedy about what comes after the ‘Happily Ever After’. It’s a story about learning to let go of a marriage that is no longer filled with love and a partner that doesn’t support your dreams and couldn’t care less about your feelings and what you want in life. A man that’s more concerned about appearances and what other people in their social circle will think.

Since she got married five years ago at the young age of eighteen to her own personal ‘Prince Charming’ named Phillip, Brittany’s always had more money than she knows what to do with and has been expected to be the perfect little stay at home wife and now mother. But she’s finally decided that her life at home isn’t fulling and she doesn’t want to be dependent on Phillip anymore. She slowly makes some changes in her life by taking a job in a small bakery called For Goodness Cake and for the first time in her life, she begins to become more independent. Quickly after Brittany begins working in the bakery, an unexpected discovery on the marital front happens that requires Brittany to finally make a decision about whether or not she wants to fix her marriage or let it go. It’s intriguing to me that someone could be married to someone that they truly know so little about and that something that huge could have been kept secret for as long as it did. It was definitely not what I was expecting and it had me laughing throughout her path from discovery to the decision she ultimately makes.

I enjoyed reading about the journey Brittany goes on, the path of self-discovery, outside of just being a stay at home wife and mother. Her journey was inspirational and a good example of the fact that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. It’s always great when you have people in your life to help you out when the going gets tough and Brittany has some interesting and amusing friends and coworkers that help her rally. Abby, one of Brittany’s coworkers, isn’t the brightest crayon in the box but she is always full of love and infectious happiness. Zack, a gorgeous recently divorced man, is the bakery’s cook and slowly begins to let Brittany into his kitchen and his heart. Carly, Brittany’s former live-in-nanny, opened her heart and home to Brittany, even at a time when she was going through her own grief. Lauren, who moves in with Carly the same time Brittany does, has the most crass and ridiculous mouth but when push comes to shove, she’s a genuine individual and a loyal friend.

Sometimes you can make pursuing your dreams and passions into more than just a hobby. I loved the passage where Brittany wonders about whether people dislike their jobs because they don’t like their job or if it’s because they are financially dependent upon it. What would you do if you won the lottery? Whatever your answer is, that’s what you should aspire to do and make a career out of what makes you happy. Brittany was raised with the mindset that she would become a housewife. Her parents discouraged her from going to college and they did everything in their power to find Brittany a suitable husband that would give her the life of financial security that they didn’t have growing up. It was nice to see that she finally broke out of her housewife mindset to realize her dreams and pursue a career in what she truly loved doing.

I only realized after I read this, that it is the second in a series. It didn’t hinder my enjoyment of this novel though it would have given me more background on her family and sister Mel, who the first book is based on. I will definitely be adding the first book to my TBR. I liked that this novel had a realistic point of view on living ‘Happily Ever After’ with ‘Prince Charming'; real life is not always a fairy tale and ‘Prince Charming’ can turn out to be someone that you barely like, let alone respect. Throughout her journey of self-discovery, it was beautiful to see how friends can rally together to tackle issues and come out on top, successful in their attempts to make their lives better.

My Rating: 4/5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with A Review Copy in exchange for an honest review!