
Forward the Hunt, by Lotus Oakes

melaniebopp's review

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You know, I wasn't sure about this one, a human falling for a dragon that his people hunt? How will our main character see the dragon as anything but an animal? But I was pleasantly surprised in how the author arranged both their introduction, the main character's background and family history, and the story of how the hunts began in the first place.

Overall quite fabulously done. My favorite thus far from this author.

rikerandom's review

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While I liked the overall idea and story, I had several problems with this book:
- The style in the beginning was weird. At first I wasn't sure if maybe I was just having a bad day - my English is pretty good but it's not my native language and some days my brain just refuses to comprehend it - but after I finished the novel I went back to the beginning and still had the same feeling. During the first quarter of the book there were a bunch of phrases that just felt off and I had lots of difficulty to get into the story because the writing didn't really develop any kind of 'flow' until later.
- I would have wished for a bit more back story on the whole dragon society thing. Who are those masters? Do dragons grow with age or why are there small ones and big ones? Stuff like that. A lot was hinted at, some was told outright but I still felt like large chunks were missing

Still, I liked the story, I liked the characters, and I really enjoyed the growth of the protagonist and the kind of journey of self discovery and realisation he had to go through.