
Remembrance by Michelle Madow

jlove731's review

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Remembrance is the type of book that I just sigh of happiness when I'm done reading. It's a quick, completely captivating read that I found hard to put down.

We start off with Elizabeth, or Lizzie, who has a good boyfriend, a good best friend, and an overall good life. It all gets turned upside down when she meets New York new boy, Drew Carmichael. She instantly feels connected to him and him to her. But, there are complications and things that Liz has no idea about. Will these two be able to figure out the past and get a second chance? Or will the past remain the past?

I truly enjoyed everything about this book. I thought the dialogue was fantastic, the pace moved perfectly, the romance completely charming, and the whole story brilliant. The story deals with fate, second chances, and reincarnation. And, I completely believe in it all. I 100% believe in second chances. Plus, have you ever seen someone at a mall or a beach and just thought you somehow felt connected to them? Or met someone for the first time and instantly felt like you knew them all your life? I have before. And it makes you stop and think to yourself... could you have existed in a past life? Did you know them before? I love believing in mysterious things such as this and Remembrance touches on this subject beautifully.

Each aspect of Liz I found myself connecting with and enjoying; I love that she sketches. Drawing is something I've always adored doing. I also think Liz has a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. She's smart about what she does and how she accomplishes it and I really admired her for it. I also found myself really liking Jeremy in a way... though I'm not completely sure why yet. I just kept feeling that his intentions were good and he seems like the type of guy that I'd go after. And finally, Drew. Drew is the swoon-worthy, adorable guy that you can't help but fall for. The things he does to try to protect himself and Liz, his little twirks when he slipped up... I adored. Especially his "note" for Liz... I melted at that part. I just loved him.

Overall, I found this book a quick and a completely enjoyable read. I've seen a lot of mixed reviews for this one and I'm not sure why. See, when I read a book that makes me smile and unable to put down, it's instantly a win for me. So personally, I cannot wait to read the next installment... though I'm afraid of Chelsea... I'm sure I'll love it.

littlefoot10's review against another edition

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Wow, I love Michelle's writing! This book was beyond amazing. I love the whole reincarnation plot, the themes of Pride and Prejudices and the parallels. I sympathized with Drew and how conflicted he was with everything, I loved Jeremy and how possessive he was (he made such a great character). Michelle writes characters that you can always relate to and see yourself in. This time around Lizzie hates winter, even though the current place that she resides has winter about 9 months out of the year (I feel like this applies to my life situation). I enjoyed how complex each character was, and how developed they became in this short novel. I am super duper excited to see where the future takes them! W00t!

radiansreads's review against another edition

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I don't usually write my own summary but it seemed necessary to do so for this book.

My summary:

Liz was, as we all know, reincarnated into the 21st century. She leads a normal life which consists of a flirty friend named Chelsea and a shaky long time relationship with Jeremy. Okay, maybe not so normal after all. All was well until Romeo came - with a new name: Drew - and got Liz's attention and heart almost immediately. And so their adventure begins. Again.

I'm sure many of you've heard of Taylor swift, right? Remember her song 'Love Story', the one about Romeo & Juliet song back in 2009? Well, Remembrance is based on the song and music video, or so I've heard.

I admit I read this book solely because of that statement. Of course when I read the blurb, I was even more intrigued. I wanted to know how the song would be like in words and with a real plot.

I had expected the book to be like a description of some sort of Love Story. That's where I was wrong. Remembrance was, in many ways, not what I had expected. At all. That itself made it more enjoyable. The storyline was twisted to make the book refreshing and not too predictable.

I loved the characters as well. It was understandable for Liz to go to Drew in the end because her relationship with Jeremy was shaky enough almost to the point nonexistent. Drew was the typical hot-and-cold guy yet there was something different in his personality that made him different from most guys. Maybe it was because he was only trying to protect Liz from experiencing the pain of betrayal and the danger that came after. After all, he thought not being with Liz could prevent it from happening. I also liked how there's a memory guide to help Liz understand her past better.

The twist at the ending was brilliant! I didn't even see it coming. I think it gave off a hint on what the second book would be about. I'm guessing that it would focus on Chelsea and Jeremy.

I liked how Remembrance was like a sequel of Love Story. While Love Story focused more into the past, Remembrance focused on the present instead. I think it sort of balances the story.

Remembrance was an amazing read, and I'll be looking forward to the second book, obviously.

Remembrance is about reincarnation, betrayal, true love, destiny, fate and friendship.

amy_inthecatacombs's review against another edition

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Lizzie is currently dating Jeremy, a soccer player. When she gets to school, there’s a new student Drew Carmichael. Lizzie is drawn to Drew and stares at him more than she should, especially since she has a boyfriend. It turns out that Chelsea likes him, so Lizzie knows she needs to stop feeling this way towards Drew.

She has AP French this year, but she’s definitely struggling with it. Drew offers to tutor her in French, yet soon acts hot and cold around her. Chelsea starts to date Drew, but it seems that Lizzie knows Drew a lot more than Chelsea does. He often treats Lizzie like a jerk, but can be sweet. Lizzie tries to stay away. On top of all that, she’s drawn pictures of herself in beautiful gowns and has feelings that she met Drew before.

I really liked the story, but it has what is turning to be one of my biggest pet peeves: the main guy acting like a jerk because he is trying to save the heroine. Okay, being reserved is one thing, but there are moments in this book where Drew says pretty hurtful things to Lizzie.

I think Lizzie just might be a jerk magnet. I couldn’t stand some of the comments Jeremy made. Drew wasn’t always a jerk, and it is explained why he acted the way it did. It still doesn’t excuse it.

Most of this book was based in the present and had only a few, short moments about the past. I do like contemporary books more, but I would have liked more flash back moments. This is still a great read, and I like the author drew inspiration from Taylor Swift’s Love Story (My mom’s favorite song by her). It’s funny how inspiration can suddenly hit us.

The next book, Vengeance, definitely seems like it’s going to be a big game changer. Can’t wait!

sorensenss's review against another edition

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I found Remembrance charming, and knowing that Michelle Madow was inspired to right the novel by Taylor Swift's 'Love Story', a bit in love with it right away. Throughout the book you'll find small references to other Taylor Swift songs as well, such as 'Our Song'.

One fault that I had with Remembrance, is that I sometimes felt the plot was being stretched out further then it needed to be to leave room for a sequel. The plot of 'I'm in love with my best friend's boyfriend' has been told often enough to be a cliché, and while cheering for Lizzie to get her man, I really just wanted them to get on with it already. While the primary trio felt very real, the secondary characters sometimes fell to the wayside, and I really got frustrated with everyone continually pushing Lizzie with Jeremy. Despite all this however, I found the 'reincarnated' story-line to be really interesting, and soaked up the story being told of our hero and heroine's past.

rachaelkline's review

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Got a little corny here and there, but it was a good, quick mindless read

ellentje1997's review

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Free book? Okay, let's give it a try.
Damn, am I happy I gave this book a shot. Finished it in one day.
[b:Remembrance|12177772|Remembrance (Transcend Time, #1)|Michelle Madow||17142254] is [a:Michelle Madow|5028484|Michelle Madow|]'s first book. If this was her first book, I'm getting really excited for the series she wrote after this one.
This book was quick and fun to read. I loved the characters and the concept of the story. A lot of things were discovered and I can't wait to know what happens next. What will happen with these characters? I think after this book, shit gets real. Trouble is coming, I can feel it.

katsmiao's review

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This book has one of the greatest covers I've ever seen. I absolutely adore it. I also really liked the description and was super excited to read this.

I was a little disappointed by the book though. The writing was good, but the pace was a little slow. And I didn't really connect with the main character. She was just mainly not that nice of a person, so I didn't really root for her that much.

overall, a good book.

danicapage's review

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I really enjoyed this book. I had heard a lot of good things before going into this one so I was excited to see if it would live up to my expectations. I think it fell slightly underneath them, but that's only because they were so high in the first place.

This book is cute and incredibly written.

jenner33's review

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The book is easy to read and follows a simple but interesting storyline. It did have one twist I didn’t expect but overall it is fairly predictable.