
Roman and Jewel by Dana L. Davis

marenkae's review against another edition

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um maybe 2.5. i'm sorry but this wasn't good :(

bbridges1993's review

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I am in love with this book. This book is a Romeo and Juliet retelling, but with a twist. This is a hip-hopera of Romeo and Juliet where this is a Broadway show of two individuals named Roman and Jewel who see each other and fall in love. It’s pretty much love at first sight. Now with the hip-hopera Roman and Jewel meet and soon realize that they have reincarnated and realized that they have loved each for centuries. Now the two people who play these two amazing characters is Jerzie Jhames and Zeppelin Reid. Jerzi loved everything Broadway and had auditioned for the show, but she was offered as the understudy of Jewel and the person that got the part was a famous r&b singer named Cinny. Though the only reason why she got the part in the first place is because she is famous and that with her in the show it would get publicity. Then we have Zeppelin Reid who got the part as Roman. Zeppelin is a compelling character who notices Jerzie and soon Jerzie notices him and they fall in love with each other. Now there is definitely more to the story, but I do not want to spoil you. But the teenage romance in this book is so cute and I do not to read it again.

moonbites's review

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3.5 ⭐️

I almost didn't pick this up because of the synopsis. I tend to not really like stories about famous people or stories revolving around acting and such. But, I decided to give this a try anyways because I had been intrigued by the cover and the obvious ode to Romeo & Juliet. In the end I liked it more than I thought. Going into it with low expectations was probably a good thing.

I liked our main characters, especially Jerzie. I also liked our antagonist of the story and felt like everyone had layers. I also actually enjoyed the Broadway references and I think it boiled down to the fact that Jerzie's passion was infectious, because I am not a big musicals/Broadway person. Seeing everything through Jerzie's point of view was so fun and fresh. She had this super positive outlook and was vivacious.

Though there were things in here that were predictable and cliché, it is also a YA book. So, I can give it some passes for being very insta-love and having a plot that is fairly linear. I am trying to be better about viewing books from the lens of the intended audience. I have in the past rated a book lower because of the insta-love aspect, but if the chemistry is there then I am reassessing my stance on it. Jerzie and Zeppelin had plenty of cute moments in here and though as an adult you know it's just instant attraction (not love), they were still cute.

The only reason this isn't a higher rating or a solid four instead of 3.5 is because there was some things that didn't sit quite right with me even when I suspended some of my belief. There were times it felt like a teen book, but then had moments where you could just tell this was written by an adult and I don't know if a teen would connect with it. That happened a handful of times, otherwise it was an enjoyable read and I liked it more than I thought I would.

extraordinarystardust's review

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I was SO LUCKY to read an eARC of Roman and Jewel.

This book was absolutely delightful. It was such an easy read and made me so happy. Every character is so exuberant and unique. The banter was one of my favourite parts and Jerzie’s inner monologue made me laugh out loud so many times.

My number one piece of advice is to not read the synopsis at all and trust me. It’s a Romeo and Juliet retelling about a Broadway Romeo and Juliet retelling. It’s fun, tense, mysterious, hilarious, and full of angst.

This YA contemporary Romeo and Juliet retelling is perfect for anyone looking for a book to drag you out of a slump!

Overall I’m giving it 4.5 stars the ending felt a tad rushed and I wish we got to see more. I loved every page and I hope everyone reads this when it comes out!! January 2021!!

natcommon's review

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Thank you to NetGalley for give me an ARC of this book for my honest review.

First of all, I am not the target audience for this book. I understand this but I overall feel like I didn't get the book I was promised. As a theatre kid, I enjoyed the musical references and seeing the few rehersals shown. But we mostly got an underdeveloped romance and drama. I also feel like the author put too many Harry Potter references for no reason and explained too much most of the time, but didn't explain when it was needed. Example: she explained that Jerize's aunt's brother is her dad, but did not explain what a CD (as in Certificate of Deposit) where I feel like teens will know the dad thing much more than what a CD is.

Overall, I would recemmond this to teens in my libary who like these sorts of books (like The Sun is Also a Star or even the Selection) but not to everyone.

(Mild spoilers ahead)

This book was very frustrating to read starting around the 40% mark. The instalove was very real, the romance problematic and everything was just a catty mess. I would have just given it a 3 and say it was just not for me, but it got further away from the musical aspect and more into a sorta love triangle, intellectual property theft and arrest.

imdunn's review

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This book wasn't my favorite. I absolutely loved all of the Broadway scenes, and most of my favorite scenes took place at the rehearsals, or when the characters were talking about why they liked theatre. However, I felt that these scenes were undercut by the overdramatic love triangle and irrational behavior of most of the main characters. If they could just talk to one another and be honest, things would have been much easier, but unfortunately, this was not the case. Overall, there were aspects of this book that I liked and others that I did not. I don't regret reading it, but it isn't something that I would like to do again.

bak8382's review

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This is a YA contemporary retelling of [b:Romeo and Juliet|18135|Romeo and Juliet|William Shakespeare||3349450]. First, I loved the premise of it being a Broadway musical, and all the musical theatre references, and not just the ones that anyone would know. I also liked how key moments from the original were brought in: balcony scene, Jerzie worrying about Zeppelin being dead, and having Jerzie's family turn against him. What I didn't love was how quickly and intensely Jerzie and Zeppelin fall for each other, but at the same time I think it does stay true to the characters of Romeo and Juliet. Just because it wasn't for me doesn't mean it didn't fit the story. That being said I don't know the original that well so I can't speak to just how well Jerzie and Zeppelin's entire story stuck to it (though their fates are definitely different from the original), but it hit all the right beats for me. I also thought Cinny's turn around was a little rushed and hard to believe, but once again maybe that relates to something in the original? It was still a quick, fun read.

kbranfield's review against another edition

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4.5 stars.

Roman and Jewell by Dana L. Davis is a captivating young adult novel.

Sixteen year old Jerzie Jones is excited about the prospect of starring in the Broadway retelling of Romeo and Juliet, Roman and Jewell. Needless to say, she is disappointed to be cast as the stand by for Cinny, who will be Jewell. Jerzie's parents have always supported their daughter's dream, so she is staying for the summer in New York with her Aunt Karla.

Things are looking up at rehearsal after Jerzie meets Zeppelin Reid, a rising star cast as Roman. Tension ensues when Cinny makes it clear that Jerzie needs to stay away from Zeppelin. But when she stands in for Cinny during practice, Jerzie and Zeppelin shine as Roman and Jewell. Their practice video goes viral and Jerzie is shocked to learn that Zepplin would very much like a real life romance with her.  Will Jerzie follow her heart or will she heed Cinny's warning?

Jerzie loves all things Broadway and she is willing to put in the necessary work in order to achieve her goals.  But she is still a teenager so she can be a little angsty at times. Jerzie has a good head on her shoulders and she does not rebel against her parents' efforts to keep their daughter safe. Her relationship with Aunt Karla is absolutely wonderful and they share many laugh out loud scenes together.

Zeppelin is fantastic boyfriend material. He is respectful and tries to keep Jerzie from making stupid mistakes.  Although Roman and Jewell is his first role, he is extremely talented. Zeppelin is a bit mysterious but once Jerzie accidentally learns about his past, he is willing to answer her questions.  They are a super cute couple but will their fledgling romance survive in the aftermath of an unexpected discovery?

Roman and Jewell is an engrossing young adult novel.  The storyline is fast-paced and engaging. The characters are well-developed and likable.  Despite a bit of an insta-love vibe,  Jerzie and Zeppelin's romance is fun to watch unfold. With late in the story conflict, Dana L. Davis brings this charming young adult novel to a marvelous conclusion.  I highly recommend this wonderful novel to teenage and adult readers.

popthebutterfly's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I received an e-arc of this book. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Roman and Jewel

Author: Dana L. Davis

Book Series: Standalone

Rating: 4/5

Diversity: Black main character and side characters

Recommended For...: contemporary lovers, ya readers

Publication Date: January 5, 2021

Genre: YA Contemporary

Recommended Age: 16+ (romance, drug usage, slight language)

Publisher: Inkyard Press

Pages: 336

Synopsis: Jerzie Jhames will do anything to land the lead role in Broadway's hottest new show, Roman and Jewel, a Romeo and Juliet inspired hip-hopera featuring a diverse cast and modern twists on the play. But her hopes are crushed when she learns mega-star Cinny won the lead...and Jerzie is her understudy.

Falling for male lead Zeppelin Reid is a terrible idea--especially once Jerzie learns Cinny wants him for herself. Star-crossed love always ends badly. But when a video of Jerzie and Zepp practicing goes viral and the entire world weighs in on who should play Jewel, Jerzie learns that while the price of fame is high, friendship, family, and love are priceless.

Review: For the most part, this book was fun! I loved the way the story was told and how hard this book hooks you from beginning to end. The book has some good character development for most of the characters and the book also has some well done world building. The book also sounds like something a teen would write, which I think is key to YA books.

However, I really wish that the author put more of the musical in the book. The book could have been so much better with the musical aspects in it and I wanted so bad to see it in there. I also thought the love interest was very insufferable and I wanted to yeet him from the book. I didn’t like the redemption arc the villain got, it was a bit too short for my liking, and I didn’t like the instalove trope.

Verdict: Highly recommend!!

_kit_'s review against another edition

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I received a free ARC of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
This novel shined brightest when it was focusing on the MC's love of Broadway, or drawing correlations between Romeo & Juliet/Roman & Jewel's fated relationship with Jerzie & Zeppelin's. The concept for the Roman & Jewel script and the glimpses into its plot that we see are beautiful and I really wish we got to see more, perhaps a little bit at the beginning of each chapter. The pieces where we see the parallels between the musical and Jerzie & Zep are the most beautiful prose in the book. Even as someone with only a passing knowledge of musicals, the love of theater in this story is infectious. The admiration and budding mentorship that Jerzie grows with the Lin Manuel Miranda-like writer Robert Christian Ruiz is really precious and I would have loved to have seen even more of that. Jerzie and Zep have a very cute relationship and it is enjoyable to read their conversations together where see them being playful or nerdy. However, the insta-love on this one is very hardcore which is never the most realistic trope. There are also some times where we see personality traits pop up in Zeppelin or Jerzie to be used as plot devices and then they get dropped without ever being fully utilized. For example, Zeppelin's over-protectiveness which in turn makes Jerzie stubborn and act out which caused one quarrel and then was never mentioned again. Cinny also had a bit of a hasty half-redemption arc. It was a quick book to breeze through and it was cute, I just feel like it had the potential to be so much more if the author had taken that leap and dove deeper.