
Fatal Heir by L.C. Ireland, L.C. Hamilton

arthistorygirl's review

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Fatal Heir by L.C. Ireland is a fantasy/paranormal adventure. The story follows a young man who thought he understood his destiny to find out he was wrong. Everything he has known in his life is just a small bit to a puzzle. We follow him and his companions on a quest to change the world that they know.
The development of the characters are good and I enjoyed reading about Don's adventures but also watching him grow and develop as a person. He is naive and inexperienced in the beginning but learns he has a strength and knowledge that he did not know that he possessed. His companions also are interesting and grow as well throughout the story.
I enjoyed the story because it was not the same story line that I have read a million times. This story had some twists to some parts of the plot that made it new and different. Also the land that they are a part of is well described and can be imagined easily. I will be going back and reading the second book in this series to see where the story goes.

bwagner's review

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Fetal Heir by LC Ireland is a fantasy story that has a little bit of everything in it including action, suspense and some mystery. This is my first story by this author and I can't wait to read more of her! I enjoyed her writing style such that she pulls you in from the very beginning. Her attention to details make you feel like you are right there with the characters. Her characters are creative and connectable. They will take you on some twist and turns that you won't want to miss or put down. They will take you on a journey that you will just get lost in. Donald Baines is not your normal everyday child. He sees ghosts. The problem is no one believes him nor do they believe that he has someone following him and saving his life. Years later he is arrested for crimes he didn't do but what will happen when he finds out the truth about himself? What will he do when he finds out that he is a long lost heir to the throne of Aldrin. But the problem he has is that Aldrin is full of the dead. The current king is determined Don not take his rightful place. Don is determined to save the future of his people but will he find what he needs from his past? You will never see what is lurking behind every corner that you encounter in this story. There are many characters in this story but they each have a role that keep this story flowing. I felt kind of bad for Don in parts because he got so frustrated and was confused about who he really was. He is a strong character that knows he is not crazy but seems to know how to get things done. He was connectable and had a way about him that you couldn't help but like. I can't wait to see what happens next! I highly recommend this story as I know you will want to see what happens when you see dead people and then find out you are not who you think you are.

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review

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Here’s a fast paced fantasy adventure like no other I have read! Usually I don’t like stories with hard to pronounce names but L.C. Ireland gave these characters’ nicknames, making this story flow much easier! (at least for me!)

The story starts simple enough, a father sharing stories of the “boogey man” or as he called them, the undead. All in order or in hopes of, keeping his children in line. What that family doesn’t know is how true those stories are going to become, especially for the son, Don. Don can already see ghosts, so hearing his father’s stories puts him on edge.

Fatal Heir is filled with danger, mystery and wonder, with Don at the center of it all. Don, who we come to know as Izayik, or Izzy (see what I was saying about the name thing  ), learns that everything is not what it seems. He learns who to trust and what is real. He also learns to trust himself. With the help from some friends he should be able to save his people.

This is my first book by Ireland and hopefully won’t be my last. I am looking forward to reading more from this talented author. You won’t be sorry when you choose to read this book.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

Fatal Heir is the first book in the Fatal series by L.C Ireland. It is a wonderful fantasy- which is full of action, adventure, magic, a little drama, and some funny moments. I loved this story- after reading the blurb I was intrigued but wasn’t sure if the author would be able to pull it off- I am so glad that I took a chance on this book because it not only lived up to the blurb, it eclipsed any and all of my expectations.
I followed Don as his story unfolded. This was a journey of discovery for him on many levels- his world, his life, and himself. I was completely engrossed, devouring the pages, sitting on the edge of my seat getting hit with twists and unexpected developments.
The story is really well written, with fully developed and quirky characters. There is a lot more to this story than first meets the eye, and I loved every word. This is a story of good vs evil with a great message woven through it. I am excited to see what Ms. Ireland has in store for us next!
I really recommend this incredible tale, I am sure you will love it just as much as I did!

Thank You, Ms. Ireland!

jennadb's review

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Fatal Heir is the first book in the Fatal series by L.C. Ireland and is a fantasy paranormal story and an enjoyable read. This is the first book I've read by this author and I found her writing style easy and interesting characters as she took me into another world. This story has lots of mystery and suspense with lots of twists and turns. The characters were great and they will take you on an adventure with twist and turns here and there.

This story is about Don a young man whose life is suddenly turn upside down. Upon finding himself in trouble he finds out that he is not who he thought he was. When faced with evil he wants to put a stop to it and tries to make things right. Will he be able to stop the evil taking over the world? Will he be lured into the evil that haunts him? Will he find out exactly who he is?

If you like a good paranormal fantasy story the I recommend you read this book.