
Vexed by a Viscount by Erin Knightley

brokenrecord's review

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4.5 stars. I really loved this! Normally I tend to avoid novellas since I normally prefer my romances to be developed more slowly than the length of a novella will allow, but I got really sucked into the romance here. I definitely identified with Prudence and how she was trying to stop being so obedient and start taking some risks. I really loved how Ash also sympathized with her and tried to help her with her tasks. And they were just super cute together! My only complaint is that
Spoilerthe resolution of Ash’s engagement felt REALLY rushed. Like, I loved that he went and actually asked his fiancee if she wanted to marry him after seeing Prudence go through an unwanted engagement and broke it off with her before anything happened between him and Prudence, but at the same time, since we didn’t even get to see that scene from his perspective, it did seem to be taken care of really easily.
But that was really a minor complaint — overall, I just thought this was really lovely!

naduah82's review

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**I received a copy from Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. **

So after reading some pretty heavy stuff I was in need of a light romance, Vexed By A Viscount was just what I needed! It's a pretty quick read, I started it Saturday night and was finished by Sunday night. Since this was a novella this will be a pretty short review, enjoy!

Prudence has always followed the rules and has done what's been expected of her from her parents and from society. She's to be married off to Squire Jefferies in a fortnight, she decides to make a list of rules to break before she's to be married.

In comes Ash, he discovered Prudence skinny dipping in his pond, and decided to help her check off her list. It all starts off innocent enough, until Prudence & Ash start unexpectedly falling for each other. If you are looking for a light, feel-good romance then this book is for you!

Favorite scene: A moonlit waltz barefoot under the stars.

I will definitely be reading more books from this author!!

weruintooeasy's review against another edition

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i really really liked this! my only real problem with it is that it was a novella and not a full length novel. i wish we could have spent more time with prudence and ashby because their interactions were so lovely! but what we got was also really great and surprisingly the romance didn't feel too rushed which is usually what keeps me from enjoying novellas, it probably helps that this was more of a "we've known each other all our lives but never had the chance to really get to know each other until now and now that we have i think your pretty great" dynamic and not them as completely strangers meeting for the first time.

anyway, i very much enjoyed this! after countless books this past couple of weeks of asshole male leads, it was nice to get a dude who was pleasant and nice and also actually self-aware! more of those dudes please!