
Noah by Niko Henrichon, Darren Aronofsky, Ari Handel

globosdepensamiento's review against another edition

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Last Friday, April 4, marked the theatrical release of a story of
bad omens, apocalyptic visions, floating corpses, and water, water, water…

Terrible dreams of death and destruction inhabit the mind of our protagonist. This is the story of NOAH, by Darren Aronofsky & Ari Handel.

Before we begin, I would like to point out that, despite being an atheist myself, neither will I get into religious issues here nor judge anyone’s beliefs. However, I will refer to this story as the myth of Noah. I hope no one takes this as an offense since, fortunately, in my (short) life I have never met a Christian with enough faith to accept the Old Testament as reality and/or History. The stories collected in it can be traced back to several centuries before the creation of the monotheistic religions and comprise a varied collage of African, Asian and Eastern European mythological tales from beyond Egypt to India.

But focusing on the adaptation of the text, director Darren Aronofsky and screenwriter (and neuroscientist) Ari Handel presented us the apocalyptic story of biblical proportions that we all know, while filling in the “gaps” that the Old Testament left open and adding other nuances of their own.

One of the main peculiarities that displays the reinvention of the myth is that the writers practice a double play around the contextualization of the story: we all know that the original text refers to a remote past, virtually linked to the origins of civilization, but this adaptation leaves open, very subtly, the possibility that we are witnessing an apocalyptic future where Humanity, having caused its virtual self-destruction, it’s been relegated to abandon technology and anything that departs from energies more advanced than the heat of the sun.

As I say, the references are subtle and may be overlooked, but from some constructions with steampunk touches, to the fact that we speak of a world where the rain stopped to pour so long ago (see the caption for the first picture), it invites us to think of a post-nuclear planet Earth. Thus, we could be talking about a subtext in which the writers denouncing wars and global warming —although, again, very subtle.

Another twist to the original myth introduced by Aronofsky and Handel, which would fall within what I have described as “fill in the gaps” of the biblical tale, refers to how could Noah and his family perform the titanic task of creating an ark which would fit all existing species of animals. And since the answer is not “With patience”, I recommend you to skip this and the next paragraph if you don’t want to read a SPOILER: it was with the help of fallen angels who, in their descent from heaven, lost their wings, burned upon entering in Earth’s atmosphere, and turned into some kind of six-armed golems.

Of course, these characters offer multiple mechanisms to delve into the world presented to us, to help explain further what became of the rest of the human beings as they watched Noah build his ark. The initial reason for the angels’ descent was to help men become better, to evolve (to bring them the fire, if we were talking about the Greek myth of Prometheus), but they applied their teachings for hunting and war, and ended up confronting them. In fact, apart from Noah’s family, humans are represented in constant conflicts and acts of violence, with the Flood precisely starting during a great battle. This approach emphasizes the idea of intentionality on the part of the writers to establish parallelisms with today’s world.

The second part of the book, corresponding to the third and fourth original volumes, sets a change of scenery as the Flood has already taken and the family is taking care of the animals while floating adrift in an endless sea. This is where, by reduction of their living space, the story lends itself to more reflection and the resolution of family issues and moral conflicts already seeded in previous episodes: the boundaries between faith and madness are diluted in Noah’s mind; we face extinction of the human species from a questionable point of view; a twist is planted on the possible role and importance of the protagonist’s family… All while the tension keeps growing inside the ark.

And if this script, as you have seen, is well developed and has multiple layers, the work of Niko Henrichon in the artistic section is equally brilliant. Firstly, we should forget minor details such as the difficulty to distinguish some characters by their faces (even if they are father and son), especially in the final stretch. Everything else is spectacular and appropriate to the tone proposed by the writers: the visions, the oneiric passages, the landscapes, the expressiveness of the characters, the level of detail in certain settings, the design of buildings, clothing and contextualising elements… Absolutely everything is exquisite in the art of Henrichon and he himself already justifies the reading of this book.

A remake of the myth of Noah that, a priori, did not appeal to me at all in its film adaptation but, thanks to an interesting creative work of its writers, this book ended up convincing me to knock at the door of the box office this weekend. The visuals will probably pale compared with Niko Henrichon pencils and colors, but all the subtext proposed by Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel is quite attractive, at least if they were allowed to take it to the end product of the film.

Be it through the pages of Henrichon or the frames of Aronofsky, Noah is a work of art that will not leave you indifferent.

[Originally published in Revering Comic Books]

bmurray153's review against another edition

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An unconventional retelling of the biblical classic, "Noah" develops the rather simple story by adding characters, plot, and elements of fantasy and science fiction. Does it work? Yeah, kind of. Some of the inserted action feels a bit ridiculous. The dialogue and narration can at best meditative, but at worse clunky and awkward. But nonetheless, Aronofsky has some grand philosophical statements on the potential of humanity, illustrated by the breath taking artwork. It doesn't always have the best execution, but the creativity and development added to this rather short biblical tale makes it much more entertaining and thought provoking than it has even been.

itshamada's review against another edition

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The Art was Divine.
The story had a lot more space here than the film, Since it did not have to adhere to the conventional Movie structure so this meant that Tubel-cain did not have to fight noah at the same time as Ila's birth, this meant that both chapters got more space and time than the film.
Thankful for that because I did not see the point in Tubel-Cain being there till the end in the movie Whiles here this plot ended in the perfect time, I always felt that Tubel-Cain is there to influence Ham, To show us that Ham is good and hurt. and his Story is my favorite here because he had a lot of Character Unlike Shem.

n8duke's review against another edition

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olivia_piepmeier's review against another edition

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I don't think I would have read this if I didn't have ComiXology Unlimited. The art is cool, but I just don't think it's something I would have sought out otherwise.

I'm not totally familiar with the story of Noah and the Ark from the Bible, but if all Bible stories were told like this then I'd pay more attention. It's a fairly quick read that uses many silent panels to speed up fight scenes. Perhaps a more through knowledge of the Bible would have made more sense in some of the scenes (Noah's grandfather in the mountain?), though I do think it strayed from the original source material.

nightxade's review

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This is a graphic novel adaptation of the recent film, which stars Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly and Emma Watson. (Side note: the book has a distinctly indigenous peoples look and feel to it, which is not the vibe I got in watching the previews and considering the cast. But I digress….)

Based on the biblical tale of Noah and his vision from the Creator of the world’s destruction by water, Noah, after some struggles with the depraved locals, builds an ark to survive the pending storm, with the help of the Watchers, fallen angels who are seeking redemption.

As the movie trailer suggests, there is a lot of action in this reworked tale, but Darren Aronofsky gives us the added bonus of an internally conflicted Noah who wants to annihilate the human race completely. Or something like that. His digression into a raving lunatic comes across as forced and, well, not particularly of the sense making. Hopefully this is portrayed better in the film.

I did like the artwork and the minimal dialogue used to tell the story. However, when the dialogue does pop up, along with some sparse narrative boxes and the occasional bible quote to point out the obvious of what Noah is doing right now, it almost made me wish there was no text at all.