
Ember by Rachel Van Dyken

rachwithers's review

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I have to say Phoenix's book may be my FAVOURITE out of all the books. Rachel Van Dyken you are one talented author! If you know the series you'll remember the time when Phoenix tried to force himself on Trace, back then I knew he was getting his own book and I wondered how the hell he would redeem himself. I was actually dreading reading this book. Thankfully his character really did redeem himself, obviously it was not an easy road and sometimes I felt like everyone was against him but then again knowing what he did I couldn't blame them. This is a novel for readers who can appreciate unlikeable characters; readers who don't have to like someone to achieve a certain level of understanding of them and their circumstances. People are not born evil... so what makes them that way? What torments a man so much that he refuses to believe he has any worth? Pheonix was not created to be liked or to earn your forgiveness.Rachel simply tells his story from the abusive and unloved childhood he endured, to his obsession with the only person alive who showed him any real kindness and light.He's story seriously broke my heart. This is one of those books that will stay with you long after you have read it. Incredibly heart-wrenching and powerful at the same time.

“You are everything that's beautiful and pure in this world, and you deserve so much better than this life, than what any of us have to offer. Than what I have to offer.”

foxy_roxy's review

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I want this so badly!! Like now!

babblingchatterreads's review

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The life Phoenix De Lange has gone through is so ugly that it is no wonder he is so screwed up when it comes to matters of the heart. The poor man had me wanting to comfort him and let him see that there is more to him than what he has already lived and experienced.

Bee Cappo is the girl that Phoenix is hired to watch over her while she attends school. As they grow close the need to be around her increases but steps back when he remembers his pass. Afraid to hurt anyone else again especially the girl he feels a connection to.

If I was completely honest, she terrified me. I’d been numb for so long that even her touch was like getting burned. My entire body flared to life, and then I was suddenly reminded of what happened when I was with a woman.

Bee is no angel herself. She is pushing Phoenix in ways that make him uncomfortable and just wants to be the one for him but will the truth of his history change her mind and ultimately push him away?

I had the pleasure of meeting this author at a signing event but this is the first book and series that I have read from her and it entailed a setting where I am new to the Mafia family and its world. The 4 stars read had many twisted and sick situations that shocked me which in turn surprisingly got me hooked on the story of Phoenix and Bee. Their story was one not to take lightly and it had moments where I was cringing in hopes for a positive outcome. A great start for me into the Eagle Elite series.

jaime_fiction_fangirl's review

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I'm not sure how she did it but Rachel Van Dyken managed to take one of the most hated characters in this series and somehow redeem him so much that he easily has become my favorite of the Elect. I'm actually a little disturbed by the fact that I am able to forgive and forget what Phoenix did in the past. I was hoping that the redemption for him came from the fact that what we knew about him was somehow not true or misunderstood. I wasn't so lucky and frankly I'm still a little shaken that I have been able to get over it.
As much as I learned to love Phoenix in this book, I think that the real star is Bee and the strength she showed in having the ability to forgive him. To be able to show him that he was worth more than he thought, that someone believed in him as the person he is now, rather than the person he worried about turning back into.
This was a true story of redemption, forgiveness and healing. Keeping with the formula that makes this series so amazing, it was also dark, disturbing and completely unpredictable. Just when you think that you have everything figured out, RVD throws in yet another twist that leaves you questioning everything you thought you knew. Yet, somehow, you'll find yourself smiling and laughing and wondering how this group of mafia leaders, family and friends could seem so laid-back, happy and full of life. This series is a must read!!

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

heatherjane86's review

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Oh my. This series just keeps getting better. Bee is the perfect match for him. Seeing Phoenix learn to love was beautiful.

paddlefoot55's review

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4.5 searing stars

It's been a while since I have been back in the world of Elite and the 5 families.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Phoenix after what we had seen of him in previous books.

But boy oh boy does Ms Van Dyken do the man justice. My heart ached for him as we got to learn more of the man inside.

And enter Bee, Tex the Cappo's sister. She brings a lightheartedness to Phoenix that you would never think you would see.

I loved the humour amonst the families and friends - yes, they are mafia but they are young and that shines through a lot.

Now straight onto Elude - oh Sergio what are we going to do with you/

meegzreads's review

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*5 Stars*

Um, wow. If you had told me when I started this series, that I wouldn't hold such horrible thoughts towards Phoenix by the end (or in this case, a few books later), I would have told you that you were wrong.

RVD sure has turned that around. Whilst Phoenix has a horrible abusive past, we really get to understand it this book, given that it is his turn for his story. Man oh man. The feels he gives you. The struggles he has. I really enjoyed reading this one.

Bee is a really likeable character that's had a very sheltered life and is really trying to find herself and be happy. She sure doesn't give up on Phoenix either. Their connection was great.

I loved this book, as with all the others I've read so far in this series. There were a bunch of shocks in here that I didn't expect as well. What a page turner. Can't wait to continue onto the next book!

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jbenando's review

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WOW!!!! This book KILLED me!!! Holy heck!!! AMAZING!!!

How does Rachel make me cry so much in a mafia book?? HOW!?!?! I knew Phoenix would have a great story, but I had no idea how heartbreaking it would be. I think she broke my heart, from the very first page, chiseled at it a few times, dumped salt on it for a while, and then finally decided to fix it, almost at the very end. My nerves were all twisted up.

Phoenix's life wasn't easy, by any stretch of the imagination. He born of a monster and brought up to be a monster. He deserves nothing good. He is evil. But then she shows up and is determined to prove to him that the past can't change her feelings for him. But he can't let it go.

"You are everything that's beautiful and pure in this world, and you deserve so much better than this life, than what any of us have to offer. Than what I have to offer."

Bee has been alone all her life. She's lived with an evil father who would've let horrible things happen to her, until Phoenix came in and defended her. He was he only friend. She needed him. She wanted him. She loves him. But how can make him realize that? No matter what she does He keeps pushing her away. Light and dark can never be together.

Sometimes watching Bee love Phoenix so much, and having him dismiss her, was painful to see. She just wants to be wanted, but he is there as her protector, nothing else. Day after day he turns her down, but she is very determined.

"The best thing you can do is love him from afar."

"But I want to love him close." I choked on the words. "I want to save him, I can do it, I know I can, if he just tried.."

"It slices me open to say this, Bee, but Phoenix," her eyes filled with tears. "He's beyond saving."

This is a story about redemption, forgiveness of others and oneself, and of course, love. No matter how dark your past is, no matter how much hurt you caused, there is a way to redeem yourself. You just have to find the right people to help you achieve it, and accept that you are worthy of it.