
The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family by Dan Savage

maryvarn's review

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Must read for anyone who is, was, or thinks they might someday be, in a long term relationship, regardless of their sexual orientation. Dan Savage is hilarious and smart as always. I can't speak to the book's ability to convince homophobes that gay marriage should be legal, since it was preaching to the choir with me. I will say though that anyone who reads this and isn't at least a little bit moved must have tinfoil for a heart.

jkn303's review

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Hilarious book with some good food for thought.

suttonaw's review

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This is a really thought-provoking book, not just on the subject of same-sex marriage, but in terms of marriage in general.

trayceebee's review against another edition

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A friend of mine recommended this book to me, warning me that it's FILLED with the author saying "the 'f' word." She knows me well enough to know that doesn't bother me in the slightest--I think it was more a case of her wanting me to be proud of her for getting through all the swears! :)

I absolutely loved this book. I really enjoy memoirs, and Dan Savage speaks my language (including the abundance of 'f' words!). I found it interesting to hear his take on why or why not same sex couples should get married, why he and HIS partner, in particular, should or should not get married, and what his mother, his siblings, his & his partner's son, and everyone else in the world has to say on the topic!

I think it's fair to say this book is meant to be read & enjoyed by those who are more liberal-minded, i.e. those who are supportive of our LGBTQA members of the community. However, I also feel that it would be a good read for those members of the conservative crowd who are maybe curious about same sex marriages or maybe who just need to have a little reassurance about why "breeders" (heterosexuals) should marry, as well. (Or, as the case may be, SHOULD NOT marry.)

There's also a lot of talk about tattoos, with an emphasis on whether or not to get a loved one's name tattooed on your body. (Hint: not a good idea.)

I truly enjoyed this book, and I'm going to really try to find the time to listen to Savage Love more frequently (Dan Savage's advice column, via podcast).

lavoiture's review

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More like 3.5 stars. Some of it was really interesting, but overall, I thought it was just meh.

creads4love's review

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This was a fantastic book. Jeremy and I got engaged this summer and started reading it together as a way to think about what getting married meant - something Dan and his partner grapple with throughout the book. He uses humor and historical context to frame this issue very well, keeping us entertained and engaged (pun intended).

ericbuscemi's review

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Dan Savage's new show, Savage U, which premiered last night, is what prompted me to read his memoirs when I did. Having long been a fan of his "Savage Love" column, I was glad to see him get his own show, and was curious to learn a bit more about him and how he got where he is. It was a very interesting read.

I have to figure if I was reading a physical copy of this book, I wouldn't have almost done this, but since I read it on my Kindle, I figure the following warning will help others avoid the mistake I almost made: There is a fake ending 85% of the way through the book, so make sure you push past this "ending" and the about the author page, where there are two more chapters of his story.

barbarianlibarian's review

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entertaining yet balanced look at the institution of marriage. sadly still relevant on the gay marriage front even though it was written like 7 years ago. the audio book reader was good, but i would have rather had the author read it!

_justlillian_'s review

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Not what I was expecting, but a great read nonetheless. Savage's comedic approach to arguing for gay marriage is both fun to read and thought-provoking. Whatever your beliefs on (gay or straight) marriage, this is a fantastic book for reexamining your definitions and reasonings.

readerpants's review

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Fast and readable. It's a shame he's such a douche.