karingforbooks's review

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Very tongue in cheek, loved the trivia and playlists. Easy to read, quick. Super educational and informational and I appreciate she provides a way to help chapter at the end, rather than just info-dumping. Love the diversity of all the species as well.

alpho's review

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A valiant effort at mixing prurient interest in the weird sex lives of the ocean with an earnest environmental message to protect the ocean. But while most nature books of this nature either leave the we must protect our planet to a chapter at the end or make it the topic of the book, this mixed both in every chapter in a not particularly smooth mixture. Maybe if the tone of the rest of the book had been a little less tee hee and a little more serious, the save our oceans theme would have been more smoothly integrated. Or if the it had been just as tee hee but separated out the serious business save our planet out at the end, it could have worked. But as is, it was frustrating. Interesting information - I particularly liked the bone-eating worms - but not well-written.