
Secrets of PEACE by T.A. Hernandez

mehsi's review

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I received this book from BBNYA/The Write Reads in exchange for a rating/score/possible review.

Short review to come when I feel up to it.

sallashelves's review

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Full Review:

Despite a little clumsy beginning the book really picked up some pace and rushed to the end. And the ending promised a lot more to come in the future of the PEACE Project.

avoraciousreader68's review against another edition

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Book source ~ BBNYA

After a global war the PEACE Project was formed. Protect, Enforce, Advance, Control, and Eliminate are the rules to live by. Zira has been raised in the E-2 program and after she makes a rookie mistake the Chairman pairs her with Jared, a skilled operative who usually works alone. They get off to a rocky start, but things smooth out. Until Zira has a solo mission go tits up. Then her world falls apart.

This starts off a bit slow and it took me a little while to get all the specifics, but once I sorted everything out the world came into focus. Zira and Jared hit it off kind of fast for my liking, but it’s a stressful situation, so maybe it’s possible. The fact that they are in a relationship plays a big part at the end of the book though. The characters aren’t as fleshed out as I’d prefer, but maybe they grow over time. The plot is a common dystopian trope, but it’s executed decently. I’m curious to see how it plays out over the series. 


r_j_setser's review

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Thrilling from the beginning, Secrets of PEACE is a book perfect for fans of assassination plots and secret agencies.

The action starts off from the very first chapter and really doesn't slow down as we follow Zira and Jared from mission to mission. Both characters are well developed and unique in their personalities. I really like Zira's spunky attitude and could actually find a lot in common with her and everyone's need to remind her "how tiny she is". Jared is a likable character as well and though he and Zira are a cute couple, I did feel like their romance was a little rushed.

The story most definitely leans towards the violent side of things, after all, they are assassins, but it's not overly gory. Morals aren't taught to the members of PEACE, so the concept of killing because she's ordered to is second nature to her; only when her mission goes amis does she ponder whether what she is doing is morally just or not.

There was no language nor was there any sexual content (other than a few minorly detailed kisses). So overall, I was really pleased with this clean, action-packed novel and look forward to book 2! I give it 4 out of 5 stars! 

I received this book from the author for the purpose of this review. All comments and opinions are entirely my own.

This is a Review.

xephtastic's review

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I finished this book in a day. I think that, in itself, speaks volumes.*

I found that I didn't want to stop reading. I would have read it in a single sitting, were it not for life things (i.e. work, food). Secrets of PEACE is a story about assassins and war, but it's also about (not to sound cheesy) love, and friendship, and confronting truths. What I loved most about this book was the way it introduced me to the character's 'normal world', and, piece by piece, unraveled everything the protagonist (Zira) thought she knew. I had a blast following her story, and I look forward to seeing how it continues in the next installment!

T.A. Hernandez has crafted an incredible story, and I am thoroughly impressed with how she has handled the weighty task of writing and completing a novel. Secrets of PEACE is her debut novel, and she has absolutely nailed it. The characters are engaging, the pacing is excellent, I was emotionally invested within the first chapter or two. Her focus on complex character relationships adds depth and relatable human emotions that make the story feel real, and true. This book did not disappoint, and I recommend that you get your hands on a copy (like, right NOW!)

If you enjoy stories about assassins, dystopian futures, and challenging values, this book is for you! Find yourself immersed in a fast-paced, action-packed adventure, sure to leave you wanting more!

*Unintentional book pun? ;)

ejfisch's review

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I'm in kind of a unique position when reviewing this book because I had the opportunity to read it way back in its infancy. Comparing what it was then to what it has become now would compel me to rate it 5 stars right off the bat. The amount of care and dedication that has been put into this book alone makes it worth reading.

The story starts out, naturally, by introducing us to Zira, a skilled but inexperienced assassin for the PEACE Project. The Project represents the main governing entity in this relatively-dystopian setting, and its structure is really clever. Members of Unit P (Protect) are essentially the police, while Unit E-1 (Enforce) maintains law and order, both inside and outside the Project. Unit A (Advance) specializes in the development of new technology, medicines, and scientific methods for creating a superior society. Unit C (Control) ensures that all citizens are treated equal in regards to the distribution of resources and labor. Zira herself is a member of Unit E-2 (Eliminate), a group of elite soldiers responsible for wiping out threats to peace.

But sometimes the line between peace and PEACE is a hazy one.

After being partnered with another E-2 operative named Jared, Zira finally begins to feel like she's found her place within the Project, and she learns what it means to care about someone and have them care for her in return. But when a mission goes wrong and new information about the Project comes to light, Zira begins to question everything -- and everyone -- she has ever known and done while in their employ.

Above all, this is a story about loyalty and inner conflict. Both Zira and Jared are fiercely loyal to the Project; it's their way of life and the only thing they've ever known. Anyone who thinks differently is a traitor. A rebel. One of the very people their unit is usually responsible for eliminating. Zira knows that second-guessing the Project and its role in society puts her in danger of becoming a target herself.

Follow all the characters as they reflect on newly-revealed truths, struggle with impossible decisions, and try to figure out where their allegiances lie. With a strong core group of characters and a lovable supporting cast, Secrets of PEACE takes you on an emotional journey that will leave you thinking.