
This Soldier's Heart: an anthology by Allana Kephart

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

This Soldier’s Heart Is a collection of stories from 10 talented authors. The nine stories that make up this anthology are all original to their author/s, but all revolve around the same theme- that being Valentine’s day with a military focus. We experience love, loss, emotion, determination, doubt, lust- and much more. There are both stories and poems to enjoy within these pages- each one is a very quick and easy- making for entertaining and engaging reading! There is something here to suit everyone!
The Anthology contains:

Be Mine By: Becky Elizabeth

The anthology is off to a great start with this poem about the strength of love- an enduring and unbreakable love.
Well written.

Beautiful Trauma By: Allana Kephart

True love never dies!
It’s Valentine’s Day and Bridgette is on leave from the military, so she decides that a night on the town is in order. She carries a heavy emotional burden and so she is determined to make the most of her time off, have a great night out, and push all her troubles aside. So what happens when a down-on-his-luck author ends up rescuing her from a bit of a predicament? They only have a week before she’s due overseas again. What happens when her leave is cut short with urgent orders from her commanding officer?
Ms. Kephart has a poetic style to her writing which was so easy to read. There were a few flashbacks which help to fill in some backstory. There’s a lot to like about this story!

A Tagged Valentine (A Tagged Soldiers Short Story) By: Sam Destiny

This is a story about two characters from Ms. Destiny’s Tagged Soldier's series, Jazz and Tessa. We get to experience their first Valentine’s day together- one they won’t ever forget.
I wish I had read the rest of the series before I started this story. Even though you don’t need to have read the series in order to enjoy this novella, I wanted to know more about them and what they’d been through before. I guess I will be doing some extra reading now…
This was romantic, sweet, touching, and just a little spicy.

This Soldier’s Heart By: Bella Sterling

This is a poem of love and longing. How even though they are miles apart he carries her kiss and love in his heart… A lover thinking and longing for the one who holds his heart.
Well done

A Soldier’s enchantment By: C.M Lehsten

This delightful story is set in Austria in 1945, towards the end of the second world war. It is an original story with action, emotion, adventure, magic, romance, prophecy, bloodshed, destiny, and endearing characters.
Ida has been tasked with keeping her families precious Grimoire out of the clutches of the Reich. She awaits the events that were told in a prophecy many years earlier- where bloodshed, victories, and losses would unfold- and where she will finally unite with her soulmate. But will the war destroy their chances before they’ve even met?
Such a sweet, well written, and intriguing story with so many special little touches that captivated me from the very first page. Ms. Lehsten packs a lot into a small space, and the story felt like a much longer novel (in a good way). Ms. Lehsten’s attention to detail and beautifully descriptive style painted such a vivid picture, I was transported through time and space, into the Austrian countryside- experiencing the story right alongside the characters. My favourite of this anthology! 5 Stars!

Never Knew Goodbye By: Jamie Summer

This is one of my favourites of this anthology. It’ a story of service, responsibility, friendship, love, loss, heartbreak, time and tide, and acceptance.
Amber’s life changes the instant she stops to help a man with his injured dog. Friendship forms, which soon leads to love. But what happens when duty calls? Discover all the intriguing details for yourself by grabbing a copy and diving in! It is well worth the read!

Restless By: Arielle Adams

A love poem, of a lover thinking of their beloved. A lot of heart and soul packed into a few paragraphs. Emotive!

A Soldier’s Sunset By: C.L Foster & E.R Rada

This is a fantastic wounded warrior story with friendship, rehabilitation, recovery, healing, friendship, determination, support, funny banter, camaraderie, self-worth, and connection. The story has great character growth and development and I would love to read a longer, more in-depth version of this book.
Darren was injured when an IED exploded as the convoy he was in drove past. He’s a survivor, who is coming to terms with his disability and all the adjustments that he’s had to make. He feels ‘broken’, and thinks maybe it’s easier to just give up. But with the help of his rehabilitation therapist at the VA, he begins to make progress. A friendship is formed- which ends up helping them both through some troubling times. I really want to read more of this story, and find out what happens next for Darren and Alex.

Shut Up and Kiss Me By: Lissa Lynn Thomas

This story starts off as a college romance, where we meet high school sweethearts Jo and Cash. There are a few bumps along the way as they both have different ideas about their journey after graduation. Cash has always dreamed of joining the military and intends to sign up right after graduation- Jo thinks that’s a bad idea and worries about what might happen. Will Cash Follow his dream? Will that cause an irreparable rift in their already strained relationship? Or will love win out in the end?
A romantic story with a dash of spice, and unexpected surprises. A fun story!

Thank you to all the contributing authors!