
Back to Reality by Danielle Allen

dlhill216's review

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Whew! That was one wild roller coaster ride! Danielle managed to blow me away again! Sahara had a rough go of things in this book, but in the end, I think she ended up right where she was supposed to be. Plenty of drama in this book to make you not want to put it down:)

steel_city_peach's review

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After completing two books in this series, Sahara has to be one of the most annoying characters I’ve ever encountered. She had this horrible self-deprecating attitude. She felt guilty about every single thing. She cried nonstop for two books. She even cried in her sleep! Her nonsense killed the vibe for me. The story was just okay for me outside of her crybaby antics. I didn’t care for the ending, but I’m committed to finishing the series.

dpd's review

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[bc:Back to Reality|18745238|Back to Reality (Back to Life #2)|Danielle Allen||26627246] ARC received in return for an honest review.

This is a great series and I thoroughly enjoyed reading both books. In the first book we are introduced to all the Sahara meets and falls for Tyree Barker. When she then comes face to face with her past love later you know that things are just going to get messy.

This book picks up where Back to Life ended. The mess that is Sahara's love life shows no signs of calming down any time soon. As Sahara tries in vain to do the right thing for all those that she loves, it only compounds on her own hurt and inevitably does not make anything better for those she is trying to protect.

Again, Sahara finds herself running from her problems, only this time she is quick to realise this won't work this time around. Too much has changed. She has changed. So she decides to meet her problems head on.

I found myself wanting to slap some sense into Sahara. She was always too-ing and fro-ing and didn't have a clear idea about who or what she wanted. Just when she thought she had made that choice, BANG, something else came up and pulled the rug from under her feet. She wasn't the only character that made me mad, I would find myself getting annoyed with Ty and Emanuel. I like when you get a book that makes you feel connected with the characters, that they stir a whole variety of emotions within you whilst you are reading it. Sometimes I would find myself thinking that Sahara was weak, but then as the story progressed you could see how strong she was and despite the weaker moments, she was fiercely strong and it took her a while to see just how strong she actually was. I felt like I took every step with her on that road of self discovery.

[a:Danielle Allen|6523680|Danielle Allen|] did a really good job of painting a vivid picture of everything so clearly, you could almost envisage yourself standing off to the side and watching events unfold before you. No part of the book was rushed and right up to the end you were left wondering who she would choose. I thought I knew who I wanted her to be with in Back to Life, but as that story unfolded, I found myself changing my mind with Sahara. It was the same in Back to Reality. I couldn't make up my mind who she should choose, but in the end I was happy with the choice she made.

Feeling like you have witnessed events take place, feeling like you share the confusion Sahara had surrounding both Ty and Emanuel, feeling the pain that everyone felt throughout the story was fantastic. Danielle Allen pulls you in and you have no choice but to ride the story out and before you know it the words 'The End' appear on your screen. I read both these books in one sitting and loved them both. If I was to have criticism it would be the continual perfect tune popping on the ipod everytime it was switched on. That said it is only a minor bug bear and could not detract from my overall enjoyment of the books.

booksuperpower's review

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Back to Reality by Danielle Allen was just released this week- December 2013. I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Back to Reality is the follow up novel to Back to Life. This book picks up right where the first one left off.
It seems that Sahara can't catch a break. She was finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel when BAM! she gets blindsided. So, now Sahara is right back in the same hole she was before. Emmanuelle or Tyree?
After Sahara reacts to tragedy and pressure the same way she always has, both men are at their wits end with her. Thankfully, Sahara seeks counseling. She meets another young man at the hospital and for the first time, Sahara feels capable of having a friend. But, even here things are not all they appear to be.

Meanwhile, Sahara's best friend and Manny's sister, Emily, is getting married!
While this is exciting and Emily is getting to live her dream out, Sahara is once more on the verge of finding peace, until ..... you guessed it- another bombshell.
So, once again Sahara finds herself in limbo. She still can't think things out or find that elusive peace she so longs for until she has the forgiveness she needs from the men in her life.
Thankfully, she makes progress through her therapy in dealing with the past and is able to begin to find closure in those areas of her life. If only her love life would work itself out!!

As with any love triangle, people reading the book will naturally chose a side. It's pretty much unavoidable. I also chose sides, but not until I got about half way through this book. While some may judge Sahara for being indecisive, I understood her completely. She did actually love both men. She also felt things so deeply and had internalized things for so long, she didn't know any other way to cope. But, of course she will really pick one of these guys and for me, although I had the inevitable mixed feelings, I was super happy with the ending.
I strongly recommend that you read the first book so you really understand the characters and why they do the things they do.

Danielle did a great job bringing deeply wounded and flawed characters to a place of hope and healing , back to life and to reality. A really uplifting ending no matter whose team you were cheering for.
Overall this one is an A.

I would like to invite everyone to check out the book release party going one this week for Back to Reality. The blog tours will be going all this week through 12/8/13. Check out my blog post on the 8th at
WARNING: ADULTS ONLY! These guys are HOT! HOT! HOT! Don't miss it!