
Frenchman Street by Suzanne Johnson

bunnerz's review

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Ratings - completed series:
#1 Royal Street: ★★★★☆
#2 River Road: ★★★★☆
#3 Elysian Fields: ★★★★☆
#4 Pirate's Alley: ★★★★☆
#5 Belle Chasse: ★★★★☆
#6 Frenchman Street (this book): ★★★★☆

brokebybooks's review

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I received this book for free from Bewitching Blog Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.I can't believe today is really day. I'm posting my review for the last book in the Sentinel of New Orleans series, Frenchman Street. Appropriate, given I found this series through a blog tour. A bittersweet day for me but a great opportunity for you! Check out all the deets below and enter the Amazon giveaway at the bottom!


About Frenchman Street:


About the Author:


Excerpt from Frenchman Street:

IMHO: Frenchman Street

This'll seem rather pathetic, but it's SO HARD to review SPOILER FREE. But here ya go:

Everything has built up to this book and it delivers. It's a HEAFN that fits the whole perfectly.

DJ is a solidly flawed character, not overpowered or oversexualized. She starts as a young woman just working to make a different and pay her bills who wound up romancing her new co-worker. She's been through a lot, but she makes it through and did right by her people and city.

Classism and the system aren't glossed over. I wish I could say the same about the racial factors around the city, but I'm not a person authority on that topic anyways.

She's surrounded by a host of different supernatural creatures with their own mythology for the Sentinel series. It's mostly men TBH, but Frenchman Street sees a resurgence of women that are all kick ass in their own ways.

  • So much action and ~drama~focusing on the lead up and the showdown. Adorable epilogue.

  • We get to see unicorns and dragons!

  • DJ's romantic life is straightened out

  • Character progression all around

  • Loose ends are tied up, nothing gets missed or left out IIRC

  • I didn't feel like anything was too convenient or obvious

  • Deaths aren't random tokens or taken as blase

I am super glad I've been able to read this whole series and be apart of promoting it. Check out the first book Royal Street on Goodreads if you're new to the series!

See my previous post for Book 5:

Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: Belle Chasse by Suzanne Johnson


Giveaway Graphic

1 Grand Prize: $50 Amazon gift card

5 $10 Amazon gift cards

Open internationally. For international winners, equivalent order from Book Depository can be substituted if desired.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This review was originally posted on The Layaway Dragon