
Meanwhile by Jason Shiga

cortjstr's review

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A visual take on the Choose Your Own Adventure genre. A bit gimmicky but quite neat. The panels that are impossible to reach without cheating are a nice touch.

kidclamp's review

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If you liked (or still like) Choose Your Own Adventure books, you have to check this one out. It's a choose your own adventure in graphic novel form, and I couldn't put it down until I had made it through to every ending.

It starts off with a simple choice, vanilla or chocolate ice cream but then branches off into wild directions when you meet a scientist with a time machine, a psychic helmet, and a machine that ends all life on the planet. Each choice branches you off onto a different path, sometimes throwing you into situations you can't escape, and often looping you through the same time periods over and over.

The drawings are fairly simplistic, and the paradoxes can be a bit hard to swallow, but the overall effect is great and I hope the author has at least one more of these up his sleeve (and also, how can you ever dislike a book featuring a giant squid?)

cstoeger's review

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The book starts with a simple question. "Vanilla or chocolate" ice cream?

_readingqueerly_'s review

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The possibilities of this book are insane. Sometimes Id get glances of other options and would go out of my way to figure out how to get to them.
I was upset at what happened when you chose vanilla though.

blackerbird's review

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I cannot figure this book out. I think the concept is so fun and unique, but it just makes absolutely no sense to me.

librariandest's review

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An awesome Choose Your Own Adventure for the 21st Century. You follow Jimmy, a regular kid, from an ice cream store to a mad scientist's lab. The comic book panels are connected by tubes that branch off when you have to make a decision for Jimmy. You can follow hundreds, nay thousands, of different paths. When I first picked this up, I was lost in it for hours. The story gets into theories of quantum physics and time travel. It kind of blew my mind. This may not be for every kid, but those who love it will reeeeeeally love it.

asimilarkite's review

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Holy awesome. I always felt kind of meh about choose your own adventure books (there are only so many storylines that end in certain death and still keep me interested), but this is way. way. cooler. Ever read a choose your own adventure comic book? Especially one with 3,856 possible path possibilities? With multiple storylines that run on the same page and secret hidden pages that can only be accessed with a code? In fact, I feel kind of weird saying that I've "read" this book, seeing as I probably only experienced 10 or 12 of the 3,856 story possibilities -- but this book is more like an interactive experience than a book.

I hope I can pull of using this in a middle school book club this summer, because, as I've said multiple times in this review ---- holy. awesome.

rachelhelps's review

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This is a choose-your-own adventure graphic novel with tabs instead of page numbers! It even feels a little like a video game, because you can figure out how to get further in the story with using the time machine and other tools.

The story itself is kind of time-travelly loopy (so, cool in a kind of hurt your brain kind of way), and the art is kind of "meh" to me. But the layout and all the various endings are awesome. Glad to have this one in my ergodic literature library! :-)

emilybryk's review

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There's a lot here to like -- the idea of a choose-your-own-adventure comic book is pretty attractive, and I still think there would be great things to do with this and a classroom full of kids learning about writing and sequencing.

But the story itself? I can take or leave it. Despite the meticulous working-out-of-things that a structure like this one requires, a lot of options gave me a feeling of wheel-spinning.

msmo's review

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clever and original. i would play with it all day except that i have work to do and really, i should return it to the shelves so that the kids could check it out. it's genius. i have a new crush...