
Sonora Review 72 by Samuel Rafael Barber

margaret_adams's review

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A great lit mag.


Periphylla, and Other Deep Ocean Attractions fiction by Garrett Ashley
I would prefer to write about my life at the Deep Sea Atrium. But in order to help confront the issues of my childhood, Tia suggested I write about my problem with thieving, instead. I told her I don't have a problem with thieving, I have a problem with being a college dropout. I have a problem with the lonely-necked zebra fish getting too thin and unattractive to the guests, with the elbows of vampire squid losing their patented bioluminescence. I have a problem with reintroducing myself at the end of the day to television flashes, dumb jokes, the people above us stomping, Tia's food, her tastes in music, her papers and clothes on the floor, sometimes Tia by the coffee table stretching, giving me that look, like where have you been?--what are we doing? I have a problem with being told I've not done anything with my life, that I could do something with my life if I wanted to because I'm interesting and smart, when in fact I've felt happy with my job situation for quite some time.

The Inventory nonfiction by Sam Brighton
This calmness and quiet, here with Amy K, I loved it there. Maybe this was the story of our beginning. As our sober days ticked by, she would unfold into some genius writing books that change the way we think about things. I could get back into writing stories. We could park our desks next to each other in our living room, and we'd go for walks after dinner and type all evening and then spoon all night and discuss our discoveries. We would sponsor people from the halfway house, host the poker nights, bring the newcomers over for dinner and teach them to cook. We would make our lives about do-goodery and service, and we would repay the universe for our old sins. Being with her, next to her, felt better than alcohol.

To Brianna with L nonfiction by Carrie Kosicki

Down Those Back Roads poem by Isabelle Shepherd

Lesson from Claudia Emerson or Moth Bodycount by Kathleen Blackburn

Cigarettes by Andrew Porter